diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index 15d23e4..522e505 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -1990,6 +1990,105 @@
 .SS The  \'.literal\. Directive
+By default, \*(TC only permits statements it "recognizes" in the
+configuration file.  Anything else is flagged as an unrecognized
+statement or "syntax error".  However, it is possible to "embed"
+arbitrary text in a configuration file and have \*(TC pass it back
+to the calling program without comment by using the \'.literal\'
+directive.  It works like this:
+    .literal
+         This is literal text that will be passed back.
+    .endliteral
+This tells \*(TC to ignore everything between \'.literal\' and \'.endliteral\'
+and just pass it back to the calling program (in \'retval.Literals\' - see
+previous section on the \*(TC API).
+What good is this?  It is a nifty way to embedd plain text or even
+programs written in other languages within a configuration file and
+pass them back to the calling program.  This is especially handy
+when used in combination with \*(TC conditional features:
+   .if [.OSTYPE] == posix
+        .literal
+            We're Running On A Unix-Like System
+        .endliteral
+    .else
+        .literal
+            We're Not Running On A Unix-Like System
+        .endliteral
+    .endif
+In other words, we can use \*(TC as a "preprocessor" for other text or
+computer languages.  Obviously, the program has to be written to understand 
+whatever is returned as literal text.
+By default, \*(TC leaves text within the literal block completely untouched.
+It simply returns it as it finds it in the literal block.  However, the
+programmer can invoke \*(TC with an option (\'LiteralVars=True\') that
+.B variable substitution within literal blocks.
+This allows you to combine the results of your configuration into the
+literal text that is returned to the calling program.  Here is how it
+    .ifall $USER
+         Greeting = Hello [$USER]. Welcome to [.MACHINENAME]!
+    .else
+         Greeting = Hello Random User. Welcome To Random Machine!
+    .endif
+    # Now embed the greeting in a C program
+    .literal
+       [HASH]include <stdio.h>
+       main()
+           {
+            printf("[Greeting]");
+           }
+    .endliteral
+If the calling program sets \'LiteralVars=True\', the literal block
+will return a C program that prints the greeting defined at the top of
+this example.  If they use the default \'LiteralVars=False\', the C
+program would print "[Greeting]".  (Well ... it should do that, but if
+variable substitution is not enabled, the \'[HASH]\' reference will
+not be resolved and the C program returned will be incorrect.)
+In other words, it is possible to have your literal blocks make
+reference to other configuration variables (and Predefined or
+Environment Variables).  This makes it convenient to
+combine both configuration information for the program,
+.B and 
+other, arbitrary textual information that the program may need,
+all in a single configuration file.    
+If you fail to provide a terminating \'.endliteral\', the program will
+treat everthing as literal until it reaches the end of the
+configuration file.  This will generate an appropriate warning, but
+will work as you might expect.  Everything from the \'.literal\'
+directive forward will be treated literally.  As a matter of good
+style, you should always insert an explicit \'.endliteral\', even if
+it is at the end of file.
+Placing an \'.endliteral\' in the configuration file without a
+preceding \'.literal\' will also generate a warning message, and the
+statement will be ignored.
 .SS Guaranteeing A Correct Base Configuration