Minor formatting changes.
1 parent 63e74e4 commit e7968b82f383f0de49be397f67e0d46afbd56b07
@tundra tundra authored on 18 Mar 2008
Showing 1 changed file
OK, so now we've mounted the medium with our
image on it under ``/mnt/mnt``. To actually image the
new disk, all we have to do is this::
cd /mnt # This is the logical root of our disk
cd /mnt # Make sure we're at the
# logical root of our disk
tar -xzvf mnt/my-fine-image.tar.gz
4. Finally, we need to make sure that our newly imaged
filesystems will be mounted properly at boot time. This is
/dev/ad4s1e /usr ufs rw 2 2
/dev/acd0 /cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto 0 0
This would indicate the image was taken from a system with
FreeBSD installed on the first SATA drive. Now, lets
assume we're going to use the same partitioning, but our
newly imaged drive is the first *SCSI* drive on the system.
FreeBSD installed on the first SATA drive. Now, lets assume
we're going to use the same slice layout, but our newly
imaged drive is the first *SCSI* drive on the system.
``/mnt/etc/fstab`` needs to be edited to look like this::
/dev/da0s1b none swap sw 0 0
/dev/da0s1a / ufs rw 1 1
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$Id: Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt,v 1.106 2008/03/17 22:32:59 tundra Exp $
$Id: Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt,v 1.107 2008/03/18 21:32:34 tundra Exp $