pic-leddrvr2 / leddrvr2.asm
;;; Copyright (c) 2002, TundraWare Inc., All Rights Reserved
;;; Program to drive homemade LED display board
;;; $Id: leddrvr2.asm,v 2.4 2002/05/02 19:25:21 tundra Exp tundra $

	        list            p=16F84A
		include		<P16F84A.INC>

        errorlevel      -302		;suppress bank selection messages
        __config        3ff1h		;xt osc, WDT off
        __idlocs        1234
;;; Device Constants

tmr2	equ	00H			; TMR0 prescaler constants
tmr4	equ	01H
tmr8	equ	02H
tmr16	equ	03H
tmr32	equ	04H
tmr64	equ	05H
tmr128	equ	06H
tmr256	equ	07H

;;; Circuit Constants

num_led		equ	8		; total number of LEDs
led_clk		equ	0		; bit used to clock led selection
led_dat		equ	1		; bit used for led selection data
led_strobe	equ	2
led_ctrl	equ	PORTA		; intf to LED control shift registers

;;; Program Contants

;;; TMR0 related stuff
;;; With a 4MHz clock, the basic cycle type is 1/4 this or 1us.
;;; The TMR0 interrupt interrupt interval is thus:
;;;	1us * prescaler factor * tmr0_count

;;; TMR0 interrupt every 1ms

interval	equ	D'250'		; basic (TMR0 interval/4) in us
tmr0_count	equ	D'256'-interval	; set for 250us interrupt interval
tmr0_pre	equ	tmr4	  	; prescaler factor

;;; wait delays:   delay time = value(s) below * TMR0 interrupt rate

count_delay	equ	D'5'		; 5ms delay between counts

;;; Register File Assignments
		_fsr			; context save area

		dsply_val:(num_led/2)	; array of values to display
					; 2 LEDs per byte

		current_led		; currently displayed LED
                                        ; 0 <= current_led < num_led

		led_seg			; segment to illuminate
		led_sel			; led selection pattern

		wait_count		; time delay counter variable
		temp			; temp storage during calculation


;;; Power-On Entry Point

		org	00H

		goto	main


;;; Interrupt Handler

		org	04H

		movwf	_w		; save context
		movfw	STATUS
		bcf	STATUS,RP1
		bcf	STATUS,RP0
		movwf	_status
		movfw	FSR
		movwf	_fsr
		movfw	PCLATH
		movwf	_pclath
		clrf	PCLATH

		; Figure out who interrupted and service it

		btfsc	INTCON,T0IF	; did we get a TMR0 interrupt?
		goto	svc_tmr0	; yup
		goto	restore_context	; nope

		; TMR0 ISR
		bcf	INTCON,T0IF	; clear the interrupt condition
		movlw	tmr0_count	; prime the counter
		movwf	TMR0
		clrf	INTCON		; Enable *just* this interrupt
		bsf	INTCON,T0IE	; to maintain timing accuracy

		; Update the wait timer if it is in use
		; Only do this on TMR0 interrupts so timing is predictable 

		movfw	wait_count
		btfss	STATUS,Z	; non-zero count means 'in use'
		decf	wait_count,F	; decrement current count
					; not in-use, fall through to next code

		call	display_led 	; then display it
		goto	restore_context	; goto here (instead of just falling
                                        ; through) allows other ISRs
                                        ; to later be added immediately
                                        ; following

		movfw	_pclath		; restore entry context
		movwf	PCLATH
		movfw	_fsr
		movwf	FSR
		movfw	_status
		movwf	STATUS
		swapf	_w,F		; get W back w/o changing Z flag
		swapf	_w,W
		retfie			; all done

;;; End of interrupt handler


;;; Main program logic

		call	init		; initialize the system
		call	incr_count
		movlw	count_delay
		call	wait		; slow down displayed count
		goto	run

;;; End of main logic


;;; Data & Tables

;;;  Hex Digit-to-Segment lookup table

hex_7seg	addwf	PCL,F
			DT		03fH	; 0
			DT		006H	; 1
			DT		05bH	; 2
			DT		04fH	; 3
			DT		066H	; 4
			DT		06dH	; 5
			DT		07dH	; 6
			DT		007H	; 7
			DT		07fH	; 8
			DT		067H	; 9
			DT		077H	; A
			DT		07cH	; B
			DT		058H	; C
			DT		05eH	; D
			DT		079H	; E
			DT		071H	; F

;;; Table used to translate LED position to equivalent led_sel
;;; bit pattern for that LED.  It is assumed that any routine using
;;; this table will properly preserve higher-order bits not needed for
;;; LED selection.

		addwf	PCL,F
		DT	01H		; LED0 == LSD
		DT	02H		; LED1
		DT	04H		; LED2
		DT	08H		; LED3
		DT	10H		; LED4
		DT	20H		; LED5
		DT	40H		; LED6
		DT	80H		; LED7

;;; End of 'led_lookup'	


;;; Supporting Subroutines

;;; Display LEDs, one per call, from MSD->LSD
;;; This effectively multiplexes across all the LEDs
;;; when called repeatedly.

