diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index 0cb066f..b9647c4 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
     retval = ParseConfig(cfgfile,
-                         AllowNewNamespaces=True,
@@ -120,12 +119,6 @@
 Allow the user to create new variables in the configuration file.
-.B AllowNewNamespaces   (Default: True)
-Allow new namespaces to be created in the configuration file.
 .B LiteralVars   (Default: False)
@@ -387,6 +380,22 @@
 matches.  If you define an illegal regular expression here, \*(TC will
 catch it and produce an appropriate error.
+You may also want to specify a set of legal strings that are
+.B exact matches
+not open-ended regular expressions.  For example, suppose you have
+a variable, \'COLOR\' and you only want the user to be able to only set it
+to one of, \'Red\', \'White\', or \'Blue\'.  In that case, use the Python
+regular expression metacharacters that indicate "Start Of String" and 
+"End Of String" do do this:
+    des               = VarDescriptor()
+    des.LegalVals     = [r'^Red$', r'^White$', r'^Blue$']
+    ...
+    SymTable['COLOR'] = des
 .B VarDescriptor.Min and VarDescriptor.Max  (Default: None)
@@ -453,31 +462,17 @@
 produce an error and reset the initial namespace to "".
 .IP \(bu 4
-Each time the user enters a new namespace, it is added to the
-\'LegalVals\' attribute of the \'NAMESPACE\' variable descriptor.
-This is done to keep a "history" of all namespaces encountered during
-.IP \(bu 4
-The semantics of \'LegalVals\' are slightly different than usual
-in the case of the \'NAMESPACE\' variable.  As described above, the
-presence of anything in \'LegalVals\' ordinarily means that the
-variable in question is limited to one of those values.  However,
-in the case of \'NAMESPACE\'
-.B this is only true if \'AllowNewNamespaces=False\' is passed to the API.
-In other words, if \'AllowNewNamespaces=True\' (default), the user can
-create new namespaces of their own choosing - i.e., They can create
-namespaces not yet in \'LegalVals\'.  In this case, \'LegalVals\'
-is just a list of all the namespaces they created.
-.IP \(bu 4
-If you are inhibiting the creation of new namespaces (via the
-\'AllowNewNamespaces = False\' option described below) you can
-enumerate the namespaces the user
-.B is
-allowed to use by pre-defining them.  You do this by adding each
-permitted namespace to the \'LegalVals\' attribute of the
-\'NAMESPACE\' variable descriptor in the initial symbol table.
+Because lexical namespaces are implemented by treating \'NAMESPACE\'
+as just another variable, all the type and value validations available
+for string variables can be applied to \'NAMESPACE\'.  As discussed above,
+this means you can limit the length and content of what the user assigns
+to \'NAMESPACE\'.  In effect, this means you can limit the number and
+name of namespaces available for use by the user.  There is one slight
+difference here than for other variables.  
+.B The root namespace is always legal,
+regardless of what other limitations you may impose via
+the \'LegalVals\', \'Min\', and \'Max\' attributes of the \'NAMESPACE\'
+variable descriptor.
 .IP \(bu 4
 When the call to \'ParseConfig()\' completes, the \'Value\'
@@ -485,17 +480,6 @@
 the namespace that was in effect when the parse completed.  i.e.,
 It will contain the last namespace used.
-.IP \(bu 4
-Similarly, on parser completion, the \'LegalVals\' attribute of the
-\'NAMESPACE\' variable descriptor will contain the name of all the
-namespaces encountered during parsing.  This is
-.B not
-true if you suppressed new namespace creation with the
-\'AllowNewNamespaces = False\' API option.  In that case, the
-\'LegalVals\' attribute will contain only those namespaces you
-pre-defined.  Any or all of these may- or may not have been used in the
-configuration file, there is no way to tell.
 .SS How The  \*(TC Parser Validates The Initial Symbol Table
@@ -580,36 +564,6 @@
 table passed to the parser.
-.SS The \'AllowNewNamespaces\' API Option
-By default, \*(TC supports the use of an arbitrary number of
-lexical namespaces.  They can be pre-defined in an initial
-symbol table passed to the parser and/or created in the configuration
-file as desired.  (The details are described in a later section
-of this document.)
-There may be times, however, when you do not want users creating new
-namespaces on their own.  The reasons are much the same as for 
-preventing the creation of new variables in the option above:
-Maintaining simplicity and clarity in the configuration file and
-preventing "silent" errors due to misspellings.
-In this case, call the API with \'AllowNewNamespaces=False\' and the
-creation of new namespaces in the configuration file will be disabled.
-Any attempt to create a new namespaces via either the
-\'[new-ns-name]\' or \'NAMESPACE=new-ns-name\' methods will cause a
-parse error to be generated.
-It is important to realize that this option only disables the
-creation of
-.B new
-namespaces.  As discussed in the previous section on namespace
-processing, it is possible to pass an initial symbol table to the
-parser which has one or more pre-defined namespaces in it.  Each of
-these pre-defined namespaces is available for use throughout the
-configuration file even if \'AllowNewNamespaces\' is set to False.
 .SS The \'LiteralVars\' API Option
 \*(TC supports the inclusion of literal text anywhere in a
@@ -1151,11 +1105,11 @@
 .IP \(bu 4
 It helps enforce correct configuration files.  By default, you can
 introduce new namespaces into the configuration file any time you
-like.  However, as described in the previous section on the 
-\*(TC API, the application programmer can limit you to a pre-defined
-set of legal namespaces (via the \'AllowNewNamespaces=False\' API
-option).  By doing this, the programmer is helping you avoid
-incorrect configuration file entries by limiting just which
+like.  However, as described in the previous section on the \*(TC API,
+the application programmer can limit you to a pre-defined set of legal
+namespaces (via the \'LegalVals\' attribute of the \'NAMESPACE\'
+variable descriptor).  By doing this, the programmer is helping you
+avoid incorrect configuration file entries by limiting just which
 namespaces you can enter to reference or create variables.