diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index b1d38ca..b672736 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -176,17 +176,134 @@
     See the section in the language reference below on \'.literal\'
     usage for details.
-.SS Parsing A Configuration File
-.SS Passing An Initial Symbol Table
 .SS The \'Debug\' Option
+\*(TC has a fairly rich set of debugging features built into its
+parser.  It can provide some detail about each line parsed as well
+as overall information about the parse.  Be default, debugging is
+turned off.  To enable debugging, merely set \'Debug=True' in the
+API call:
+retval = ParseConfig("myconfigfile", Debug=True)
 .SS The \'LiteralVars\' Option
+\*(TC supports the inclusion of literal text anywhere in a
+configuration file via the \'.literal\' directive.  This
+directive effectively tells the \*(TC parser to pass
+every line it encounters "literally" until it sees a
+corresponding \'.endlinteral\' directive.   By default,
+\*(TC does
+.B exactly
+this.  However, \*(TC has very powerful variable substitution
+mechanisms.  You may want to embed variable references in a
+"literal" block and have them replaced by \*(TC.
+Here is an example:
+     MyEmail = me@here.com   # This defines variable MyEmail
+    .literal
+        printf("[MyEmail]");  /* A C Statement */
+    .endliteral
+By default, \'ParseConfig()\' will leave everything within
+the \'.literal\'/\'.endliteral\' block unchanged.  In our
+example, the string:
+    printf("[MyEmail]");  /* A C Statement */
+would be in the list of literals returned by \'ParseConfig()\'.
+However, we can ask \*(TC to do variable replacement
+.B within
+literal blocks by setting \'LiteralVars=True\' in the
+\'ParseConfig()\' call:
+retval = ParseConfig("myconfigfile", LiteralVars=True)
+In this example, \*(TC would return:
+    printf("me@here.com");  /* A C Statement */
+At first glance this seems only mildly useful, but it is
+actually very handy.  As described later in this document,
+\*(TC has a rich set of conditional operators and string
+sustitution facilities.  You can use these features along
+with literal block processing and variable substitution
+within those blocks.  This effectively lets you use
+\*(TC as a preprocessor for
+.B any
+other language or text.
+.SS Passing An Initial Symbol Table
 .SS \*(TC Return Values
+When \*(TC is finished processing the configuration file it returns an
+object which contains the entire results of the parse.  This includes
+a symbol table, any relevant error or warning messages, debug information
+(if you requested this via the API), and any "literal" lines encountred
+in the configuration.
+The return object is an instance of the class \'twander.RetObj\' which is
+nothing more than a container to hold return data.  In the simplest
+case, we can parse and extract results like this:
+from tconfpy import *
+retval = ParseConfig("myconfigfile", Debug=True)
+\'retval\' now contains the results of the parse:
+retval.Errors -   A Python list containing error messages.  If this list
+                  is empty, you can infer that there were no parsing
+                  errors - i.e., The configuration file was OK.
+retval.Warnings - A Python list containing warning messages.  These
+                  describe minor problems not fatal to the parse
+                  process, but that you really ought to clean up in
+                  the configuration file.
+retval.SymTable - A Python dictionary which lists all the defined
+                  symbols and their associated values.  A "value"
+                  in this case is always an object of type
+                  tconfpy.VarDescriptor (as described above).
+retval.Literals - As described below, the \*(TC configuration language
+                  supports a \'.literal\' directive.  This directive
+                  allows the user to embed literal text anywhere in
+                  the configuration file.  This effectively makes
+                  \*(TC useful as a preprocessor for any other
+                  language or text.  retval.Literals is a Python list
+                  containing all literal text discovered during the parse.
+retval.Debug -    A Python list containing detailed debug information for
+                  each line parsed as well as some brief summary
+                  information about the parse.  retval.Debug defaults
+                  to an empty list and is only populated if you set
+                  \'Debug=True\' in the API call that initiated the
+                  parse (as in the example above).