Fix minor typos.
1 parent e7a87e3 commit e6b0fe532dcb2c70e5cbea788ecfc7ee16497faf
@tundra tundra authored on 20 Mar 2008
Showing 1 changed file
As shipped, ``tbku`` uniquely identifies each backup set based on
machine name, OS, CPU architecture, set name, and, most importantly,
date. If you've set it up to run as a cron job, over time you'll
accumulate lots of older copies of backups. That's because each new
day, the backup file name will change (since it include the date).
day, the backup file name will change (since it includes the date).
If you don't like this default behavior, change the ``TBKUDEL``
environment variable to be "YES". It must be *exactly* this string,
all in upper case. Anything else will cause ``tbku`` to *not*
export TBKUDIR=/mnt/backups # Backups written to /mnt/backups
export TBKUNAME=JoeBackup # Backups named: JoeBackup-<filesetname>
export TBKUNAME=JoeBackup # Backups named: JoeBackup-<setname>
export TBKUSETS=/tbku # Looks for filesets in /tbku
export TBKUTAPE-/tmp/faketape # Tape backups actually written to *file*
information, see:
``$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.109 2008/03/19 23:25:37 tundra Exp $``
``$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.110 2008/03/20 17:26:46 tundra Exp $``