diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index 862e7c4..91ed31c 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@
 .B LiteralVars   (Default: \fCFalse\fP)
-If set to \fCTrue\fP this option enables variable substitutions within
+If set to \fCTrue\fP, this option enables variable substitutions within
 \fC.literal\fP blocks of a configuration file.  See the section in the
 language reference below on \fC.literal\fP usage for details.
 .B ReturnPredefs   (Default: \fCTrue\fP)
-\fCtconfpy\fC "prefefines" some variables internally.  By default,
+\fCtconfpy\fP "prefefines" some variables internally.  By default,
 these are returned in the symbol table along with the variables
 actually defined in the configuration file.  If you want a 
 "pure" symbol table - that is, a table with
@@ -245,17 +245,17 @@
 but cannot be changed.
 .IP \(bu 4
-You may want to place limits on what values can be assigned to
-a particular variable.  When a variable is newly defined in a
-a configuration file, it just defaults to being a string 
-variable without any limits on its length or content.   But 
-variables that are created by a program have access to the
-variable's "descriptor".  By setting various attribues
-of the variable descriptor you can control variable type,
-content, and range of values.  In other words, you can have
-\*(TC "validate" what values the user assigns to particular
-variables.  This substantially simplifies your application because
-no invalid variable value will ever be returned from the parser.
+You may want to place limits on what values can be assigned to a
+particular variable.  When a variable is newly defined in a a
+configuration file, it just defaults to being a string variable
+without any limits on its length or content (unless you are using
+Variable Templates).  But variables that are created by a program have
+access to the variable's "descriptor".  By setting various attribues
+of the variable descriptor you can control variable type, content, and
+range of values.  In other words, you can have \*(TC "validate" what
+values the user assigns to particular variables.  This substantially
+simplifies your application because no invalid variable value will
+ever be returned from the parser.
 .SS How To Create An Initial Symbol Table
@@ -650,7 +650,236 @@
 table passed to the parser.
-.SS Using Variable Templates - The \fCTemplates\fP And \fCTemplatesOnly\fP API Options
+.SS Using Variable Templates
+By default, any time a new variable is encountered in a configuration
+file, it is created as a string type with no restrictions on its
+content or length.  As described above, you can predefine the variable
+in the initial symbol table you pass to the parser.  This allows you
+to define that variable's type and to optionally place various
+restrictions on the values it may take.  In other words, you can "declare"
+the variable ahead of time and \*(TC will do so-called "type
+and value enforcement".
+"Variable Templates" are a related kind of idea, with a bit of
+a twist.  They give you a way to "declare" variable type
+and content restrictions for selected
+.B  new variables
+discovered in the configuration file.  In other words,
+by using Variable Templates, you can make sure that
+a new variable also has restrictions placed on its type
+and/or values.
+The obvious question here is, "Why not just do this
+by predefining every variable of interest in the 
+initial symbol table passed to the parser?"  There
+are several answers to this:
+.IP \(bu 4
+The \*(TC configuration language has very powerful "existential"
+conditional tests.  These test to see if a variable "exists".
+If you predefine every variable you will ever need, then
+the kinds of existential tests you can do will be
+somewhat limited (since every variable
+.B does
+already exist).
+With Variable Templates, you can define the type and value
+constraints of a variable which will be applied,
+.B but only if you actually bring that variable into existence.
+This allows constructs like this to work:
+.ft C \" Courier
+    .if [.PLATFORM] == posix
+        posix = True
+    .endif
+    .if [.PLATFORM] == nt
+        nt = True
+    .endif
+    .ifall posix
+        ...
+    .endif
+    .ifall nt
+        ...
+    .endif
+    .ifnone posix nt
+        ...
+    .endif
+.ft \" revert
+In this example, notice that the variables \fCposix\fP and \fCnt\fP
+may- or may not be actually created, depending on the value of
+\fC.PLATFORM\fP. The logic later in the example depends upon this.
+If you were to predefine these two variables (to specify type
+and/or value restrictions), this type of logical flow would not
+be possible.
+By providing Variable Templates for \fCposix\fP and \fCnt\fP,
+you can define their type (likely Boolean in this case)
+ahead of time
+.B and this will be applied if the variable does come into existence.
+.IP \(bu 4
+The other reason for Variable Templates is more subtle, but
+gives \*(TC tremendous versatility beyond just processing
+configuration files.  Variable Templates give you a way to use
+\*(TC to build data validation tools.
+Suppose you have a list of employee records exported in this
+general format (easy to do with most databases):
+.ft C \" Courier
+        [Employee#]
+        LastName  = ...
+        FirstName = ...
+        Address   = ...
+        City      = ...
+        ... and so on
+.ft \" revert
+By using the empoyee's ID as a lexical namespace, we end up creating
+new variables for each employee.  Say the employee number is
+\fC1234\fP.  Then we would get, \fC1234.LastName\fP,
+\fC1234.FirstName\fP, and so on.  
