diff --git a/tconfpy.py b/tconfpy.py
index 0e948c1..3037776 100755
--- a/tconfpy.py
+++ b/tconfpy.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Program Information
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
-RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.169 2004/04/13 23:06:01 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.170 2004/04/14 02:26:08 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -76,18 +76,6 @@
 NSSEP       = '.'          # Namespace separator character
 NOTEQUIV    = r"!="        # Used in conditional tests
-# Pre-Defined System Symbols
-Predefined    = {PREDEFINTRO + "PLATFORM"      : sysplat,
-                 PREDEFINTRO + "OSDETAILS"     : platform.platform(),
-                 PREDEFINTRO + "OSNAME"        : platform.system(),
-                 PREDEFINTRO + "OSRELEASE"     : platform.release(),
-                 PREDEFINTRO + "PYTHONVERSION" : platform.python_version(),
-                 PREDEFINTRO + "MACHINENAME"   : platform.node()
-                }
 # Control and conditional symbols
 CONDINTRO   = '.'          # Conditional introducer token
@@ -101,9 +89,34 @@
 LITERAL     = CONDINTRO + "literal"
 ENDLITERAL  = CONDINTRO + "endliteral"
-Reserved    = ["HASH", "DELIML", "DELIMR", "DOLLAR", "EQUAL", "EQUIV", "NOTEQUIV", "NSSEP",
-               "INCLUDE", "IF", "IFALL", "IFANY", "IFNONE", "ELSE", "ENDIF", "LITERAL", "ENDLITERAL"]
+# Pre-Defined System Symbols
+Predefined    = {"DELIML"                      : DELIML,
+                 "DELIMR"                      : DELIMR,
+                 "DOLLAR"                      : DOLLAR,
+                 "ELSE"                        : ELSE,
+                 "ENDIF"                       : ENDIF,
+                 "ENDLITERAL"                  : ENDLITERAL,
+                 "EQUAL"                       : EQUAL,
+                 "EQUIV"                       : EQUIV,
+                 "HASH"                        : HASH,
+                 "IF"                          : IF,
+                 "IFALL"                       : IFALL,
+                 "IFANY"                       : IFANY,
+                 "IFNONE"                      : IFNONE,
+                 "INCLUDE"                     : INCLUDE,
+                 "LITERAL"                     : LITERAL,
+                 "NOTEQUIV"                    : NOTEQUIV,
+                 "NSSEP"                       : NSSEP,
+                 PREDEFINTRO + "MACHINENAME"   : platform.node(),
+                 PREDEFINTRO + "OSDETAILS"     : platform.platform(),
+                 PREDEFINTRO + "OSNAME"        : platform.system(),
+                 PREDEFINTRO + "OSRELEASE"     : platform.release(),
+                 PREDEFINTRO + "PLATFORM"      : sysplat,
+                 PREDEFINTRO + "PYTHONVERSION" : platform.python_version()
+                }
 # Regular Expressions
@@ -212,20 +225,10 @@
 # End of class 'VarDescriptor'
-# Initialize the table using the builtin symbols
+# Initialize the table using the predefined symbols
 SymTable     = {}
-for sym in Reserved:
-        descript = VarDescriptor()
-        descript.Value = eval(sym)
-        descript.Writeable = False
-        SymTable[sym] = descript
-# Add the predefined symbols
 for var in Predefined.keys():
     d = VarDescriptor()
@@ -610,10 +613,10 @@
             return line, ref_ok
         # By default, all variable names assumed to be relative to
-        # current namespace unless escaped with NSSEP.
-        # However, environment variables and predefined variables
-        # are always presumed to be relative to the top-level
-        # namespace and are left untouched here.
+        # current namespace unless escaped with NSSEP.  However,
+        # environment variables and predefined variables are always
+        # presumed to be relative to the top-level namespace and are
+        # left untouched here.
         if sym not in Predefined and sym[0] != ENVIRO:
@@ -1119,14 +1122,13 @@
             # This test needs to happen here before any of the
             # namespace stuff below.  Doing it here guarantees we
-            # catch an attempt to modify one of the Predefined or
-            # Reserved variables, which are always marked RO and are
-            # always relative to the top-level namespace.  This way,
-            # we don't have to put in an explicit check to ignore
-            # Predefined and Reserved variables in the namespace
-            # munging below.  IOW, Don't move this test down into the
-            # body of the variable name processing where namespace
-            # fiddling takes place.
+            # catch an attempt to modify one of the Predefined
+            # variables, which are always marked RO and are always
+            # relative to the top-level namespace.  This way, we don't
+            # have to put in an explicit check to ignore Predefined
+            # variables in the namespace munging below.  IOW, Don't
+            # move this test down into the body of the variable name
+            # processing where namespace fiddling takes place.
             elif l in SymTable and not SymTable[l].Writeable:
                 ErrorMsg("eVARREADONLY", (cfgfile, linenum, l))
@@ -1367,8 +1369,8 @@
     for var in pk:
-        val = Predefined[var]
-        print "%s%s%s" % (var, (20-len(var)) * " ", val)
+        if var[0] == PREDEFINTRO:
+            val = Predefined[var]
+            print "%s%s%s" % (var, (20-len(var)) * " ", val)