diff --git a/Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt b/Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt
index c048e1f..8fb9a5f 100644
--- a/Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt
+++ b/Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
 This document describes how to use the TundraWare Inc. ``tbku``
 utility to "image" or "clone" SUSE Linux systems.
-  .. Note::
-     Most/Much of this will also be relevant to other Linux distributions,
-     though some of the fine points may be different.
+        .. Note::
+               Most/Much of this will also be relevant to other Linux
+               distributions, though some of the fine points may be
+               different.
 Why Bother Imaging?
@@ -28,17 +30,20 @@
 "Imaging" or "Cloning" allows us to keep a copy of the entire OS *as
 configured* - that means with all its applications and configuration
-options set up as desired.  We then load a new hard drive with this
-image and *voila'*, "instant" running system.
+options set up as desired.  We then load or "Provision" a new hard
+drive with this image and *voila'*, "instant" running system.
 What Is ``tbku``?
-``tbku`` is a shell script that makes it easy to create tarballs
-of some of all of your filesystems.  If you've never used it before,
-take a moment to download it and read the documentation.  You'll
-find the latest copy at:
+``tbku`` is a shell script that makes it easy to create tarballs of
+some of all of your filesystems.  ``tbku`` does not help you with
+*restoring* your image, it's just handy for creating the image in the
+first place.
+If you've never used it before, take a moment to download it and read
+the documentation.  You'll find the latest copy at:
@@ -47,13 +52,14 @@
 by to use it, so take a moment to read the license in the distribution
-  .. Note::
-     You don't *have* to use ``tbku`` to create your backup image.
-     The description below should work fine so long as you have a
-     backup of all the relevant files that preserves all the
-     appropriate file information such as ownership and permissions.
-     ``tbku`` just makes it easy to automate the creation of such
-     backups.
+        .. Note::
+               You don't *have* to use ``tbku`` to create your backup
+               image.  The description below should work fine so long
+               as you have a backup of all the relevant files that
+               preserves all the appropriate file information such as
+               ownership and permissions.  ``tbku`` just makes it easy
+               to automate the creation of such backups.
 The Big Picture
@@ -63,20 +69,20 @@
 overall process.  Imaging a system requires the following steps:
-1) Create the "master" image
+    A. Create the master image:
-   - Create a baseline system configured as you want it.
-   - Take an "image" of it.  (That's where ``tbku`` is helpful.)
-   - Save the image somewhere (DVD, USB drive, network drive ...).
-     you can get at when you need it to (re)install a system.
+       - Create a baseline system configured as you want it.
+       - Take an "image" of it.  (That's where ``tbku`` is helpful.)
+       - Save the image somewhere (DVD, USB drive, network drive ...)
+         you can get at when you need it to (re)install a system.
-2) Use the master image to (re)provision a machine
+    B. Use the master image to (re)provision a machine:
-   - Prepare the target hard disk to receive the image.
-   - Dump the image onto the hard disk.
-   - Adjust the configuration if/as needed for the new hardware.
+       - Prepare the target hard disk to receive the image.
+       - Dump the image onto the hard disk.
+       - Adjust the configuration if/as needed for the new hardware.
 Creating The Master Image
@@ -87,15 +93,56 @@
 can clone systems back and forth between SCSI, IDE, and SATA.  You can
 clone from smaller disks to larger ones or go the other way.
-  .. Note::
+        .. Note::
-     The whole point of doing imaging is to avoid having to do custom
-     configuration for each new installation.  However, some small
-     amount may be necessary when the target hardware is different
-     than the hardware on which the master image was created.  This is
-     discussed a bit more below in the `Gotchas`_ section.
+               The whole point of doing imaging is to avoid having to
+               do custom configuration for each new installation.
+               However, some configuration changes may be necessary
+               when the target hardware is different than the hardware
+               on which the master image was created.  This is
+               discussed a bit more below in the `Gotchas`_ section.
+    Creating The Master Image
+       1. Select the machine whose existing SUSE Linux installation
+          you want preserved or used as a standard installation image.
+       2. Image that system with ``tbku`` using the following
+          fileset::
+              /bin
+              /boot
+              /dwnl
+              /etc
+              /home
+              /lib
+              /local
+              /opt
+              /root
+              /sbin
+              /srv
+              /usr
+              /var
+          Notice that we do *not* backup the dynamic kernel-created
+          filesystems like ``/dev`` or ``/proc``.
+       3. Save the resulting ``.tar.gz`` (tarball) file somewhere
+          it can be retrieved later when you want to image another
+          machine.  This can be a network server, a USB drive,
+          a DVD or whatever makes sense in your environment.  As
+          with all backup systems, it's pretty important to make
+          multiple copies of the backup image, and keep a couple
+          of them off-site.
 Provisioning With The Master Image
@@ -103,13 +150,149 @@
 Now that we have a "snapshot" or master image, we can use it
 to (re)provision machines.
+    Provisioning Machines With A Master Image
+       1. Boot the SUSE Linux installation disk and load the
+          ``Rescue System``.
