diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index 522e505..e1c3299 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 both programmers and people writing configuration files will find this
 describes some ways to combine the various \*(TC features to
 do some fairly nifty things.
@@ -2089,14 +2089,119 @@
 statement will be ignored.
+Here are some ideas on how you might combine \*(TC features
+to enhance your own applications.
 .SS Guaranteeing A Correct Base Configuration
+While it is always nice to give users lots of "knobs" to turn, the
+problem is that the more options you give them, the more they can
+misconfigure a program.  This is especially a problem when you are
+doing technical support.  You'd really like to get them to a
+"standard" configuration and then work from there to help solve their
+problem.  If your write your program with this in mind, \*(TC gives
+you several ways to easily do this:
+.IP \(bu 4
+Provide a "standard" system-, or even, enterprise-wide configuration
+file for your application.  This file presumably has all the program
+options set to "sane" values.  All the user has to do is create
+a configuration file with one line in it:
+    .include /wherever/the/standard/config/file/is
+.IP \(bu 4
+Predefine every option variable the program will support.  Populate the
+initial symbol table passed to \'ParseConfig()\' with these definitions.
+By properly setting the \'Type\', \'LegalVals\', and \'Min/Max\' for 
+each of these variables ahead of time, you can prevent the user from
+ever entering option values that make no sense or are dangerous.
+.IP \(bu 4
+Make sure ever program option has a reasonable \'Default\' value in
+its variable descriptor.  Recall that this attribute is provided for
+the programmer's convenience.  (When a variable descriptor is first
+instantiated, it defaults to a string type and sets the default
+attribute to an empty string.  However, you can change both type and
+default value under program control.)  If you predefine a variable in the
+initial symbol table passed to the parser, \*(TC will leave this
+attribute alone.  However, variables that are created for the first
+time in the configuration file will have this attribute set to the
+first value assigned to the variable.  Now provide a "reset" feature
+in your application.  All it has to do is scan through the symbol
+table and set each option to its default value.
 .SS Enforcing Mandatory Configurations
+The \*(TC type and value validation features give you a handy way to
+enforce what the legal values for a particular option may be.
+However, you may want to go further than this.  For instance, you may
+only want to give certain classes of users the ability to change
+certain options.  This is easily done.  First, predefine all the
+options of interest in the symbol table prior to calling the \*(TC
+parser.  Next, have your program decide which options the current user
+is permitted to change.  Finally, mark all the options they may not
+change as "Read Only", by setting the "Writeable" attribute for those
+options to "False".  Now call the parser. 
+ This general approach allows you to write programs that support a
+wide range of options which are enablde/disabled on a per-user,
+per-machine, per-domain, per-ip, per-company... basis.
 .SS Iterative Parsing
+There may be situations where one "pass" through a configuration
+file may not be enough.  For example, your program may need to
+read an initial configuration to decide how to further process
+the remainder of a configuration file.  Although it sounds
+complicated, it is actually pretty easy to do.  The idea
+is to have the program set some variable that selects
+which part of the configuration file to process, and then call
+the parser.  When the parser returns the symbol table, the program
+examines the results, makes whatever adjustments to the symbol
+table it needs to, and passes it back to the parser for another
+"go".  You can keep doing this as often as needed.  For instance:
+    # Program calls the parser with PASS set to 1
+    .if PASS == 1
+       # Do 1st Pass Stuff
+    .endif
+    # Program examines the results of the first pass, does
+    # what is has to, and sets PASS to 2
+    .if PASS == 2
+       # Do 2nd Pass Stuff
+    .endif
+    # And so on
+In fact, you can even make this iterative parsing "goal driven".
+The program can keep calling the parser, modifing the results,
+and calling the parser again until some "goal" is met.   The goal
+could be that a particular variable gets defined (like \'CONFIGDONE\').
+The goal might be that a variable is set to a particular value
+(like, \'SYSTEMS=3\').  
+It might even be tempting to keep parsing iteratively until \*(TC no
+longer returns any errors.  This is not recommended, though.  A
+well-formed configuration file should have no errors on any pass.
+Iterating until \*(TC no longer detects errors makes it hard to
+debug complex configuration files.  It is tough to distinguish
+actual configuration errors from errors would be resolved in a 
+future parsing pass.