diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index 9fe9d7b..9c49659 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -424,45 +424,6 @@
 validation but failed it for \'Min\'.
-.SS Some Notes On Boolean Variables
-One last note here concerns Boolean variables.  Booleans are actually
-stored in the symbol table as the Python values, True or False.
-However, \*(TC accepts user statements that set the value of the
-boolean in a number of formats:
-Boolean True              Boolean False
-------------              -------------
-foo = 1                   foo = 0
-foo = True                foo = False
-foo = Yes                 foo = No
-foo = On                  foo = Off 
-This is the one case where \*(TC is insensitive to case -
-"tRUE", "TRUE", and "true" are all accepted, for example.
-If the user wants to do a conditional test on the value of
-a boolean they
-.B must
-observe case and test for either \'True\' or \'False\':
-    .if [boolvar] != False    # This works fine
-    .if [boolvar] != FALSE    # This does not work - Case is not being observed
-    .if [boolvar] != Off      # Neither does this - Only True and False can be tested
 .SS The Initial Symbol Table And Lexical Namespaces
@@ -828,7 +789,9 @@
 .IP \(bu 4
 Case is always significant except when assigning a value to Booleans
-(described in the previous section).
+(described in the section below entitled,
+.B Some Notes On Boolean Variables
 .IP \(bu 4
 Regardless of a variable's type, all variable references
@@ -1055,7 +1018,11 @@
 This is illegal because whitespace is not permitted in variable names.
-\*(TC will produce an error if it sees such a construct.
+\*(TC will produce an error if it sees such a construct.  As a general
+matter, any variable you construct through this indirection method
+must still conform to all the rules of variable naming: It cannot
+contain whitespace, begin with \'$\', contain \'#\', \'[\', or \']\' and
+so on.
 Get into the habit of reading \'[something]\' as, "The current value
 of \'something\'".  See if you understand what the following does (if
@@ -1238,17 +1205,12 @@
 \'something\' and has nothing whatsoever to do with lexical
-This all works, by the way, because \'NAMESPACE\' is
-nothing more than (yet) another variable in the symbol table.  \*(TC
-just understands that variable to be special - it treats it as the
-repository of the current lexical namespace.
 .IP \(bu 4
 Whichever method you use to change it, 
-.B the new namespace cannot begin with \'$\'.
-Both of the following will cause an error:
+.B the new namespace must follow all the same rules used for naming variables.
+For example, both of the following will cause an error:
@@ -1312,6 +1274,43 @@
 .B  The Initial Symbol Table And Lexical Namespaces
 for details.)
+.IP \(bu 4
+Lexical namspaces are implemented by having \'NAMESPACE\' just be
+nothing more than (yet) another variable in the symbol table.  \*(TC
+just understands that variable to be special - it treats it as the
+repository of the current lexical namespace.  This means you can use
+the value of NAMESPACE in your own string substitutions:
+    MyVar = [NAMESPACE]-Isn't This Cool?
+You can even use the current value of NAMESPACE when setting a new
+One final, but very important point is worth noting here.  The
+\'NAMESPACE\' variable itself is always understood to be
+.B relative to the root namespace.
+No matter what the current namespace actually is, \'[NAMESPACE]\' or
+\'NAMESPACE = ...\' always set a variable by that name in the
+root namespace.  Similarly, when we use a variable reference to get
+the current namespace value (as we did in the example above), \'NAMESPACE\'
+is understood to be relative to the root namespace.  That's why things
+like this work:
+    [MyNewSpace]
+    x = 100               # MyNewSpace.x = 100
+    y = [NAMESPACE]-1     # MyNewSpace.y = MyNewSpace-1
+    NAMESPACE = NewSpace  # .NAMESPACE = NewSpace
 .SS Pre-Defined Variables
@@ -1323,6 +1322,46 @@
 .SS Type And Value Enforcement
+.SS Some Notes On Boolean Variables
+One last note here concerns Boolean variables.  Booleans are actually
+stored in the symbol table as the Python values, True or False.
+However, \*(TC accepts user statements that set the value of the
+boolean in a number of formats:
+Boolean True              Boolean False
+------------              -------------
+foo = 1                   foo = 0
+foo = True                foo = False
+foo = Yes                 foo = No
+foo = On                  foo = Off 
+This is the one case where \*(TC is insensitive to case -
+"tRUE", "TRUE", and "true" are all accepted, for example.
+If the user wants to do a conditional test on the value of
+a boolean they
+.B must
+observe case and test for either \'True\' or \'False\':
+     boolvar = YES
+    .if [boolvar] != False    # This works fine
+    .if [boolvar] != FALSE    # This does not work - Case is not being observed
+    .if [boolvar] != Off      # Neither does this - Only True and False can be tested
 .SS Guaranteeing A Correct Base Configuration