diff --git a/test-tc.1 b/test-tc.1
index de54e89..465b26b 100644
--- a/test-tc.1
+++ b/test-tc.1
@@ -6,41 +6,39 @@
-test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvar] [nonewns] [debug] [litvars] cfgfile, cfgfile, ...
+test-tc.py [symtbl] [nonewvar] [limitns] [litvars] [debug] cfgfile, cfgfile, ...
 .B symtbl
-This option causes the test driver to include a symbol table
-with some pre-defined symbols in it before parsing the configuration
-files you specify on the command line.  The default is to not
-pre-define any symbols.
+This option causes the test driver to include a symbol table with some
+predefined test variables in it.  These are useful for experimenting
+with variable dereferencing, substitution, and type/value enforcement.
+The default is to not predefine any such variables. (Note that whether
+this option is present or not, \'tconfpy\' always creates a number of
+predefined variables of its own internally.  See the \'tconfpy\'
+documentation for the details.)
 .B nonewvar
-This option tells \'tconfpy\' to disallow the creation of new variables
-in the configuration file (via the \'AllowNewVars\' API option).  The user
-is limited to referencing and modifying only those variables already
-present in the symbol table.  Typically used when passing an initial
-symbol table to the parser to limit the user to only those variables.
+This option tells \'tconfpy\' to disallow the creation of new
+variables in the configuration file (via the \'AllowNewVars\' API
+option).  The user is limited to referencing and modifying only those
+variables already present in the symbol table.  Typically used when
+passing an initial symbol table to the parser to limit the user to
+only those variables.  The default is to permit new variable creation.
-.B nonewns
+.B limitns
-This option tells \'tconfpy\' to disallow the creation of new lexical
-namespaces in the configuration file (via the \'AllowNewNamespaces\'
-API option).  The user is limited to only those namespaces pre-defined
-in the \'NAMESPACE\' symbol of the initial symbol table.  If no symbol
-table is passed, then only the \'\' namespace is available for use.
-.B debug
-This option causes the test driver to invoke \'tconfpy\' with
-debugging enabled and then display debug output when parsing is
-complete.  The default is for debug output to be disabled.
+This option will populate the initial symbol table so that only a
+limited number of namespaces can be used.  If this option is present,
+only the root namespace, and namespaces beginning with the string "NS"
+will be allowed.  In this case, namespaces will be required to be from
+3 to 8 characters long.  The default is to allow new namespaces to be
+used without restrictions on name or length.
 .B litvars
@@ -51,6 +49,14 @@
 references present in a \'.literal\' block.  See the \'tconfpy\'
 documentation for a more complete description.
+.B debug
+This option causes the test driver to invoke \'tconfpy\' with
+debugging enabled and then display debug output when parsing is
+complete.  The default is for debug output to be disabled.
 This test driver uses a simple table-driven scheme for pre-defining