diff --git a/test-tc.py b/test-tc.py
index bd1882e..07ec0bf 100755
--- a/test-tc.py
+++ b/test-tc.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy Test Driver"
-RCSID = "$Id: test-tc.py,v 1.130 2004/04/08 17:15:41 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: test-tc.py,v 1.131 2004/04/16 05:47:29 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -55,12 +55,15 @@
 #  by the VarDescriptor base class.
-syms = [ ["foo",  1,         True,  TYPE_INT,     0,    [1, 2, 23],                   1,    30   ],
-         ["fox",  1.0,       None,  TYPE_FLOAT,   0.5,  [3.14, 2.73],                 None, None ],
-         ["bar",  "stringy", None,  None,         None, [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'], 3,    8    ],
-         ["baz",  4+5j,      None,  TYPE_COMPLEX, 0-0j, [],                           None, None ],
-         ["boo",  True,      None,  TYPE_BOOL,    None, None,                         None, None ],
-         ["read", "ReadVar", False, None,         None, None,                         None, None ],
+syms = [ ["int1",    1,         True,  TYPE_INT,     0,    [1, 2, 23],                   None, None ],
+         ["int2",    1,         True,  TYPE_INT,     0,    [],                           1,    30   ],
+         ["float1",  1.0,       None,  TYPE_FLOAT,   0.5,  [3.14, 2.73],                 None, None ],
+         ["float2",  1.0,       None,  TYPE_FLOAT,   0.5,  [],                           -1.2, 0.5  ],
+         ["str1"  ,  "stringy", None,  None,         None, [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'], 3,    8    ],
+         ["cmplx1",  4+5j,      None,  TYPE_COMPLEX, 0-0j, [],                           None, None ],
+         ["cmplx2",  4+5j,      None,  TYPE_COMPLEX, 0-0j, [1-1j, 1+1j],                 None, None ],
+         ["bool1",   True,      None,  TYPE_BOOL,    None, None,                         None, None ],
+         ["ro1",     "ReadVar", False, None,         None, None,                         None, None ],
@@ -95,15 +98,6 @@
 symtbl["MyComplex1"] = mc1
 symtbl["MyComplex2"] = mc2
-# Just for fun, define an initial namespace and
-# some other "legal" namespaces for use in testing
-# the AllowNewNamespaces option of the API
-des = VarDescriptor()
-des.Value = ""           # This is the initial namespace
-des.LegalVals = ["NS1", "NS2"]
-symtbl["NAMESPACE"] = des
 # Nothing Else Should Need Changing Below Here
@@ -197,48 +191,62 @@
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
     print BANNER
-    print "Usage: test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvar] [nonewns] [debug] [litvars]  file file ..."
+    print "Usage: test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvar] [limitns] [debug] [litvars]  file file ..."
 # Process all the requested configuration files,
 # dumping the what tconfpy returns for each one.
-ALLOWNS  = True
 DEBUG    = False
+LIMITNS  = False
 LITVARS  = False
+ST       = False
-# The default is no pre-defined symbols
-st = {}
 for fn in sys.argv[files:]:
     # Handle inline options
-    if fn == "debug":
-        DEBUG = True
+    if fn == "symtbl":
+        ST = True
+    elif fn == "nonewvar":
+        ALLOWVAR = False
+    elif fn == "limitns":
+        LIMITNS = True
     elif fn == "litvars":
         LITVARS = True
-    elif fn == "symtbl":
-        st = symtbl
+    elif fn == "debug":
+        DEBUG = True
-    elif fn == "nonewvar":
-        ALLOWVAR = False
-    elif fn == "nonewns":
-        ALLOWNS = False
     # Everything else presumed to be a configuration file
+        # The default is no pre-defined symbols
+        st = {}
+        if ST:
+            st = symtbl
+        if LIMITNS:
+            # Limit the number of namespaces the user can use
+            des = VarDescriptor()
+            des.Value = "NS0"           # This is the initial namespace
+            des.LegalVals = [r"^NS.*", ]
+            des.Min = 3
+            des.Max = 8
+            st["NAMESPACE"] = des
         retval = ParseConfig(fn, InitialSymTable=st,
-                             AllowNewNamespaces=ALLOWNS,
-                             Debug=DEBUG,
-                             LiteralVars=LITVARS
+                             LiteralVars=LITVARS,
+                             Debug=DEBUG
         if retval.Errors: