diff --git a/tconfpy-spec.txt b/tconfpy-spec.txt
index e60e875..da7a2e0 100644
--- a/tconfpy-spec.txt
+++ b/tconfpy-spec.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$Id: tconfpy-spec.txt,v 1.1 2003/07/01 19:46:31 tundra Exp $
+$Id: tconfpy-spec.txt,v 1.100 2003/07/01 20:20:08 tundra Exp $
                         tconfpy SPECIFICATION
@@ -22,16 +22,29 @@
-                 bopt = [name, default]
+                 For each of these these types of entries,
+                 'Configurable' is a boolean which must be True for
+                 the Option to be settable in the Configuration File.
+                 If Configurable == False, then the option is set to
+                 its default value during initial parsing and may not
+                 be changed further in the Configuration File.
-                 nopt = [name, default, [min, max]]
+                 Similarly, NumVals sets how many values may
+                 be associated with that option.  A value of
+                 0 means there is no limit.
+                 bopt = [name, default, Configurable, NumVals=1]
+                   A bopt can only be True/False
+                 nopt = [name, default, Configurable, NumVals, [min, max]]
                    If min or max are None, then no bound in that
                    direction is enforced.  For no bounds checking,
                    use [None, None] or [].
-                 sopt = [name, default, [list of legal vals - regex]] 
+                 sopt = [name, default, Configurable, NumVals, [list of legal vals - regex]] 
                    Each entry in the list of legal vals may be a
                    literal string or a regular expression.  If the
@@ -52,6 +65,8 @@
                  pgm should not continue
@@ -61,17 +76,17 @@
 IgnoreCase option is invoked when calling the Parsing API.
-Variable Names & Dereferencing
+Variable Naming & Dereferencing
-Variables names may be arbitrary length and contain any printable
+Variable names may be arbitrary length and contain any printable
 character except '$', '=', or '#'.
 Variables must be defined before being referenced. No forward
-references are permitted.  Variables named in the Options list are
-considered predefined and are intialized to their default values.
-Environment Variables are also considered predefined with values as
-set in the invoking environment.
+references are permitted.  Variables named in the Options list passed
+into the Parsing API are considered predefined and are intitialized to
+their default values.  Environment Variables are also considered
+predefined with values as set in the invoking environment.
 A variable is dereferenced by enclosing it in square brackets:
@@ -107,19 +122,60 @@
 .endif                      # Conditional block delimiter
-General idea is to associate a symbol name with a list of one or
-more values.  Each value in the list is delimited with the
-equal symbol ('=').  Any symbol which appears as a predfined
-Option passed into the parsing API may only have one value
-associated with it AND that value must conform to the 
-set of legal values defined for that variable in the associated
-Options entry.
+Configuration Variables
+The heart of tconfpy is the association of one or more values with
+so-called "Configuration Variables".  These variables and their values
+are returned in the Symbol Table constructed by the parser.
+User-Defined Configuration Variables
+Users may define their own configuration variables and associate one
+or more values with that variable.  The general idea is to associate a
+symbol name with a list of one or more values.  Each value in the list
+is delimited with the equal symbol ('=').
 x = y = z ... 
-This means the Symbol Table will return an entry in this form:
+This means, after parsing, the Symbol Table will contain an entry in this form:
-{'x' : ['y', 'z', ...]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{'x' : ['y', 'z', ...]}
+Pre-Defined Option Variables
+Pre-Defined Option Variables (one of the entries in the Options passed into the
+Parsing API) are similar to User-Defined Variables but with more rigid
+- An option has a fixed number of possible values assigned to it.  This
+  is set by the NumVals field in that option in the Options data structure.
+  Say, and 'opt1' has NumVals set to 2, then this would not be a legal
+  config statement:
+     opt1 = val1 = val2 = val3
+-   Boolean Options always are limited to a single value (True or False)
+    (NumVal = 1).  The Right-Hand Side of a Boolean option assignment
+    may be the string "True" or "False" in any case regardless of the
+    IgnoreCase setting passed to the Parsing API.
+- Numeric and String Options may have as many values associated with
+  them as their associated NumVals entry permits.  Each such value
+  must conform to either the min/max criteria (for Numerics) or
+  the literal/regex criteria (for Strings) in their associated 
+  Options entry.