| | **NAME** |
| | |
| | tbku - Table-driven backup script |
| | |
| | |
| | **SYNOPSIS** |
| | |
| | ``tbku allsets | [fileset] ...`` |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` is a utility script for producing "tarball" backups of |
| | some- or all of your files. It is useful both for producing |
| | incremental backups or for systemwide images or "snapshots". The |
| | script can be run either from the command line or, more typically, |
| | as a ``cron`` job to automate system backup tasks. |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` uses standard utilities common on Unix-like systems, like |
| | ``tar``, ``sed``, and ``uname``. It uses no other special or custom |
| | tools. For this reason, it is highly portable across many variants |
| | of these systems. |
| | |
| | The central benefit of using ``tbku`` over hand written ``tar`` |
| | commands is that ``tbku`` is "table driven". You specify the set |
| | of files to back up in a table (a separate file). You can have as |
| | many of these "filesets" as you wish, corresponding to different |
| | kinds of backups you want done. ``tbku`` will do backups |
| | automatically or manually, based on the name of the "fileset". This |
| | considerably simplifies automating backups, keeping backup logs, and |
| | generally maintaining an orderly backup environment. |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` was originally developed as a backup tool for FreeBSD |
| | servers. Since then, it has been updated to also work with SUSE |
| | Linux, both servers and desktops. ``tbku`` should work with little- |
| | or no modification on any other Unix-like system. For example, |
| | ``tbku`` will run without modification (other than default |
| | locations) in a ``cywgin`` environment under MS-Windows. |
| | |
| | |
| | **INSTALLING tbku** |
| | |
| | To use ``tbku``, all you have to do is install the file somewhere in |
| | your ``$PATH``. Typically, a good place for it is in |
| | ``/usr/local/bin``. Just make sure its permissions are 755 so all |
| | users will be able to use it. |
| | |
| | You may optionally want to put ``tbku.1.gz`` somewhere in your |
| | ``$MANPATH`` so this documentation will be available as a man page. |
| | |
| | There is also a ``tbku`` port for FreeBSD users that automates the |
| | installation and deinstallation of ``tbku``. This port can be found |
| | under ``/usr/ports/sysutils/tbku``. Once installed, all of the |
| | documentation for ``tbku`` (in a variety of formats) including the |
| | tool itself, the licensing terms, and the instructions for imaging |
| | systems with it, will be found in ``/usr/local/share/doc/tbku``. |
| | |
| | Once you've installed the program, you should verify that its |
| | default settings are to your liking. If not, you can override them |
| | via environment variables (described later in this document). For |
| | interactive use, make sure the environment variables you want to set |
| | are exported when you log in. If you're running ``tbku`` from a |
| | ``cron`` job, be sure to set the environment variables of interest |
| | in the ``crontab`` file. |
| | |
| | |
| | **USING tbku** |
| | |
| | **Using Filesets** |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` has to know just *what* you want backed up. You do |
| | this by creating a so-called *fileset* in the appropriate |
| | directory (default: ``$HOME/tbku/``). Filesets are just text |
| | files that list all the files and/or directories that are |
| | to be backed up together. For instance, suppose you had |
| | a fileset called ``manual.fileset.homedirs`` that contained |
| | just these three lines:: |
| | |
| | /root |
| | /home |
| | /usr/home |
| | |
| | If you now run this command:: |
| | |
| | tbku homedirs |
| | |
| | The files and/or contents of ``/root``, ``/home``, and ``/usr/home`` |
| | would be written to a tarball in the backup directory (default: |
| | ``/bku/``). By default, the resulting tarball's name has a long |
| | string of text that includes the machine name, system type, OS type, |
| | date, *and* the so-called *set name*. The "set name" is nothing |
| | more than the suffix of the name of the fileset used to produce the |
| | tarball, in this case, ``homedirs``. |
| | |
| | Additionally, you'll also find a log of the backup and "dot files" |
| | that tell you when the backup began and when it ended. Here's part |
| | of what you might see if you did an ``ls -a /bku``:: |
| | |
| | .mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-20080319-begin |
| | .mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-20080319-end |
| | mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-20080319.tar.gz |
| | mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-20080319.log |
| | |
| | The "dot files" don't actually contain any information, but their |
| | date/time stamps (you can see this with ``ls -al /bku``) will tell |
| | you when the backup began and ended. |
| | |
| | The log file contains a list of all the files that actually |
| | made it into the tarball. The log file also captures *the |
| | errors* encountered during a backup. This means that ``tbku`` |
| | is generally pretty quiet during a backup run. It scribbles |