+Now, here's the subtle part.  Notice that the type and content
+restrictions of these variables is likely to be the
+.B same
+for each different employee.
+By defining Variable Templates for each of the variables we
+intend to use over and over again in different namespace
+contexts, we can
+.B validate
+each of them to make sure their content, type, length, and so forth
+are correct.  This makes it possible to use \*(TC as the underpinnings
+of a "data validation" or "cleansing" program.
+.IP \(bu 4
+Another way to look at this is that Variable Templates give you
+a way to define type/value restrictions on an entire "class"
+of variables.  Instead of having to explictly predefine
+variables for every employee in our example above, you
+just define templates for the variable set that is common to
+all employees.  This is
+.B way
+simpler than predefining every possible variable combination
+ahead of time.
+.SS  The \fCTemplates\fP And \fCTemplatesOnly\fP API Options
+Variable Templates are supported with two API options:
+\fCTemplates\fP And \fCTemplatesOnly\fP.  \fCTemplates\fP
+is used to pass a symbol table (separate from the main symbol
+table) containing the Variable Templates.  By default, this
+option is set to \fC{}\fP which means no templates are
+So what exactly is a "Variable Template"?  It is the
+.B exact same thing
+as a predefined variable you might pass in the initial symbol
+table.  In other words, it is a Python dictionary entry where the
+key is the variable name and the entry is in \fCVarDescriptor\fP
+The only difference is that a templated variable does not come into
+existence in the main symbol table until a variable by that
+.B name
+is encountered in the configuration file.  Then the variable is 
+created using the template as its entry in the main symbol table.
+For example:
+.ft C \" Courier
+        [1234]
+        LastName  = Jones
+        FirstName = William
+        Address   = 123 Main Street
+        City      = Anywhere
+        State     = WI
+        ZIP       = 00000-0000
+        [1235]
+        LastName  = Jones
+        FirstName = Susan
+        Address   = 123 Main Street
+        City      = Anywhere
+        State     = WI
+        ZIP       = 00000-0000
+.ft \" revert
+Suppose you define variable templates for \fCLastName\fP,
+\fCFirstName\fP, \fCAddress\fP, and so on.  That is, you
+define variables by these names, and define whatever type
+and content restrictions you want in each of their
+\fCVarDescriptor\fPs. You then pass these to the parser
+via the \fCTemplates=\fP option.
+As \*(TC parses the file and encounters the new variables
+\fC1234.LastName\fP ... \fC1235.ZIP\fP, it uses the following
+ "rules" when creating new variables:
+.IP \(bu 4
+See if there is a template variable whose name is the same as
+the "base" name of the new variable.  (The "base" name is just
+the variable name without the prepended namespace.)  
+If there is a template with a matching name, see if the value the
+user wants to assign to that variable passes all the type/validation
+rules.  If so, load the variable into the symbol table and set its
+value as requested,
+.B using the \fCVarDescriptor\fP object from the template.
+(This ensures that future attempts to change the variable's value will
+also be type/validation checked.)
+If the assignment fails the validation tests, issue an appropriate
+error and do
+.B not
+create the variable in the symbol table.
+.IP \(bu 4
+If there is no template with a matching name, then just
+create a new variable as usual - string type with no
+.B unless
+\fCTemplatesOnly\fP is set to \fCTrue\fP.  Setting this
+option to \fCTrue\fP tells the program that you want to
+allow the creation of 
+.B only
+those variables for which templates are defined.  This is 
+a way to restrict just what new variables can be created
+in any namespace.  \fCTemplatesOnly\fP defaults to \fCFalse\fP
+which means you can create new variables even when no template
+for them exists.
+In summary, Variable Templates give you a way to place
+restrictions on variable type and content
+.B in the event that the variable actually comes into existence.
+They also give you a way to define such restrictions for an
+entire class of variables without having to explicitly name
+each such variable ahead of time.  Finally, Variable Templates
+are an interesting way to use \*(TC as the basis for data
+validation programs.
 .SS The \fCLiteralVars\fP API Option
@@ -735,10 +964,20 @@
 the variables actually encountered in the configuration file itself,
 set \fCReturnPredefs=False\fP in the \fCParseConfig()\fP API call.
 This will cause \fCtconfpy\fP to strip out all the predefined
-variables before returning the final symbol table.  Note that this
-option also removes the \fCNAMESPACE\fP variable since it is understood
-to also be outside the configuration file (even though you may have
-passed an initial version of \fCNAMESPACE\fP to the parser).
+variables before returning the final symbol table. 
+Note that this option also removes the \fCNAMESPACE\fP variable since
+it is understood to also be outside the configuration file (even
+though you may have passed an initial version of \fCNAMESPACE\fP to
+the parser).
+Note also that this option applies only to the variables predefined
+.B \fCtconfpy\fP
+itself.  Any variables
+.B you
+predefine when passing an initial symbol table will be returned as usual,
+regardless of the state of this option.
 .SS The \fCDebug\fP API Option