Minor edits.
1 parent db1efc6 commit 18bf02ed673c5b8729c3e7f1eccfa9e9670f9aa3
@tundra tundra authored on 14 Mar 2008
Showing 1 changed file
now want to build a separate machine that is a database server.
Typically, you would initially install SUSE Linux with the
installation disk, configure the database and *then* create a system
image of your database server. However, this is kind of time
consuming (unless you already have an ``AutoYAST`` configuration ready to
go). It may be simpler to image the target machine with your web
consuming (unless you already have an ``AutoYAST`` configuration ready
to go). It may be simpler to image the target machine with your web
server image, boot it, reconfigure it as a database server, and then
take the image.
You can then edit the files found under ``/mnt``.
What Problems Can I Expect
What Problems Can I Expect?
So, you've decided to image a machine that is somehow different
than the original source of the image. Here's what you'll
possibly encounter:
disseminate this document without charge, so long as you do so without
modifying it in any way.
``$Id: Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt,v 1.114 2008/03/14 21:41:56 tundra Exp $``
``$Id: Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt,v 1.115 2008/03/14 22:30:40 tundra Exp $``