| | any complaints it has into the log. So... you should check |
| | your logs regularly to make sure everything is working as |
| | expected. |
| | |
| | You can create as many different filesets as you like (for as many |
| | different kinds of backups as you need). So, for example, you may |
| | have one for the files you want backed up daily, another for weekly |
| | backups, another for taking a snapshot of the entire system, and so |
| | on. |
| | |
| | The *name* of a fileset can be used to change ``tbku`` behavior |
| | (described below). The *content* of a fileset file must conform |
| | to only a few rules: |
| | |
| | 1) Each line may contain the name of a *single* file or directory. |
| | You cannot place multiples of these on a single line. |
| | |
| | 2) Each entry should be *an absolute path*. That way, ``tar`` |
| | will be able to figure out what it is you want to back up. By |
| | default, most modern ``tar`` implementations will strip the |
| | leading ``/`` so your backup tarball will be relative to |
| | wherever you are when you restore from it. |
| | |
| | 3) There is no support for comments or other metadata inside a |
| | fileset. File- and directory names are the *only* thing |
| | that should ever be there. |
| | |
| | **Fileset Naming** |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` semantics (behavior) depend on how you've named your |
| | filesets. In general, a fileset should be named as follows:: |
| | |
| | auto.fileset.setname |
| | |
| | OR |
| | |
| | manual.fileset.setname |
| | |
| | Any fileset name that begins with "auto." will automatically be |
| | backed up when you run the script without arguments:: |
| | |
| | tbku |
| | |
| | If a fileset begins with something other than "auto.", you |
| | have to explicitly name the set on the command line for |
| | it to be backed up. Say we have only two filesets, ``manual.fileset.music`` |
| | and ``manual.fileset.docs``. Then:: |
| | |
| | tbku # Does nothing |
| | tbku music # Only backs up the manual.fileset.music fileset |
| | tbku music docs # Backs up both filesets |
| | |
| | The "setname" is used to uniquely name each backup tarball. |
| | |
| | Strictly speaking, ``tbku`` only cares about the "auto" string. |
| | Anything other than "auto" as a prefix in the fileset name, will |
| | cause the file to be seen as requiring manual invocation. Using |
| | "manual" is just a helpful convention. |
| | |
| | Similarly, you don't need the "fileset" in the middle of the |
| | filename, it's just a helpful convention. ``tbku`` only examines |
| | the prefix of the filename (up to the ".") to determine whether to |
| | do automatic backups. It uses the suffix (from the last "." to the |
| | end of the file name) to determine the set name. In fact, you |
| | don't even have to fully specify the set name, just any trailing |
| | substring:: |
| | |
| | tbku ic # Backs up manual.fileset.music |
| | |
| | While these little semantic subtleties may be interesting, you are |
| | strongly *discouraged* from using them, as they are not guaranteed |
| | to be preserved in future releases of ``tbku``. Stick to the |
| | conventions described above, and you should be fine. |
| | |
| | |
| | **The allsets Option** |
| | |
| | As you might guess, you can force *all* backup sets to be done |
| | regardless of whether they are marked as "auto" or "manual" |
| | by doing this:: |
| | |
| | tbku allsets |
| | |
| | The "allsets" argument must be the first argument on the command |
| | line, and anything following it will be ignored. In other words, |
| | only the form shown above is meaningful. |
| | |
| | **tbku: Nothing to do!** |
| | |
| | You may see ``tbku`` grumbling about having nothing to do. This |
| | happens under one of several circumstances: |
| | |
| | 1) You ran ``tbku`` without arguments, but there are no |
| | "auto" filesets defined. |
| | |
| | 2) You ran ``tbku`` with arguments, but no filesets with |
| | matching set names were found. |
| | |
| | 3) There are no filesets at all. |
| | |
| | **Autodeletion Of Old Backups** |
| | |
| | As shipped, ``tbku`` uniquely identifies each backup set based on |
| | machine name, OS, CPU architecture, set name, and, most importantly, |
| | date. If you've set it up to run as a cron job, over time you'll |
| | accumulate lots of older copies of backups. That's because each new |
| | day, the backup file name will change (since it includes the date). |
| | |
| | If you don't like this default behavior, change the ``TBKUDEL`` |
| | environment variable to be "YES". It must be *exactly* this string, |
| | all in upper case. Anything else will cause ``tbku`` to *not* |
| | autodelete old backups. This is intentional, to make it hard to |
| | accidentally enable this feature. |
| | |
| | Enabling this feature forces ``tbku`` to delete all older files |
| | associated with the selected set name. This includes the start/stop |
| | "dot" files, the log, and the backup tarball itself. In effect, |
| | this option forces ``tbku`` to only keep the most recent backup of |
| | each backup set. |
| | |
| | *Use this option with caution!* If you only keep the most recent |
| | copy of your backups in your backup directory, you may never be able |
