diff --git a/Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt b/Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt
index 2067a7b..7f55b93 100644
--- a/Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt
+++ b/Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
 now want to build a separate machine that is a database server.
 Typically, you would initially install FreeBSD with the installation
 disk, configure the database and *then* create a system image of your
-database server.  However, this is kind of time consuming (unless you
-already have an ``AutoYAST`` configuration ready to go).  It may be
+database server.  However, this is kind of time consuming.  It might
 simpler to image the target machine with your web server image, boot
-it, reconfigure it as a database server, and then take the image.
+it, reconfigure it as a database server, and then take an image of
+your newly configured server for future installations.
 What Is ``tbku``?
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
               Layout your partition(s) as desired
                 The Automatic option is a good choice
                   You'll need them later
               W - Write the changes out (Answer "Yes" at the prompt)
@@ -243,21 +243,75 @@
           down above, right?) under its own ``/mnt`` directory.  We'll
           take advantage of this in the next step.
-       3. Now we're ready to actually dump the image onto our
-          newly prepared disk.  The FreeBSD team helpfully provides
-          a fairly complete shell environment where we can do
-          what is needed.  Simply select the ``Fixit`` option
-          from the main menu, and the ``CD/DVD`` suboption,
-          and you'll find yourself in a shell.  You can
-          prove that your new disk mountpoint are ready to
-          be loaded, by doing this::
+       3. Now we're ready to actually dump the image onto our newly
+          prepared disk.  The FreeBSD team helpfully provides a fairly
+          complete shell environment where we can do what is needed.
+          Simply select the ``Fixit`` option from the main menu, and
+          the ``CDROM/DVD`` suboption, and you'll find yourself in a
+          shell.  You can prove that your new disk mountpoints are
+          ready to be loaded, by doing this::
-            ls -al /mnt
+            mount
-          But ... we need to take a small detour here.  You may
-          need to do a few things to be able to get to your
-          image.  
+          You see your newly created filesystems mounted under
+          ``/mnt``.   Now, we need to create the top level
+          directories that are typically not backed up in
+          an image (some of these may already be present)::
+            cd /mnt
+            mkdir cdrom dev dist proc tmp
+          At this point, we need the image tarball file to go ahead
+          and do the image restore.  But ... we need to take a small
+          detour here.  You may need to do a few things to be able to
+          *get* to your image.  The ``Fixit`` environment is purposely
+          fairly small (so it can run in a logical memory disk).  As
+          such, it does not have a lot of the utilties, kernel
+          modules, and/or libraries you may need to get to your backup
+          medium.
+          Say, for example, your image is on as USB drive.  You plug
+          the drive in and take a look at ``/var/log/messages`` where
+          you are informed that the drive has been recognized as
+          ``/dev/da1``.  So, you try this::
+            mount -t msdosfs /devda1s1 /mnt/mnt
+          Oops ... the ``Fixit`` shell complains - it doesn't know how
+          to mount filesystems of type ``msdosfs`` because the
+          necessary file ``/sbin/mount_msdosfs`` file is not present
+          in the ``Fixit`` operating environment.
+          Fortunately, there's a very simple way to work around this.
+          The CD from which you booted is itself mounted under
+          ``dist``.  That CD has a more-or-less full "live" FreeBSD
+          system on it, that *does* have the files you need there.
+          In this case, the "fix" is to do something like this::
+            mkdir -p /sbin  # Make sure the directory exists in Fixit
+            cp -pv /dist/sbin/mount_msdosfs /sbin
+          Now the mount command above will work fine, and you
+          can get to your backup tarball.
+          You can use a similar approach to get the necessary files
+          for accessing your image via sftp, nfs, and other filesystem
+          types.  Just remember that, if you do need to use a network,
+          you need to initialize it first with something like::
+            ifconfig <NIC device name> address mask
+          OK, so now we've mounted the medium with our
+          image on it under ``/mnt/mnt``.  To actually image the
+          new disk, all we have to do is this::
+            cd /mnt          # This is the logical root of our disk
+            tar -xzvf mnt/my-fine-image.tar.gz
+          When untarring is complete, unmount your newly
+          imaged drive, exit the ``Fixit`` shell, and then
+          exit the FreeBSD installation menus to reboot the
+          system.
 We're DONE!  Well ... maybe.  If the environment or hardware of your
 target machine is similar/same as the machine from which you took the
@@ -329,10 +383,15 @@
        standard driver support built-in that they should boot on most
        standard hardware ... unless you've hand tuned the kernel on
        the machine where the image was taken.  You should therefore
-       always build an image with a system that have a GENERIC kernel
-       boot option.  This kernel is likely to boot on almost all but
-       the strangest hardware configurations.  However "booting" and
-       "running properly" are two different things.
+       always build an image with a system that has the option to boot
+       a GENERIC kernel.  This kernel is likely to boot on almost all
+       but the strangest hardware configurations.
+       However "booting" and "running properly" are two different
+       things.  If the hardware on your target machine is considerably
+       different thatn the original machine on which the image was
+       produced, you may need to do some further systems and/or kernel
+       configuration.
        Hardware differences show up in a number of places:
@@ -414,4 +473,4 @@
 modifying it in any way.
-$Id: Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt,v 1.103 2008/03/14 22:30:29 tundra Exp $
+$Id: Imaging-FreeBSD-With-tbku.txt,v 1.104 2008/03/17 21:36:04 tundra Exp $