diff --git a/tconfpy.py b/tconfpy.py
index d41f686..3cf4abf 100755
--- a/tconfpy.py
+++ b/tconfpy.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Program Information
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
-RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 2.101 2005/01/13 23:03:24 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 2.102 2005/01/14 08:15:52 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 ATEOF       = "EOF"                    # Use as line number when at EOF
 FILENUM     = "[File: %s Line: %s]   " # Display filename and linenum
+INMEMORY    = "In-Memory Configuration" # Configuration is in-memory
 MSGPROMPT   = "%s>"
 PTR         = "   --->   "             # Textual pointer for debug output
 STARTUP     = "STARTUP"                # Indicates message before any lines processed
@@ -278,6 +279,7 @@
 Messages["eBADCOND"]          = FILENUM + "Bad '%s' Directive. %s"
 Messages["eBADREGEX"]         = FILENUM + "Bad Regular Expression, '%s', In Legal Values List For Variable '%s'"
 Messages["eBADSYNTAX"]        = FILENUM + "Syntax Error.  Statement Not In Known Form"
+Messages["eCONFIGTYPE"]       = "Don't Know How To Process Configurations Of Type '%s'"
 Messages["eCONFOPEN"]         = FILENUM + "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
 Messages["eDESCRIPTBAD"]      = "API Error: %s For Variable '%s'"
 Messages["eELSENOIF"]         = FILENUM + "'%s' Without Preceding '%s' Form" % (ELSE, IF)
@@ -391,7 +393,7 @@
 #                  Public API To Module                    #
-def ParseConfig(cfgfile,
+def ParseConfig(configuration,
@@ -523,25 +525,42 @@
     if SymTable.DEBUG:
         DebugMsg("dNAMESPACE", (STARTUP, STARTUP, SymTable.Symbols[NAMESPACE].Value))
+    # We now can parse the configuration, either in a file or in-memory.
-    # Parse the file
+    cfgtype = type(configuration)
+    # It's a file if the passed parameter is a string - assumed to be the filename
+    if cfgtype == type('x'):
+        ParseFile(configuration, eSTARTUP, 0)
+        configname = configuration                # Name of the configuration
-    ParseFile(cfgfile, eSTARTUP, 0)
+    # It's an in-memory configuration if the passed parameter is a list
+    elif cfgtype == type([]):
+        ParseInMemory(configuration)
+        configname = INMEMORY
+        pass
+    # Anything else is illegal
+    else:
+        ErrorMsg("eCONFIGTYPE", str(cfgtype).split()[-1][1:-2])
     # Make sure we had all condition blocks balanced with matching '.endif'
     finalcond = len(SymTable.CondStack)
     if finalcond != 1:
-        ErrorMsg("eENDIFMISS", (cfgfile, ATEOF, finalcond-1))
+        ErrorMsg("eENDIFMISS", (configname, ATEOF, finalcond-1))
     # Make sure we ended any literal processing properly
     if SymTable.INLITERAL:
-        WarningMsg("wENDLITMISS", (cfgfile, ATEOF))
+        WarningMsg("wENDLITMISS", (configname, ATEOF))
     # Return the parsing results
     if SymTable.DEBUG:
-        DebugMsg("dNUMLINES", (cfgfile, SymTable.TotalLines))
+        DebugMsg("dNUMLINES", (configname, SymTable.TotalLines))
     # Strip out Prefefined Variables if user does not want them
@@ -688,6 +707,27 @@
+# Parse An In-Memory Configuration
+def ParseInMemory(cfglist):
+    global SymTable
+    linenum=0
+    # Process and massage the configuration file
+    for line in cfglist:
+        linenum += 1
+        SymTable.TotalLines += 1
+        # Parse this line
+        ParseLine(line, INMEMORY, linenum)
+# End of 'ParseInMemory()'
 # Parse A Line