| | to get to changes made days, weeks, or months prior. |
| | |
| | |
| | **IMAGING WITH tbku** |
| | |
| | It is possible to use ``tbku`` backups to completely (re)image a |
| | machine. The general idea is to have ``tbku`` produce a tarball of |
| | all the (relevant) files on the system you want to "clone". Then, |
| | you can dump that onto a newly prepared filesystem on the target |
| | machine. This is a handy (and relatively quick) way to recover a |
| | system after a hard drive failure or upgrade, for example. |
| | |
| | The ``tbku`` distribution contains separate documents that describe |
| | in detail how to image both FreeBSD and SUSE Linux systems. You can |
| | also read the documents on line at: |
| | |
| | http://www.tundraware.com/Software/tbku |
| | |
| | |
| | **CUSTOMIZING tbku** |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` is written to be "smart" enough to figure out where your |
| | system keeps needed tools like ``tar`` or ``sed``. The only |
| | requirement here is that ``tbku`` be run in an environment that can |
| | find the ``which`` command somewhere in its ``$PATH`` - ``tbku`` |
| | uses ``which`` to figure out just where everything it needs lives on |
| | your filesystem. If ``tbku`` cannot figure out where your system |
| | keeps things, it will use the FreeBSD default values. |
| | |
| | For most FreeBSD and Linux users, this should work without any |
| | customization beyond setting environment variables to override |
| | default behavior (described below). In rare circumstances, you may |
| | need further customization. All the things you're likely to ever |
| | want to change appear first in the actual ``tbku`` script, and are |
| | briefly documented there. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | You can override the various ``tbku`` defaults by setting a |
| | corresponding environment variable. |
| | |
| | |
| | ================= =============================== ========================= |
| | **Env. Variable** **Default Value** **Meaning** |
| | ----------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- |
| | TBKUDEL NO YES -> Delete old backups |
| | TBKUDIR /bku Where to write backups |
| | TBKUSETS $HOME/tbku Filesets found here |
| | TBKUTAPE /dev/sa0 Tape device (or file) |
| | ================= =============================== ========================= |
| | |
| | |
| | Examples:: |
| | |
| | export TBKUDIR=/mnt/backups # Backups written to /mnt/backups |
| | |
| | export TBKUNAME=JoeBackup # Backups named: JoeBackup-<setname> |
| | |
| | export TBKUSETS=/tbku # Looks for filesets in /tbku |
| | |
| | export TBKUTAPE-/tmp/faketape # Tape backups actually written to *file* |
| | |
| | export TBKUDEL="YES" # Autodelete old backups when starting a set |
| | |
| | |
| | **OTHER** |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` was originally designed for use by experienced |
| | systems administrators and users. As such, it does little |
| | or no error checking. If you define backup or fileset |
| | directories that are non-existent, for instance, you will |
| | get strange behavior. ``tbku`` *will* try to create the |
| | backup directory you've specified if it does not already |
| | exist, but this may not work if you're running as anything |
| | other than ``root`` user. |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` is intended to make it easier/more automatic to |
| | to backups. It is not, however, idiot-proof. There are |
| | some general backup guidelines you should observe: |
| | |
| | **NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER ... EVER**, trust a backup tool |
| | until you've confirmed that it is correctly producing backups |
| | **and** you can properly restore from them! |
| | |
| | Always keep multiple copies of your backups. If ``tbku`` is |
| | writing its backups to the same drive/system it runs on, **make |
| | sure you also keep a copy of those backups "off system"**. |
| | |
| | It's a pretty good idea to keep **multiple backup copies**, on |
| | **different media** (disk, tape, DVD, thumbdrive), in **different |
| | locations**. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | To get the latest version of 'tbku', go to: |
| | |
| | http://www.tundraware.com/Software/tbku |
| | |
| | For questions, comments, or other feedback, send email to: |
| | |
| | tbku@tundraware.com |
| | |
| | |
| | **AUTHOR** |
| | |
| | Tim Daneliuk, TundraWare Inc. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` is Copyright (c) 2004-2008, TundraWare Inc., Des Plaines, IL, USA |
| | |
| | There is no fee for using ``tbku`` either personally or commercially |
| | *so long as the terms of the tbku license are met*. Please read the |
| | ``tbku-license.txt`` file for a full explanation of the licensing |
| | terms. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | This document was produced using the very useful |
| | ``reStructuredText`` tools in the ``docutils`` package. For more |
| | information, see: |
| | |
| | http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html |
| | |
| | ``$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.111 2008/03/21 05:37:05 tundra Exp $`` |
| | |
| | |