+       2. Now we have to prepare the disk to receive a Linux
+          filesystem.  The example below assumes we are installing on
+          /dev/hda - a PATA master on the first IDE controller - but
+          you can do what follows with any of the drives on your
+          system.  Just substitute the device names as appropriate::
+              # Partition the drive:
+              fdisk /dev/hda
+              # Delete and create partitions as you like
+              # Make sure the partition that will mount /
+              # is toggled to be bootable
+              # Be sure to use the 'write' option before exiting
+              # Suppose you end up with this:
+              #
+              #    /dev/hda1  is for swap (type 82)
+              #    /dev/hda2  is for your filesystem (type 83)
+              mkswap /dev/hda1
+              mkfs.reiserfs /dev/hda2
+              mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
+              # Now, let's create the top level directories that that
+              # were not backed up and/or will be used by the kernel
+              # for its own filesystems:
+              cd /mnt
+              mkdir dev media mnt proc sys tmp
+              # Now it's time to mount your backup medium.  Depending
+              # on your backup medium this can be one of several
+              # devices.  CD/DVDs are often found at /dev/hdc1.  USB
+              # drives show up as SCSI drives such as /dev/sda1, and
+              # so on.  You'll also need to know the type of the
+              # backup medium (see: man mount for the details):
+              mount -tvfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/mnt  # This is a USB drive
+              # OK, time to dump the image previously created by tbku
+              # onto our shiny new filesystem (make sure your current
+              # directory is still /mnt before doing this):
+              tar -xzvf /mnt/my-system-image.tar.gz
+              # Now we have to make sure that the boot tables and
+              # default file mounts are correct - Our target system
+              # may have a different drive type or device (SCSI, sata,
+              # pata) than the system from which tbku took the image:
+              # Edit /mnt/etc/fstab to reflect the partitioning
+              # you did with fdisk.  Remember that drives can be
+              # named by device name (/dev/xxxx) or by the vendor
+              # name (/dev/disk/by-id/xxxx).  In our case the 
+              # relevant portion of /mnt/etc/fstab looks like this:
+              /dev/hda1    swap     swap       defaults         0 0
+              /dev/hda2    /        reiserfs   acl,user_xattr   1 1
+              # Be sure not to disturb the other stuff in the fstab
+              # file
+              # Now, check and fix the device map file,
+              # /mnt/boot/grub/device.map Say we took the tbku image
+              # from a system that boot from SCSI, that file
+              # would look like this:
+              (fd0)   /dev/fd0
+              (hd0)   /dev/sda
+              # But our new system wants to boot from ATAPI so it
+              # now needs to look like this:
+              (fd0)   /dev/fd0
+              (hd0)   /dev/hda
+              # We also have to correct any differences in the boot
+              # menu that appears when you first start the system.
+              # This is in /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst  Near the top of
+              # this file you'll see something like this:
+              gfxmenu (hd0,1)/boot/message  
+              # hd0 is right - we made sure of that when we edited
+              # the map file above.  Make sure that the offset (1 in
+              # this case) is also right.  This is the number,
+              # *counting from 0* of the root/boot partition within that
+              # drive.  In our case, (hd0,1) is correct because our
+              # root/boot partition is /dev/hda2.
+              # Following this are the individual menu entries.
+              # Make sure you check each line of every entry.
+              # Suppose we find this:
+              title SLED 10 -
+                  root (hd0,1)
+                  kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda2 
+                        resume=/dev/sda1 splash=silent showopts
+                  initrd /boot/initrd-
+              # All references to /dev/sda2 have to be changed to /dev/hda2
+              # All references to /dev/sda1 have to be changed to /dev/hda1
+              # Repeat this for every menu entry.
+              # Finally, lets make sure that the boot loader
+              # is properly installed and configured:
+              grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hda
+We're DONE!  Well ... maybe.  If the hardware (chipset, CPU) of your
+target machine is similar/same as the machine from which you took the
+original image OR if the kernel you plan to boot has support for your
+new target hardware, you should just be able to boot and run at this
+point.  If not, read the following `Gotchas`_ section for further
+This may all seem complex the first time you do it, but after a couple
+of times, you'll be able to do this in your sleep.  Depending on how
+large your backup image is, a complete system restore can typically be
+done in less than an hour.  That's less than an hour to a *completely
+configured system* with all your applications, custom configuration,
+and so on as you last left them.
 There are some circumstances where you cannot avoid doing some
-small amount of configuration on the newly provisioned machine.
+configuration on the newly provisioned machine.
+A. Network differences
+B. Different Hardware
+C. Different Chip Architectures
@@ -120,7 +303,13 @@
     Comments and/or improvements welcome!
-Document Revision Information
+Document Information
-``$Id: Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt,v 1.103 2008/03/11 23:11:20 tundra Exp $``
+This document produced using the amazing ``reStructuredText`` tools in
+the ``docutils`` package.  For more information, see: 
+    http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
+``$Id: Imaging-SUSE-Linux-With-tbku.txt,v 1.104 2008/03/12 22:40:44 tundra Exp $``