diff --git a/tconfpy.py b/tconfpy.py
index d35ca9a..e90aa33 100755
--- a/tconfpy.py
+++ b/tconfpy.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Program Information
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
-RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.181 2004/04/24 19:08:28 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.182 2004/04/27 01:54:04 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -159,8 +159,10 @@
 ALLOWNEWVAR   = True     # Allow new variable creation in cfg file
-DEBUG         = False    # Control Debug output
+TEMPLATES     = {}       # Place to hold variable templates
+TEMPONLY      = False    # Allow only template variable creation
+DEBUG         = False    # Control Debug output
 INLITERAL     = False    # Indicates we are currently in a literal block
 DebugMsg      = []       # Place to store and return debug info
@@ -318,6 +320,7 @@
 Messages["eSYMBADSTART"]      = FILENUM + "Symbol '%s' Begins With An Illegal Character"
 Messages["eSYMNAMESPC"]       = FILENUM + "Symbol Names May Not Contain Whitespace"
 Messages["eSYMNONAME"]        = FILENUM + "Symbol Name Evaluates To Null String.  Not Permitted"
+Messages["eTEMPONLY"]         = FILENUM + "Cannot Create New Variable.  No Template For '%s'"
 Messages["eTYPEBAD"]          = FILENUM + "Type Mismatch. '%s' Must Be Assigned Values Of Type %s Only"
 Messages["eVALLARGE"]         = FILENUM + "%s Too Large For Variable '%s'.  Maximum Allowed is %s"
 Messages["eVALSMALL"]         = FILENUM + "%s Too Small For Variable '%s'.  Minimum Allowed is %s"
@@ -416,27 +419,40 @@
 #                  Public API To Module                    #
-def ParseConfig(cfgfile, InitialSymTable={}, AllowNewVars=True, LiteralVars=False, Debug=False):
+def ParseConfig(cfgfile,
+                InitialSymTable={},
+                AllowNewVars=True,
+                Templates={},
+                TemplatesOnly={},
+                LiteralVars=False,
+                Debug=False):
     global DebugMsgs, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, LiteralLines
-    global CondStack, ALLOWNEWVAR, DEBUG, SymTable, TotalLines, LITERALVARS, INLITERAL
+    global CondStack, SymTable, TotalLines
     # Initialize the globals
-    ALLOWNEWVAR   = AllowNewVars
-    DEBUG         = Debug
-    LITERALVARS   = LiteralVars
     DebugMsgs     = []
     ErrMsgs       = []
     WarnMsgs      = []
     LiteralLines  = []
-    retobj = RetObj()
+    ALLOWNEWVAR   = AllowNewVars
+    TEMPLATES     = Templates
+    TEMPONLY      = TemplatesOnly
+    LITERALVARS   = LiteralVars
+    INLITERAL     = False
+    DEBUG         = Debug
     CondStack     = [["", True],]  # Always has one entry as a sentinel
     TotalLines    = 0
+    # Setup container to return parsing results
+    retobj = RetObj()
     # Add any passed symbols to the SymbolTable
     deserror = False
@@ -1128,15 +1144,16 @@
                 if l in (NAMESPACE, NSSEP+NAMESPACE):
                     # Make sure it is in absolute format
-                    l = NAMESPACE
+                    varname = l = NAMESPACE
                 # Handle absolute variable references
                 elif l.startswith(NSSEP):
-                    l = l[1:]
+                    varname = l = l[1:]
                 # In all other cases prepend current namespace
+                    varname = l
                     ns =  SymTable[NAMESPACE].Value
                     # Top level namespace variables don't need
@@ -1154,12 +1171,49 @@
                     # Only do this if new variable creation allowed
                     if ALLOWNEWVAR:
-                        # Build a new variable descriptor
+                        # Rules for new variable creation:
+                        #
+                        #    1) If var has a template, use it
+                        #    2) If var has no template, but TemplatesOnly=True  -> Error
+                        #    3) If var has no template, and TemplatesOnly=False -> Create new var
-                        d = VarDescriptor()
-                        d.Default = r
-                        d.Value = r
-                        SymTable[l] = d
+                        # Rule 1
+                        if varname in TEMPLATES:
+                            # Create the new variable
+                            SymTable[l] = TEMPLATES[varname]
+                            # Load the proposed value only if valid
+                            if ValidateValue(l, r, cfgfile, linenum):
+                                SymTable[l].Value = r
+                            # If value is invalid, remove this
+                            # variable.  We cannot create a new
+                            # variable on an error.  Errors are
+                            # actually reported by the validation
+                            # function.
+                            else:
+                                del(SymTable[l])
+                        # Rule 2
+                        elif TEMPONLY:
+                            ErrorMsg("eTEMPONLY", (cfgfile, linenum, varname))
+                        # Rule 3
+                        else:
+                            # Build a new variable descriptor
+                            d = VarDescriptor()
+                            d.Default = r
+                            d.Value = r
+                            SymTable[l] = d
                     # New vars not allowed