diff --git a/test-tc.py b/test-tc.py
index 2fb0baf..985dd65 100755
--- a/test-tc.py
+++ b/test-tc.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 TundraWare Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy Test Driver"
-RCSID = "$Id: test-tc.py,v 1.114 2004/03/20 00:50:12 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: test-tc.py,v 1.115 2004/03/20 10:48:03 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -114,6 +114,28 @@
 symtbl["fox"].Writeable = False
+# Here's a way to inherit the base symbol definition from
+# the module and then derive a new object type for your
+# own convenience
+class mycmplx(tconfpy.VarDescriptor):
+    def __init__(self):
+        tconfpy.VarDescriptor.__init__(self)
+        self.Value = 2-2j
+        self.Default = 39-4j
+        self.Type = tconfpy.TYPE_COMPLEX
+# Instantiate one of these
+mc = mycmplx()
+# And stuff it in the symbol table
+symtbl["MyComplex"] = mc
+# Make sure we got legit arguments
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
     print BANNER
     print "Usage: test-tc.py [debug] file file ..."
@@ -123,6 +145,10 @@
     files = 2
     DEBUG = True
+# Process all the requested configuration files,
+# dumping the what tconfpy returns for each one.
 for fn in sys.argv[files:]:
     retval = tconfpy.ParseConfig(fn, symtbl, debug=DEBUG)