diff --git a/tconfpy.py b/tconfpy.py
index 01d2873..3f025ed 100755
--- a/tconfpy.py
+++ b/tconfpy.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Program Information
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
-RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.121 2004/03/19 11:03:33 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.122 2004/03/19 22:41:17 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -225,14 +225,16 @@
 eIFBAD      = "'%s' Or '%s' Missing" % (EQUIV, NOTEQUIV)
 eNOVARREF   = "Must Have At Least One Variable Reference"
+eSTARTUP    = "<Program Starting>"
 # Messages
 Messages["eBADCOND"]    = FILENUM + "Bad '%s' Directive. %s"
 Messages["eBADSYNTAX"]  = FILENUM + "Syntax Error.  Statement Not In Known Form"
-Messages["eCONFOPEN"]   = "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
+Messages["eCONFOPEN"]   = FILENUM + "Cannot Open The File '%s'"
 Messages["eENDIFEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "'" + ENDIF + "' Without Matching Condition"
 Messages["eENDIFMISS"]  = FILENUM + "Missing %d '" + ENDIF + "' Statement(s)"
+Messages["eEQUIVEXTRA"] = FILENUM + "Only a single '%s' Or '%s' Operator Permitted" % (EQUIV, NOTEQUIV)
 Messages["eVARUNDEF"]   = FILENUM + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'"
@@ -366,7 +368,7 @@
     # Parse the file
-    ParseFile(cfgfile)
+    ParseFile(cfgfile, eSTARTUP, 0)
     # Return the parsing results
@@ -440,15 +442,15 @@
 # Parse A File
-def ParseFile(cfgfile):
+def ParseFile(cfgfile, current_cfg, current_linenum):
     global IgnoreCase, MsgList, SymTable, TotalLines
         cf = open(cfgfile)
-        # Successful open of config file - Begin processing it
+        # Successful open of config file - Begin processing it
         # Process and massage the configuration file
@@ -465,8 +467,7 @@
     # File open failed for some reason
-        ErrorMsg("eCONFOPEN", (cfgfile,))  # Record the error
+        ErrorMsg("eCONFOPEN", (current_cfg, current_linenum, cfgfile))  # Record the error
     # Make sure we had all condition blocks balanced with matching '.endif'
@@ -537,7 +538,7 @@
             # Only attempt the include if all the variable dereferencing was successful
             if ref_ok:
-                ParseFile(line)
+                ParseFile(line, cfgfile, linenum)
@@ -620,19 +621,46 @@
                     condstate = False
-            # (In)Equality Conditionals - IF string ==/!= string forms
+            # (In)Equality Conditionals - IF string EQUIV/NOTEQUIV string forms
                 line = line.split(IF)[1].strip()
-                # Handle Equality Form: ".IF string == string"
-                if EQUIV in line:
-                    pass
-                # Handle InEquality Form: "IF string != string"
-                elif NOTEQUIV in line:
-                    pass
+                if EQUIV in line or NOTEQUIV in line:
+                    # Only one operator permitted
+                    if (line.count(EQUIV) + line.count(NOTEQUIV)) > 1:
+                        ErrorMsg("eEQUIVEXTRA", (cfgfile, linenum))
+                        condstate = False
+                    else:
+                        # Dereference all variables
+                        line, ref_ok = DerefVar(line, cfgfile, linenum)
+                        # Reference to undefined variables forces False
+                        if not ref_ok:
+                            condstate = False
+                        # So does a failure of the equality test itself
+                        else:
+                            invert    = False
+                            operator  = EQUIV
+                            condstate = True
+                            if operator not in line:  # Must be NOTEQUIV
+                                invert = True
+                                operator = NOTEQUIV
+                            line = line.split(operator)
+                            if line[0].strip() != line[1].strip():
+                                condstate = False
+                            if invert:
+                                condstate = not condstate
                 # Conditional Syntax Error