diff --git a/tbku.txt b/tbku.txt
index cb0b3b2..6268e51 100644
--- a/tbku.txt
+++ b/tbku.txt
@@ -1 +1,104 @@
-$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.101 2008/03/11 16:53:09 tundra Exp $
+What Is ``tbku``?
+How Does ``tbku`` Work?
+This program produces tarballs of backup "sets".  The tarball is
+written to $BKUDIR.  By default, this is '/bku' but you can override
+this with the $TBKUDIR environment variable to point to any
+directory you wish.  If the directory does not exist, 'tbku' will
+create it for you when it runs.
+A backup "set" consists of a related set of files and directories
+that are all to be backed up together into a single tarball.  The
+file containing all the names of all the files and directories in a
+given backup set is called the "fileset".  'tbku' expects to find
+filesets in $FILESETDIR.  By default, this is '/root/tbku', but you
+can override this by setting the $TBKUSETS environment variable to
+point to the directory of your choice. 
+Notice that if this directory does not exist OR if the fileset you
+name does not actually exist, 'tbku' will appear to run, but will
+produce an empty backup set with an error in it's log indicating
+that it could not find the named fileset.  A backup that fails for
+this reason will also be flagged by having the "*" character in its
+backup, log, and timestamp filenames.
+The naming of filesets is important.  Fileset names must end in
+".backup name".  If the name begins with $COMMON, then this program
+understands that set to be done "automatically".  That is, if
+nothing is passed on the command line, the program does an
+"automatic" backup - i.e., It processess ALL the filesets found in
+the backup directory whose names begin with $COMMON.
+The program can also be started with command line arguments.  It
+understands these to be the name of the backups desired.  For
+           tbku foo bar baz
+Will look for filesets ending in
+".foo", ".bar", ".baz".  
+In this case, the program does not care what the beginning of the
+fileset name is.  This can potentially be a problem if you have two
+filesets whose names end identically.  Say you have 'manual.bku.foo'
+and "auto.bku.foo" in your $FILESETDIR directory and you issue the
+command "tbku foo".  BOTH of these filesets will be processed since
+they both have the backup name "foo".  The last one to be processes
+will be the one whose backup tarball ends in $BKUDIR.  The simple
+way to avoid this is to never name two filesets with the same ending
+backup name.
+Do NOT use the special setname ".allsets".  This name is reserved.
+When passed on the command line ("tbku allsets"), it does all of the
+backup sets it finds regardless of whether they are set for
+automatic or not.
+If the setname is "tape", then output will be written to the device
+or file specified in the $TAPEDEV variable instead of a file in the
+backup directory.
+As "shipped", 'tbku' is setup with defaults that make sense for
+FreeBSD.  It is pretty simple to modify it for other operating
+systems like Linux in the variable assignments below.  Typically,
+the program locations and the tape device name have to be changed as
+you move 'tbku' across various systems.
+Updates & Support
+To get the latest version of 'tbku', go to:
+   For Updates See:  http://www.tundraware.com/Software/tbku
+    Tim Daneliuk - tbku@tundraware.com
+    Comments and/or improvements welcome!
+Document Information
+This document was produced using the very useful ``reStructuredText``
+tools in the ``docutils`` package.  For more information, see:
+    http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
+This document is Copyright (c) 2008, TundraWare Inc., Des Plaines, IL
+Permission is hereby given to freely distribute, copy, or otherwise
+disseminate this document without charge, so long as you do so without
+modifying it in any way.
+$Id: tbku.txt,v 1.102 2008/03/18 22:44:08 tundra Exp $