		; compute and set the segments to display for this digit
		; this logic only works if 'num_led' is *even* !!!!

		movfw	current_led	; convert current_led into an
		movwf	FSR		; offset from base of display storage
		bcf	STATUS,C	; don't rotate C into calc below
		rrf	FSR,F		; /2 - two digits stored in each byte
		movlw	dsply_val	; base of array containing display vals
		addwf	FSR,F		; point to desired value
		movfw	INDF		; and get contents
		movwf	temp		; store temporarily
		btfsc	current_led,0	; even or odd nibble
		swapf	temp,F		; odd==hi nibble -> low nibble
		movfw	temp		; get it
		andlw	0fH		; mask off high nibble
		call	hex_7seg	; convert to equivalent seg pattern
		movwf	led_seg		; and save for shift out
		; select the corresponding LED
		movfw	current_led	; get the bit pattern that selects
		call	led_lookup	; desired LED
		movwf	led_sel		; and save for shift out

		; now shift the current control bits out and latch them

		call	led_wrt

		; determine next LED to display
		movfw	current_led	; get LED just displayed
		btfss	STATUS,Z	; was it the LSD?
		goto	set_next	; nope
		movlw	num_led		; yup, start again w/MSD
		movwf	current_led
		decf	current_led,F	; pickup next digit to right

 ;;; End of 'display_led'

;;; Shift the control bits in 'led_seg' and 'led_sel' into the
;;; LED controller shift registers.

		; first shift out LED select pattern LSB->MSB

		movlw	08H			; do this for all 8 bits
		bcf	led_ctrl,led_dat	; assume output 0
		btfss	led_sel,0
		goto	clk_sel			; shift out a 0
		bsf	led_ctrl,led_dat	; shift out a 1
		bsf	led_ctrl,led_clk	; clock it into the
		bcf	led_ctrl,led_clk	; shift register
		rrf	led_sel,F		; pickup the next bit
		addlw	-1			; decrement repeat count
		btfss	STATUS,Z
		goto	shift_sel

		; then shift out segment select pattern 'a'->'dp'

		movlw	08H			; do this for all 8 bits
		bcf	led_ctrl,led_dat	; assume output 0
		btfss	led_seg,0
		goto	clk_seg			; shift out a 0
		bsf	led_ctrl,led_dat	; shift out a 1
		bsf	led_ctrl,led_clk	; clock it into the
		bcf	led_ctrl,led_clk	; shift register
		rrf	led_seg,F		; pickup the next bit
		addlw	-1			; decrement repeat count
		btfss	STATUS,Z
		goto	shift_seg

		; now strobe to output latch

		bsf	led_ctrl,led_strobe	; propagate changes
		bcf	led_ctrl,led_strobe	; latch changes


;;; End of 'led_wrt'

;;; Increment current count by 1

		incfsz	dsply_val,F	; count up 8 digits worth
		incfsz	dsply_val+1,F
		incfsz	dsply_val+2,F
		incf	dsply_val+3,F

;;; End of 'incr_count'

;;; Kill time - Outer loop constant passed in W.

		movwf	wait_count	; this will be decremented in ISR
		movfw	wait_count	; get current count
		btfss	STATUS,Z	; see if we counted all the way down
		goto	loop		; not done, keep waiting
		return			; all done

;;; End of 'wait'

;;; Initialize hardware and software at startup as needed.
;;; Returns with register bank 0 selected.

		clrf	INTCON		; all interrupts off, flags cleared

		; setup control registers

		bsf	INTCON,T0IE	; unmask TMR0 interrupts
		bsf	STATUS,RP0	; select register bank 1   
		clrf    TRISA		; set PORTA to all outputs
		clrf	TRISB		; set PORTB to all outputs
		clrf	OPTION_REG	; TMR0 selected w/ internal clock
					; don't care about RBPU, INTEDG
		movlw	tmr0_pre	; set TMR0 prescaler value
		iorwf	OPTION_REG,F
		bcf     STATUS,RP0	; select register bank 0

		; setup program variables

		movlw	dsply_val	; initialize count storage to 0
		movwf	FSR		; this logic only works if
		movlw	num_led/2	; if 'num_led' is *even* !!!
		clrf	INDF		; zero the storage location
		addlw	-1		; decrement loop count
		btfsc	STATUS,Z	; when zero, we're done
		goto	prime_counter	; we're done
		incf	FSR,F		; point to next storage location
		goto	zero_count	; and do it again
		movlw	tmr0_count	; prime the counter
		movwf	TMR0
		movlw	num_led-1	; start displaying with MSD
		movwf	current_led

		bcf	led_ctrl,led_strobe ; initialize control bits
		bcf	led_ctrl,led_clk
		clrf	led_seg		; all segments off
		clrf	led_sel		; all LEDs off
		call	led_wrt		; write out the changes

		bsf	INTCON,GIE	; enable unmasked interrupts	

;;; End of 'init'

;;; EEPROM Contents
		org     2100h

		DE      "Copyright 2002, TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved."