diff --git a/test-tc.1 b/test-tc.1
index 1d3d889..c208c57 100644
--- a/test-tc.1
+++ b/test-tc.1
@@ -2,33 +2,70 @@
 .TH test-tc 1 "TundraWare Inc."
 .SH NAME test-tc.py
-Test driver to exercise the \'tconfpy\' Python module.
+Test driver to exercise the \fCtconfpy\fP Python module.
-test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvar] [limitns] [litvars] [debug] cfgfile, cfgfile, ...
+test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvars] [templates] [temponly] [limitns] [litvars] [debug] cfgfile, cfgfile, ...
 .B symtbl
 This option causes the test driver to include a symbol table with some
 predefined test variables in it.  These are useful for experimenting
 with variable dereferencing, substitution, and type/value enforcement.
 The default is to not predefine any such variables. (Note that whether
-this option is present or not, \'tconfpy\' always creates a number of
-predefined variables of its own internally.  See the \'tconfpy\'
-documentation for the details.)
+this option is present or not, \fCtconfpy\fP always creates a number of
+predefined variables of its own internally.  See the \fCtconfpy\fP
+documentation for the details.)  
+You can see all the predefined variables (and their attributes) by
+running \fCtest-tc.py\fP on an empty configuration file.  This will
+show you both the variables automatically defined by \fCtconfpy\fP as
+well as any variables created with this option, if present.
-.B nonewvar
+.B nonewvars
+This option disables the creation of new variables in the
+configuration file (via the \fCAllowNewVars\fP API option).  The user
+is limited to referencing and modifying only those variables already
+present in the symbol table.  Typically used when passing an initial
+symbol table to the parser to limit the user to only those variables.
+The default is to permit new variable creation.
-This option tells \'tconfpy\' to disallow the creation of new
-variables in the configuration file (via the \'AllowNewVars\' API
-option).  The user is limited to referencing and modifying only those
-variables already present in the symbol table.  Typically used when
-passing an initial symbol table to the parser to limit the user to
-only those variables.  The default is to permit new variable creation.
+.B templates
+This option creates a default set of variable templates for use in
+the configuration file.  These are passed to the \fCtconfpy\fP parser
+via the \fCTemplates={}\fP API option.
+The following variable templates are predefined when this option
+is used:
+.ft C \" courier
+Name    Val       RO Type    Def   Legal Values                 Min/Max
+templb  1         RW boolean False []                           None None
+templc  4+5j      RW complex 0-0j  [1-1j, 1+1j]                 None None
+templf  1.0       RW float   0.5   [3.14, 2.73]                 None None
+templi  1         RW int     0     [1, 2, 23]                   None None
+templs  "stringy" RW string  ""    [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'] 3    8
+.ft \" revert
+.B temponly
+This option will only permit new variable creation if a template for
+that variable exists (via the \fCTemplatesOnly=True\fP parser API
+option).  This is used in conjunction with the \fCtemplates\fP option
 .B limitns
@@ -45,30 +82,34 @@
 .B litvars
-By default, \'tconfpy\' does nothing to text encountered inside
-of \'.literal\' blocks in a configuration file.  If this option
-is present, the test driver tells \'tconfpy\' to replace any variable
-references present in a \'.literal\' block.  See the \'tconfpy\'
+By default, \fCtconfpy\fP does nothing to text encountered inside
+of \fC.literal\fP blocks in a configuration file.  If this option
+is present, the test driver tells \fCtconfpy\fP to replace any variable
+references present in a \fC.literal\fP block.  See the \fCtconfpy\fP
 documentation for a more complete description.
 .B debug
-This option causes the test driver to invoke \'tconfpy\' with
+This option causes the test driver to invoke \fCtconfpy\fP with
 debugging enabled and then display debug output when parsing is
 complete.  The default is for debug output to be disabled.
-This test driver uses a simple table-driven scheme for pre-defining
+This test driver uses a simple table-driven scheme for predefining
 variables should you desire this feature.  This can be found near
-the beginning of the \'test-tc.py\' file.  All this should be
+the beginning of the \fCtest-tc.py\fP file.  All this should be
 fairly self-explanatory once you understand the various variable
-attributes recognized by \'tconfpy\'.  Edit this table as 
+attributes recognized by \fCtconfpy\fP.  Edit this table as 
 desired to create more variables or different attribute values
 for your testing purposes.
+The exact same scheme is used for predefining variable templates and
+you can add/delete/change these to suit your own tastes in the same
 Requires Python 2.3 or later.
@@ -76,9 +117,9 @@
 The symbol table dump at the end of a program run could be formatted better.
-\'test-tc\' is part of the \'tconfpy\' package and is Copyright (c)
+\fCtest-tc\fP is part of the \fCtconfpy\fP package and is Copyright (c)
 \*(CP TundraWare Inc.  For terms of use, see the tconfpy-license.txt
-file in the program distribution.  If you install \'tconfpy\' on a
+file in the program distribution.  If you install \fCtconfpy\fP on a
 FreeBSD system using the 'ports' mechanism, you will also find this
 file in /usr/local/share/doc/py-tconfpy.