diff --git a/tconfpy.py b/tconfpy.py
index 144d979..085a3ad 100755
--- a/tconfpy.py
+++ b/tconfpy.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Program Information
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
-RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.177 2004/04/16 20:23:22 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.178 2004/04/16 23:59:45 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -290,10 +290,11 @@
 eBADDEFAULT   = "Type Of Default Value Does Not Agree With Type Declared"
 eBADLEGALVAL  = "Type Of One Or More LegalVals Does Not Agree With Type Declared"
 eBADMINMAX    = "Type Of Min Or Max Value Not Appropriate For" 
+eBADVARREF     = "Attempt To Get Value Of Non-Existent Variable"
 eIFBAD        = "'%s' Or '%s' Missing" % (EQUIV, NOTEQUIV)
 eLEGALVALLIST = "The LegalVal Attribute Is Wrong Type (Must Be A List)"
 eNOTDESCRIPT  = "Invalid Descriptor Type"
-eNOVARREF     = "Must Have At Least One Variable Reference"
+eNOVARS       = "This Conditional Requires At Least One Variable Name To Test"
 eSTARTUP      = "<Program Starting>"
 # Error Messages
@@ -913,54 +914,51 @@
                 line = line.split(IFNONE)[1].strip()
-            # There must be at least one var reference in the condition
-            vars = VarRef.findall(line)
+            # Dereference any variables
-            # Only variable references are significant - warn on other text.
+            line, ref_ok = DerefVar(line, cfgfile, linenum)
-            # Strip out variable references and see if anything
-            # other than whitespace is left.
+            if ref_ok:
-            plain = line
-            if vars:
-                for v in vars:
-                    plain=plain.replace(v, "")
+                vars = line.split()
-            # Only arguments that are allowed are variable references
-            if len(plain.strip()):
-                ErrorMsg("eIFEXTRATXT", (cfgfile, linenum, FIRSTTOK))
-                condstate = False
-            if vars:
-                # Only do this if the syntax check above was OK
-                if condstate:
-                    # Go see how many references actually resolve
-                    resolved = 0
+                # There has to be at least one variable named
+                if vars:
+                    numexist = 0 
+                    # Iterate through all named variables to see if they exist
                     for v in vars:
-                        v, ref_ok = DerefVar(v, cfgfile, linenum, reporterr=False)
-                        if ref_ok:
-                            resolved += 1
+                        # Handle environment variables
+                        if v[0] == ENVIRO:
+                            if v in os.environ:
+                                numexist += 1
+                        # Handle local local variables
+                        if v in SymTable:
+                            numexist += 1
                     # And set the conditional state accordingly
-                    if FIRSTTOK == IFALL and len(vars) != resolved:
+                    if FIRSTTOK == IFALL and numexist != len(vars):
                         condstate = False
-                    if FIRSTTOK == IFANY and not resolved:
+                    if FIRSTTOK == IFANY and numexist == 0:
                         condstate = False
-                    if FIRSTTOK == IFNONE and resolved:
+                    if FIRSTTOK == IFNONE and numexist != 0:
                         condstate = False
-            # Bogus conditional syntax - no variable refs found
+                # Bogus conditional syntax - no variables named
+                else:
+                    ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, FIRSTTOK, eNOVARS))
+                    condstate = False
+            # Bogus conditional syntax - tried to reference non-existent variable
-                ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, FIRSTTOK, eNOVARREF))
-                # Force parse state to False on an error
+                ErrorMsg("eBADCOND", (cfgfile, linenum, FIRSTTOK, eBADVARREF))
                 condstate = False