diff --git a/tconfpy.py b/tconfpy.py
index cd1db5e..df0c643 100755
--- a/tconfpy.py
+++ b/tconfpy.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Program Information
 PROGNAME = "tconfpy"
-RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.143 2004/03/25 04:42:50 tundra Exp $"
+RCSID = "$Id: tconfpy.py,v 1.144 2004/03/25 05:34:58 tundra Exp $"
 VERSION = RCSID.split()[2]
 # Copyright Information
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
 eIFBAD        = "'%s' Or '%s' Missing" % (EQUIV, NOTEQUIV)
 eBADDEFAULT   = "Type Of Default Value Does Not Agree With Type Declared"
 eBADLEGALVAL  = "Type Of One Or More LegalVals Does Not Agree With Type Declared"
-eBADMINMAX    = "Type Of Min Or Max Value Does Not Agree With Type Declared" 
+eBADMINMAX    = "Type Of Min Or Max Value Not Appropriate For" 
 eNOTDESCRIPT  = "Invalid Descriptor Type"
 eNOVARREF     = "Must Have At Least One Variable Reference"
 eSTARTUP      = "<Program Starting>"
@@ -242,11 +242,11 @@
 Messages["eIFEXTRATXT"]  = FILENUM + "Extra Text On Line.  '%s' Only Accepts Variable References As Arguments"
 Messages["eVARREADONLY"] = FILENUM + "Variable '%s' Is Read-Only.  Cannot Change Its Value"
 Messages["eRESERVED"]    = FILENUM + "Cannot Modify Value Of Reserved Symbol '%s'"
-Messages["eSTRINGLONG"]  = FILENUM + "String '%s' Longer Than Max Allowed Length, %d"
-Messages["eSTRINGSHORT"] = FILENUM + "String '%s' Shorter Than Min Allowed Length, %d"
+Messages["eSTRINGLONG"]  = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side, '%s' Longer Than Max Allowed Length, %d"
+Messages["eSTRINGSHORT"] = FILENUM + "Right-Hand-Side, '%s' Shorter Than Min Allowed Length, %d"
 Messages["eTYPEBAD"]     = FILENUM + "Type Mismatch. '%s' Must Be Assigned Values Of Type %s Only"
-Messages["eVALSMALL"]    = FILENUM + "%d Is Smaller Than The Minimum Allowed, %d"
-Messages["eVALLARGE"]    = FILENUM + "%d Is Larger Than The Maximum Allowed, %d"
+Messages["eVALSMALL"]    = FILENUM + "%d Is Smaller Than The Minimum Allowed, %f"
+Messages["eVALLARGE"]    = FILENUM + "%d Is Larger Than The Maximum Allowed, %f"
 Messages["eVARUNDEF"]    = FILENUM + "Attempt To Reference Undefined Variable '%s'"
@@ -370,18 +370,21 @@
     # Add any passed symbols to the SymbolTable
+    deserror = False
     for sym in InitialSymTbl:
         des = InitialSymTbl[sym]
         # Make sure a valid descriptor was passed for each variable
-        desok = True
+        desok    = True
         # Make sure we got a Var Descriptor Object
         if not isinstance(des, VarDescriptor):
             desok = False
-            detail = eNOTDESCRIPT
+            ErrorMsg("eDESCRIPTBAD", (eNOTDESCRIPT, sym))
+            des = VarDescriptor()    # Make a fake one so the following tests don't blow up
         # Check various entries for type agreement
@@ -389,26 +392,43 @@
         if des.Default and type(des.Default) != dt:
             desok = False
-            detail = eBADDEFAULT
+            ErrorMsg("eDESCRIPTBAD", (eBADDEFAULT, sym))
         for lv in des.LegalVals:
             if type(lv) != dt:
                 desok = False
-                detail = eBADLEGALVAL
+                ErrorMsg("eDESCRIPTBAD", (eBADLEGALVAL, sym))
         for mm in (des.Min, des.Max):
-            if mm and type(mm) != TYPE_INT:
-                desok = False
-                detail = eBADMINMAX
-        # Update or error based on validity of descriptor
+            # Floats can accept Float or Int boundaries
+            # Ints, & Strings can accept Int boundaries
+            # Boundaries not relevant for  Bool and Complex
+            # Anything else is an error
+            if mm and dt == TYPE_FLOAT and type(mm) != TYPE_FLOAT and type(mm) != TYPE_INT:
+                desok = False
+                ErrorMsg("eDESCRIPTBAD", (eBADMINMAX, sym))
+            if mm and dt in (TYPE_INT, TYPE_STRING) and type(mm) != TYPE_INT:
+                desok = False
+                ErrorMsg("eDESCRIPTBAD", (eBADMINMAX, sym))
+        # Only load the symbol table with valid entries
         if desok:
             SymTable[sym] = des
-        # Invalid descriptor passed
+        # Indicate that a problem was encountered
-            ErrorMsg("eDESCRIPTBAD", (detail, sym))
-            return (SymTable, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, DebugMsgs, LiteralLines)
+            deserror = True
+    # If any of the passed symbols had bogus descriptor contents, we're done
+    if deserror:
+        return (SymTable, ErrMsgs, WarnMsgs, DebugMsgs, LiteralLines)
+    # Symbol Table passed to API was OK, sokeep going
     # Make sure the symbol table has a valid namespace
@@ -887,7 +907,11 @@
                         d.Value = r
                         SymTable[l] = d
-                    # Otherwise, update an existing entry
+                    # Otherwise, update an existing entry.
+                    # For existing entries we have to first
+                    # do the various validation checks specified
+                    # in that variable's descriptor
                         update = True
                         des = SymTable[l]
@@ -896,11 +920,14 @@
                         low = des.Min
                         up  = des.Max
+                        #####
                         # Type Enforcement
+                        #####
                         # We try to coerce the new value into
-                        # the specified type.  If it works, we
-                        # update, otherwise we throw an error
-                        # and do nothing.
+                        # the specified type.  If this works, we
+                        # go on to the rest of the validation tests,
+                        # otherwise mark the attempt as invalid.
                             # Booleans are a special case - we accept only
@@ -917,7 +944,10 @@
                             update = False
                             ErrorMsg("eTYPEBAD", (cfgfile, linenum, l, str(typ).split()[1][:-1]))
+                        #####
+                        # Bounds Checks
+                        #####
                         # Check bounds for interger and floats
                         if typ in (TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT):