| | $Id: Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt,v 1.101 2008/03/11 17:25:34 tundra Exp $ |
| | |
| | How To Image FreeBSD Systems Using ``tbku`` |
| | ============================================== |
| | |
| | This document describes how to use the TundraWare Inc. ``tbku`` |
| | utility to "image" or "clone" FreeBSD systems. |
| | |
| | .. Warning:: |
| | |
| | What follows is a description of activities that can (and |
| | will) clobber the contents of a hard drive. Never do any |
| | of this until you understand what's going on fully. |
| | Obviously, you should have backups of whatever machine |
| | you're targeting so that if (when) you make a mistake, you |
| | can recover your data. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! If you |
| | proceed, you do so at your own risk ... and no, I will |
| | *not* come to your house and help you recover your hard |
| | drive. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Why Bother Imaging? |
| | =================== |
| | |
| | Suppose we need to build a new instance of a ``FreeBSD`` system. |
| | Perhaps we need to replace one that just had a hard drive failure. |
| | Maybe we want to build a new server that is based on our "standard" |
| | system configuration. In other words, we want to go from "bare metal" |
| | hardware to a fully running *and configured* system as quickly as |
| | possible. |
| | |
| | There are a number of commercial and open source solutions to this |
| | problem, but they all have one thing in common: We want to minimize |
| | the amount of manual labor needed to install, configure, and otherwise |
| | customize the final system. This is especially important in large |
| | data centers where it is impractical to manually (re)install each and |
| | every server, its applications, and its customization information. |
| | |
| | "Imaging" or "Cloning" allows us to keep a copy of the entire OS *as |
| | configured* - that means with all its applications and configuration |
| | options set up as desired. We then load or "Provision" a new hard |
| | drive with this image and *voila'*, "instant" running system. |
| | |
| | |
| | When Does Imaging NOT Make Sense? |
| | ================================= |
| | |
| | Imaging works best when the system you are targeting is very similar |
| | or identical to the system that made the image in the first place. |
| | For example, Imaging is a great way to restore a single machine from |
| | its own backups - say after a hard disk crash or upgrade. |
| | |
| | Imaging is more complex when the source of the image and the target |
| | machines are different. The more different they are, the harder it |
| | will be to get the image running on the new target machine. |
| | |
| | As a practical matter, production Data Centers tend to keep a separate |
| | restore image around *for each different system variant*. So, for |
| | example, you might find a separate image for IBM web servers, IBM |
| | applications servers, Dell database servers, Toshiba laptops, and so |
| | on. |
| | |
| | Imaging may- or may not make sense when initially installing a new |
| | configuration. Say you have a system that is a web server, but you |
| | now want to build a separate machine that is a database server. |
| | Typically, you would initially install FreeBSD with the |
| | installation disk, configure the database and *then* create a system |
| | image of your database server. However, this is kind of time |
| | consuming (unless you already have an ``AutoYAST`` configuration ready to |
| | go). It may be simpler to image the target machine with your web |
| | server image, boot it, reconfigure it as a database server, and then |
| | take the image. |
| | |
| | |
| | What Is ``tbku``? |
| | ================= |
| | |
| | ``tbku`` is a shell script that makes it easy to create tarballs of |
| | some of all of your filesystems. ``tbku`` does not help you with |
| | *restoring* your image, it's just handy for creating the image in the |
| | first place. |
| | |
| | If you've never used it before, take a moment to download it and read |
| | the documentation. You'll find the latest copy at: |
| | |
| | http://www.tundraware.com/Software/tbku |
| | |
| | There is no fee for using ``tbku`` in any context, personal or |
| | commercial. However, there are some licensing terms you have to abide |
| | by to use it, so take a moment to read the license in the distribution |
| | tarball. |
| | |
| | .. Note:: |
| | |
| | You don't *have* to use ``tbku`` to create your backup |
| | image. The description below should work fine so long |
| | as you have a backup of all the relevant files that |
| | preserves all the appropriate file information such as |
| | ownership and permissions. ``tbku`` just makes it easy |
| | to automate the creation of such backups. |
| | |
| | |
| | The Big Picture |
| | =============== |
| | |
| | Before diving into the details, it's good to get a sense of the |
| | overall process. Imaging a system requires the following steps: |
| | |
| | |
| | A. Create the master image: |
| | |
| | - Create a baseline system configured as you want it. |
| | - Take an "image" of it. (That's where ``tbku`` is helpful.) |
| | - Save the image somewhere (DVD, USB drive, network drive ...) |
| | you can get at when you need it to (re)install a system. |
| | |
| | B. Use the master image to (re)provision a machine: |
| | |
| | - Prepare the target hard disk to receive the image. |
| | - Dump the image onto the hard disk. |
| | - Adjust the configuration if/as needed for the new hardware. |
| | |
| | |
| | Creating The Master Image |
| | ========================= |
| | |
| | Unlike other approaches that make an image of *the disk*, ``tbku`` |
| | creates an image of *files* on the disk. This means that your new |
| | target disk does not have to be physically the same as the one on |
| | which the master image (sometimes called a "snapshot") was made. You |
| | can clone systems back and forth between SCSI, IDE, and SATA. You can |
| | clone from smaller disks to larger ones or go the other way. |
| | |
| | .. Note:: |
| | |
| | The whole point of imaging is to avoid having to do |
| | custom configuration for each new installation. |
| | However, some configuration changes may be necessary |
| | when the target environment or hardware is different |
| | than the system on which the master image was created. |
| | This is discussed a bit more below in the `Gotchas`_ |
| | section. |
| | |
| | |
| | Creating The Master Image |
| | |
| | 1. Select the machine whose existing FreeBSD installation |
| | you want preserved or used as a standard installation image. |
| | |
| | 2. Image that system with ``tbku`` using the following |
| | fileset:: |
| | |
| | /bin |
| | /boot |
| | /dwnl |
| | /etc |
| | /home |
| | /lib |
| | /local |
| | /opt |
| | /root |
| | /sbin |
| | /srv |
| | /usr |
| | /var |
| | |
| | Notice that we do *not* backup the dynamic kernel-created |
| | filesystems like ``/dev`` or ``/proc``, nor do we |
| | backup utility mountpoints like ``/mnt`` or ``/tmp``. |
| | |
| | 3. Save the resulting ``.tar.gz`` (tarball) file somewhere |
| | it can be retrieved later when you want to image another |
| | machine. This can be a network server, a USB drive, |
| | a DVD or whatever makes sense in your environment. As |
| | with all backup systems, it's pretty important to make |
| | multiple copies of the backup image, and keep a couple |
| | of them off-site. |
| | |
| | |
| | Provisioning With The Master Image |
| | ================================== |
| | |
| | Now that we have a "snapshot" or master image, we can use it to |
| | (re)provision machines. |
| | |
| | Provisioning Machines With A Master Image |
| | |
| | 1. Boot the FreeBSD installation disk and load the |
| | ``Rescue System``. |
| | |
| | 2. Now we have to prepare the disk to receive a FreeBSD |
| | filesystem. The example below assumes we are installing on |
| | ``/dev/hda`` - a PATA master on the first IDE controller - |
| | but that the image came from a system that boots from the |
| | first SCSI drive, ``/dev/sda``. Keep in mind you can do |
| | what follows with any of the drives on your system. Just |
| | substitute the device names as appropriate:: |
| | |
| | |
| | We're DONE! Well ... maybe. If the environment or hardware of your |
| | target machine is similar/same as the machine from which you took the |
| | original image OR if the kernel you plan to boot has support for your |
| | new target hardware, you should just be able to boot and run at this |
| | point. If not, read the following `Gotchas`_ section for further |
| | explanation. |
| | |
| | This may all seem complex the first time you do it, but after a couple |
| | of times, you'll be able to do this in your sleep. This is one of |
| | those things where describing it is more complicated than just doing |
| | it! |
| | |
| | Depending on how large your backup image is, a complete system restore |
| | can typically be done in less than an hour. That's less than an hour |
| | to a *completely configured system* with all your applications, custom |
| | configuration, and so on as you last left them. |
| | |
| | |
| | Gotchas |
| | ======= |
| | |
| | |
| | If you use the approach described above to reprovision the same |
| | machine - say after a disk failure or disk upgrade - then that's all |
| | you have to do. Your "target" machine is essentially identical to the |
| | one from which you got the backup image ... the same machine. |
| | |
| | However, there are circumstances where you cannot avoid doing some |
| | configuration on the newly provisioned machine. This is the case |
| | where there is a significant difference between the machine that took |
| | the snapshot and the machine receiving it. This might be because the |
| | target machine has different hardware, needs a different IP address, |
| | uses a different chipset, and so on. |
| | |
| | There is no general way to solve these sorts of problems. You'll have |
| | to dig through ``YAST`` (if the system boots at all) and/or the individual |
| | configuration tools to correct things. |
| | |
| | .. Note:: |
| | |
| | Imaging is not the answer to every new installation |
| | problem. At some point, it becomes simpler to |
| | do a fresh install of FreeBSD than to try |
| | and "tweak" an existing image to get it running |
| | properly. |
| | |
| | |
| | As a personal preference, I like to work directly with configuration |
| | files from the command line whenever I can. If the target machine |
| | will not boot, you sort of have no other choice. You'll have to do |
| | something like this to get to those files to edit them. Boot the |
| | installation CD and select ``Rescue System``, then mount the target |
| | drive(s):: |
| | |
| | mount /dev/hda2 /mnt |
| | |
| | You can then edit the files found under ``/mnt``. |
| | |
| | |
| | What Problems Can I Expect |
| | -------------------------- |
| | |
| | So, you've decided to image a machine that is somehow different |
| | than the original source of the image. Here's what you'll |
| | possibly encounter: |
| | |
| | |
| | A. Environmental Differences |
| | |
| | Your newly imaged machine may work fine except that its |
| | environment needs to change. The most common thing here is |
