diff --git a/tbku.txt b/tbku.txt
index 259598c..cf5e111 100644
--- a/tbku.txt
+++ b/tbku.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
   script can be run either from the command line or, more typically,
   as a ``cron`` job to automate system backup tasks.
+  ``tbku`` uses standard utilities common on Unix-like systems, like
+  ``tar``, ``sed``, and ``uname``.  It uses no other special or custom
+  tools.  For this reason, it is highly portable across many variants
+  of these systems.
   The central benefit of using ``tbku`` over hand written ``tar``
   commands is that ``tbku`` is "table driven".  You specify the set
   of files to back up in a table (a separate file).  You can have as
@@ -57,6 +62,8 @@
 **USING tbku**
+  **Using Filesets** 
   ``tbku`` has to know just *what* you want backed up.  You do
   this by creating a so-called *fileset* in the appropriate
   directory (default: ``$HOME/tbku/``).  Filesets are just text
@@ -78,28 +85,126 @@
   ``/bku/``).  By default, the resulting tarball's name has a long
   string of text that includes the machine name, system type, OS type,
   date, *and* the so-called *set name*.  The "set name" is nothing
-  more than the suffix of the fileset used to produce the tarball, in
-  this case, ``homedirs``.  Additionally, you also find a log of
-  the backup and "dot files" that tell you when the backup began
-  and when it ended. Here's part of what you might see if you did
-  an ``ls -al /bku``::
+  more than the suffix of the name of the fileset used to produce the
+  tarball, in this case, ``homedirs``.  Additionally, you'll also find
+  a log of the backup and "dot files" that tell you when the backup
+  began and when it ended. Here's part of what you might see if you
+  did an ``ls -al /bku``::
     Mar 19 05:46 .mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-begin
     Mar 19 05:47 .mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-end
     Mar 19 05:46 mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs-20080319.tar.gz
     Mar 19 05:46 mach.fake.org-FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE-i386-homedirs.log
+  You can create as many different filesets as you like (for as many
+  different kinds of backups as you need).  So, for example, you may
+  have one for the files you want backed up daily, another for weekly
+  backups, another for taking a snapshot of the entire system, and so
+  on.
+  The *name* of a fileset can be used to change ``tbku`` behavior
+  (described below).  The *content* of a fileset file must conform
+  to only a few rules:
+    1) Each line may contain the name of a *single* file or directory.
+       You cannot place multiples of these on a single line.
+    2) Each entry should be *an absolute path*.  That way, ``tar``
+       will be able to figure out what it is you want to back up.  By
+       default, most modern ``tar`` implementations will strip the
+       leading ``/`` so your backup tarball will be relative to
+       wherever you are when you restore from it.
+    3) There is no support for comments or other metadata inside a
+       fileset.  File- and directory names are the *only* thing
+       that should ever be there.
+  **Fileset Naming**
+  ``tbku`` semantics (behavior) depend on how you've named your
+  filesets.  In general, a fileset should be named as follows::
+    auto.fileset.setname
+    OR
+    manual.fileset.setname
+  Any fileset name that begins with "auto." will automatically be
+  backed up when you run the script without arguments::
+    tbku
+  If a fileset begins with something other than "auto.", you
+  have to explicitly name the set on the command line for
+  it to be backed up.  Say we have only two filesets, ``manual.fileset.music``
+  and ``manual.fileset.docs``.  Then::
+    tbku                # Does nothing
+    tbku music          # Only backs up the manual.fileset.music fileset
+    tbku music docs     # Backs up both filesets
+  The "setname" is used to uniquely name each backup tarball.
+  Strictly speaking, ``tbku`` only cares about the "auto" string.
+  Anything other than "auto" as a prefix in the fileset name, will
+  cause the file to be seen as requiring manual invocation.  Using
+  "manual" is just a helpful convention.
+  Similarly, you don't need the "fileset" in the middle of the
+  filename, it's just a helpful convention.  ``tbku`` only examines
+  the prefix of the filename (up to the ".")  to determine whether to
+  do automatic backups.  It uses the suffix (from the last "." to the
+  end of the file name) to determine the set name.  In fact, you
+  don't even have to fully specify the set name, just any trailing
+  substring::
+    tbku ic             # Backs up manual.fileset.music
+  While these little semantic subtleties may be interesting, you are
+  strongly *discouraged* from using them, as they are not guaranteed
+  to be preserved in future releases of ``tbku``.  Stick to the
+  conventions described above, and you should be fine.
+  **The allsets Option**
+  As you might guess, you can force *all* backup sets to be done
+  regardless of whether they are marked as "auto" or "manual"
+  by doing this::
+    tbku allsets
+  The "allsets" argument must be the first argment on the command
+  line, and anything following it will be ignored.  In other words,
+  only the form shown above is meaningful.
+  **tbku: Nothing to do!**  
+  You may see ``tbku`` grumbling about having nothing to do.  This
+  happens under one of several circumstances:
+    1) You ran ``tbku`` without arguments, but there are no
+       "auto" file sets defined.
+    2) You ran ``tbku`` with arguments, but no file sets with
+       matching set names were found.
+    3) There are no file sets at all.
 **IMAGING WITH tbku**
-It is possible to use ``tbku`` backups to completely (re)image a
-machine.  The general idea is to have ``tbku`` produce a tarball with
-the entire system you want to "clone" in it.  Then, you can dump that
-onto a newly prepared filesystem on the target machine.
+  It is possible to use ``tbku`` backups to completely (re)image a
+  machine.  The general idea is to have ``tbku`` produce a tarball of
+  all the (relevant) files on the system you want to "clone".  Then,
+  you can dump that onto a newly prepared filesystem on the target
+  machine.  This is a handy (and relatively quick) way to recover a
+  system after a hard drive failure or upgrade, for example.
-The ``tbku`` distribution contains separate documents that describe
-in detail how to image both FreeBSD and SUSE Linux systems.  You can also
-read the documents on line at:
+  The ``tbku`` distribution contains separate documents that describe
+  in detail how to image both FreeBSD and SUSE Linux systems.  You can
+  also read the documents on line at:
@@ -122,7 +227,7 @@
   briefly documented there.
   You can override the various ``tbku`` defaults by setting a
   corresponding environment variable.
@@ -151,6 +256,15 @@
+  ``tbku`` was originally designed for use by experienced
+  systems administrators and users.  As such, it does little
+  or no error checking.  If you define backup or file set
+  directories that are non-existent, for instance, you will
+  get strange behavior.  ``tbku`` *will* try to create the
+  backup directory you've specified if it does not already
+  exist, but this may not work if you're running as anything
+  other than ``root`` user.
   ``tbku`` is intended to make it easier/more automatic to
   to backups.  It is not, however, idiot-proof.  There are
   some general backup guidelines you should observe:
@@ -203,4 +317,4 @@
-``$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.106 2008/03/19 17:25:38 tundra Exp $``
+``$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.107 2008/03/19 20:02:36 tundra Exp $``