diff --git a/test-tc.py b/test-tc.py
index 1c37d6f..ca2f4ba 100755
--- a/test-tc.py
+++ b/test-tc.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy Test Driver"
-RCSID = "$Id: test-tc.py,v 1.133 2004/04/17 19:31:04 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: test-tc.py,v 1.134 2004/04/27 02:30:43 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -35,24 +35,25 @@
-# One of the options of this test driver is to initialize a test symbol
-# table.  We build that table here in case the user requested it.
-# Create An Empty Symbol Table
-symtbl = {}
+# One of the options of this test driver is to initialize a test
+# symbol table.  To make it easy to change the contents of this test
+# symbol table, we use the following scheme:
-# This test driver makes it easy to add pre-defined symbols of
-# your own choosing.   The first way is like this ...
+# The data below is used to populate an initial symbol table.  The
+# init code takes care of actually reading this table and populating
+# the symbol table for you.  So, you just have to maintain this table
+# properly and the program will do all the actual initialization work
+# for you.
-# The data below is used to populate an initial symbol table.  You can add or
-# change things here without modifying any of the following code.
-# Each symbol has an entry which is a list with the following items: 
+# Each symbol has an entry in the form of a Python list with the
+# following items/order:
 #      Name, Value, Writeable, Type, Default, LegalVals, Min, Max
-#  Where 'None' appears, the init code just uses the default established
-#  by the VarDescriptor base class.
+# **** NOTE: Where 'None' appears, the init code just uses the
+#            ***default*** established by the VarDescriptor base class.
 syms = [ ["int1",    1,         True,  TYPE_INT,     0,    [1, 2, 23],                   None, None ],
@@ -67,18 +68,28 @@
-# Another way to add pre-defined symbols is to explicitly load
-# them into the symbol table.  The example below does this as
-# well as demonstrating how to use inheritance to create
-# your own types derviced from the tconfpy variable descriptor
-# base class.
+# We use the exact same scheme for building variable templates
-# Here's a way to inherit the base symbol definition from
-# the module and then derive a new object type for your
-# own convenience
+templs = [ ["templb",    1,         True,  TYPE_BOOL,     False, [],                   None, None ],
+           ["templc",  4+5j,        None,  TYPE_COMPLEX,  0-0j,  [1-1j, 1+1j],         None, None ],
+           ["templf",  1.0,         None,  TYPE_FLOAT,    0.5,   [3.14, 2.73],         None, None ],
+           ["templi",  1,           None,  TYPE_INT,      0,     [1, 2, 23],           None, None ],
+           ["templs",  "stringy",   None,  None,          None,  [r'^box$', r'^Bax', r'a+bc'], 3,    8    ]
+         ]
-# Note the use of 'super()' here to run each constructor in
-# the inheritance tree only once.
+# Deriving Your Own Types
+# Here's a way to inherit the base symbol definition from the module
+# and then derive a new object type for your own convenience.  This is
+# a way to set your own defaults, for example.
+# Note the use of 'super()' here to run each constructor in the
+# inheritance tree only once.
 class mycmplx(VarDescriptor):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -87,16 +98,9 @@
         self.Default = 39-4j
         self.Type = TYPE_COMPLEX
-# Instantiate some of these
-mc1 = mycmplx()
-mc2 = mycmplx()
-mc2.Value     = 8-3.14159j
-mc2.Writeable = False
-# And stuff them into the symbol table
-symtbl["MyComplex1"] = mc1
-symtbl["MyComplex2"] = mc2
+# We'll use this below to manually enter additional variables into the
+# initial symbol table.
@@ -104,33 +108,43 @@
-# Fill in the symbol table with stuff defined in the table above
-for sym in syms:
-    # Create and init the descriptor
-    des = VarDescriptor()
-    pos = 1
-    for attr in ("Value", "Writeable", "Type", "Default", "LegalVals", "Min", "Max"):
-        val = sym[pos]
-        if val != None:
-            exec("des." + attr + "=val")
-        pos += 1
-    symtbl[sym[0]] = des    
 #                      Utility And Support Functions                        #
+# Build A Symbol Table Using The Data Table Format Defined above
+def BuildSymTbl(syms):
+    symtbl ={}
+    for sym in syms:
+        # Create and init the descriptor
+        des = VarDescriptor()
+        pos = 1
+        for attr in ("Value", "Writeable", "Type", "Default", "LegalVals", "Min", "Max"):
+            val = sym[pos]
+            if val != None:
+                exec("des." + attr + "=val")
+            pos += 1
+        symtbl[sym[0]] = des
+    return symtbl
+# End of 'BuildSymTbl()'
 # Format and return contents of a symbol table entry
 def dumpsymbol(val, d):
@@ -151,9 +165,9 @@
 # End of 'dumpsymbol()'
 # Routine to dump returned values
 def dumpreturn(name, data, isdict=False):
@@ -181,9 +195,9 @@
 # Beginning of test driver
 files = 1
@@ -191,17 +205,20 @@
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
     print BANNER
-    print "Usage: test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvar] [limitns] [litvars] [debug]  file file ..."
+    print "Usage: test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvars] [template] [temponly] [limitns] [litvars] [debug]  file file ..."
 # Process all the requested configuration files,
 # dumping the what tconfpy returns for each one.
+ST       = False
-DEBUG    = False
 LIMITNS  = False
 LITVARS  = False
-ST       = False
+DEBUG    = False
 for fn in sys.argv[files:]:
@@ -211,9 +228,15 @@
     if fn == "symtbl":
         ST = True
-    elif fn == "nonewvar":
+    elif fn == "nonewvars":
         ALLOWVAR = False
+    elif fn == "template":
+        TEMPLATE = True
+    elif fn == "temponly":
+        TEMPONLY = True
     elif fn == "limitns":
         LIMITNS = True
@@ -231,7 +254,22 @@
         st = {}
         if ST:
-            st = symtbl
+            st = BuildSymTbl(syms)
+            # Another way to add pre-defined symbols is to explicitly
+            # load them into the symbol table.  We'll the derived
+            # complex type we created earlier for this.
+            mc1 = mycmplx()
+            mc2 = mycmplx()
+            mc2.Value     = 8-3.14159j
+            mc2.Writeable = False
+            # And stuff them into the symbol table
+            st["MyComplex1"] = mc1
+            st["MyComplex2"] = mc2
         if LIMITNS:
@@ -244,8 +282,21 @@
             st["NAMESPACE"] = des
+        # Support for templating
+        # Default is no templates
+        tl = {}
+        if TEMPLATE:
+            tl = BuildSymTbl(templs)
+        # Call the parser and process the results
         retval = ParseConfig(fn, InitialSymTable=st,
+                             Templates=tl,
+                             TemplatesOnly=TEMPONLY,