| | the need to reconfigure the NIC with new network parameters |
| | like IP address, netmask, DNS server, default route, and |
| | so on. Similarly, you may want to change the machine |
| | name or domain name. |
| | |
| | This is all easily done via ``YAST`` or by editing the relevant |
| | configuration files directly. Keep in mind that changing the |
| | OS environment may also require changes in your applications' |
| | configuration. For instance, changing your machine name, IP, |
| | and so forth can break Apache. |
| | |
| | B. Different Hardware |
| | |
| | This is the tougher situation to handle after a machine |
| | has been newly imaged. Modern FreeBSD kernels come with |
| | enough standard driver support built-in that they should |
| | boot on most standard hardware ... unless you've hand |
| | tuned the kernel on the machine where the image was taken. |
| | |
| | However "booting" and "running properly" are two different |
| | things. In the process of preparing this documentation, I |
| | discovered that my newly imaged test machine *refused* to set |
| | the PATA drive into UDMA modes 5/6. Why? Because the machine |
| | used to create the original image had an older (different) |
| | chipset than the newly imaged machine. I had to figure out |
| | which additional drivers the kernel needed to load for it |
| | to work properly on the new hardware. |
| | |
| | Hardware differences show up in a number of places: |
| | |
| | 1. CPU Architecture |
| | |
| | If you built your image on a machine that is configured |
| | exclusively to run, say, on Xeon chipsets, and then try |
| | to image another machine with a Pentium 4, um ... it's |
| | not going to work. The kernels in your image have to be |
| | compatible with the CPU architecture on your target |
| | machine |
| | |
| | 2. Motherboard Chipset |
| | |
| | Motherboards have so-called "Northbridge" and |
| | "Southbridge" chipsets. The Northbridge chip(s) control |
| | memory and high speed graphics (like AGP). The |
| | Southbridge chip(s) control the slower I/O functions and |
| | peripherals of the motherboard. If the machine you're |
| | imaging uses wildly different chipsets than the machine |
| | where the image was taken, you're going to probably have |
| | problems. |
| | |
| | This was the case in the example above. By default, SUSE |
| | Linux could boot IDE in its slowest possible mode, but |
| | it could not exploit the higher speed UDMA features |
| | of the new Southbridge chipset - that required the |
| | installation of a driver specific for that chipset. |
| | |
| | If you have different Southbridges, you'll run into this |
| | with any of the on-board controllers: |
| | |
| | - Audio |
| | - Buses |
| | - Disk |
| | - Joystick |
| | - Network |
| | - Video |
| | |
| | 3. Peripheral Cards |
| | |
| | If your newly imaged machine has different PCI and/or |
| | video cards than the machine that produced the image, |
| | you may, again, have to install additional or different |
| | drivers. |
| | |
| | |
| | Configuring Drivers |
| | ------------------- |
| | |
| | Let's assume you can boot your machine fine, but you need to get |
| | additional or different drivers to load for the machine to run |
| | optimally. The kernel configuration is in this file:: |
| | |
| | /etc/sysconfig/kernel |
| | |
| | In that file, you'll see a line something like this:: |
| | |
| | INITRD_MODULES="piix aic7xxx processor thermal fan reiserfs edd" |
| | |
| | Now, suppose we want to add the drivers for, say, a VIA chipset. |
| | We'd edit that line as follows:: |
| | |
| | INITRD_MODULES="piix aic7xxx sata_via via82cxxx processor thermal fan reiserfs edd" |
| | |
| | Then we have to create a new ``initrd`` like this:: |
| | |
| | mkinitrd |
| | |
| | Now unmount the drive and reboot. |
| | |
| | .. Note:: |
| | |
| | If you *cannot* boot your new system, boot the |
| | installation CD as before and get into the ``Rescue |
| | System``. Mount the target drive under ``/mnt`` as we |
| | did previously. This will allow you to edit |
| | ``/mnt/etc/sysconfig/kernel`` as needed. You can then |
| | run ``mkinitrd`` with options to write the updated file |
| | onto your target drive. See ``man mkinitrd`` for the |
| | details. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | The trick here is know *which* drivers you'll need. That's going |
| | to take some digging on your part. Generally, you'll find |
| | the compiled driver modules under:: |
| | |
| | /lib/modules/<kernel-name>/kernel |
| | |
| | But, it's going to be up to you to figure out which of these your |
| | particular hardware actually needs. |
| | |
| | In the end, unless the differences in source and target hardware are |
| | fairly small/simple, you're typically better off to do a new |
| | installation for each class of hardware you run, and create separate |
| | image for each of them. |
| | |
| | |
| | Author |
| | ====== |
| | |
| | Tim Daneliuk - tbku@tundraware.com |
| | |
| | Comments and/or improvements welcome! |
| | |
| | |
| | Document Information |
| | ==================== |
| | |
| | This document was produced using the very useful ``reStructuredText`` |
| | tools in the ``docutils`` package. For more information, see: |
| | |
| | http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html |
| | |
| | This document is Copyright (c) 2008, TundraWare Inc., Des Plaines, IL |
| | Permission is hereby given to freely distribute, copy, or otherwise |
| | disseminate this document without charge, so long as you do so without |
| | modifying it in any way. |
| | |
| | |
| | $Id: Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt,v 1.102 2008/03/13 23:10:59 tundra Exp $ |
| | |
| | |