diff --git a/tconfpy.3 b/tconfpy.3
index ba908aa..9409c7f 100644
--- a/tconfpy.3
+++ b/tconfpy.3
@@ -1639,6 +1639,67 @@
 .SS The \'.include\' Directive
+At any point in a configuration file, you can "include" another configuration file
+like this:
+    .include  filename
+In fact, you can use all the variable substitution and string concatenation features we've
+already discussed to do this symbolically:
+    Base = MyConfig
+    Ver  = 1.01
+    .include [Base]-[Ver].cfg
+The whitespace after the \'.include\' directive is mandatory to separate it from
+the file name.  You can have as many \'.include\' statements in your configuration file
+as you wish, and they may appear anywhere.  The only restriction is that they must
+appear on a line by themselves (with an optional comment).
+Why bother?  There are several reasons:
+.IP \(bu 4
+This makes it easy to break up large, complex configurations into simpler (smaller)
+.IP \(bu 4
+This makes is easy to "factor" common configuration information into separate
+files which can then be used by different programs as needed.
+.IP \(bu 4
+But the most common use for \'.include\' is to load a "standard" configuration for
+your program.  Recall that the last assignment of a variable's value "wins".
+Suppose you want all the standard settings for a program, but you just want to 
+change one or two options.  Instead of requiring each user to have the whole
+set of standard settings in their own configuration file, the system administrator
+can make them available as a common configuration.  Each user \'.include\'s
+that file and then overrides any options they like:
+    # Get the standard options
+    .include /usr/local/etc/MyAppStandardConfig.cfg
+    # Override the ones you like
+    ScreenColor = Blue
+    Currency    = Euros
+This makes maintenance of complex configuration files
+.B much
+simpler.  There is only one master copy of the configuration that needs to be
+edited when system-wide changes are required.
+One last thing needs to be noted here.  \*(TC does not detect so-called "circular"
+inclusions.  If file \'a\' \'.include\'s file \'b\' and file \'b\' \'.include\'s file \'a\', you will
+have an infinite loop of inclusion, which, uh, is a Bad Thing...
 .SS Conditional Directives
 .SS The  \'.literal\. Directive