tgrepcsv /
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Search .csv File And Print Matching Lines
# Copyright (c) 2012 TundraWare Inc., Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA
# All Rights Reserved. For Terms Of Use See: tgrepcsv-license.txt
# For Program Updates See:
# $Id:,v 1.100 2012/09/05 18:10:11 tundra Exp $

# Embed the source control ID string for use by program

CVSID='$Id:,v 1.100 2012/09/05 18:10:11 tundra Exp $'

# Program Information

PROGENV  = "tgrepcsv".upper()
VERSION  = CVSID.split()[2]
PROGVER  = PROGNAME + " " + VERSION + " - Search .csv File And Print Matching Lines"

# Copyright Information

COPYRIGHT    = "Copyright (c) 2012 TundraWare Inc., Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA"

# List Of All Legal Options - Update This When You Add More!!!!


#            Variables User Might Change                   #

#------------------- Nothing Below Here Should Need Changing ------------------#

#                       Imports                            #

import getopt
import os
import sys
# import tconfpy # Uncomment this and code below to parse config files

#                 Aliases & Redefinitions                  #

#                Constants & Literals                      #

# Constants

# Literals

#              Prompts, & Application Strings              #

# Debug Messages

# Debug Messages

DEBUGFLAG     =   "-d"
dDEBUG        =   "DEBUG"
dPROGENV      =   "$" + PROGENV

# Error Messages

eBADARG  =  "Invalid command line: %s!"

# Informational Messages

iINFO    =   "INFO"

# Usage Prompts

uTable = [PROGVER,
          "usage:  " + PROGNAME + " [-fhv]",
          "   where,",
          "          -f file  configuration file to use",
          "          -h       print this help information",
          "          -v       print detailed version information",

#          Global Variables & Data Structures              #

CFGFILE = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "." + "tgrepcsv")  # conf file

#--------------------------- Code Begins Here ---------------------------------#

#             Object Base Class Definitions                #


#             Supporting Function Definitions              #

def ColumnPad(list, padchar=" ", padwidth=20):

    retval = ""
    for l in list:
        l = str(l)
        retval += l + ((padwidth - len(l)) * padchar)

    return retval.strip()

# End of 'ColumnPad()'

# Print A Debug Message

def DebugMsg(msg):
    PrintStderr(PROGNAME + " " + dDEBUG + ": " + msg)

# End of 'DebugMsg()'

# Dump The State Of The Program

def DumpState():

    # Dump the command line
    DebugMsg(ColumnPad(["Command Line", sys.argv]))

    # Names of all the state variables we want dumped
    state = [

    for k in state:
        DebugMsg(ColumnPad([k, eval(k)]))

# End of 'DumpState()'

# Print An Error Message

def ErrorMsg(emsg):
    PrintStderr(PROGNAME + " " + eERROR + ": " + emsg)

# End of 'ErrorMsg()'

# Print An Info Message

def InfoMsg(imsg):
    PrintStderr(PROGNAME + " " + iINFO + ": " + imsg)

# End of 'InfoMsg()'

# Print To stderr

def PrintStderr(msg, trailing="\n"):
    sys.stderr.write(msg + trailing)

# End of 'PrintStderr()'

# Print To stdout

def PrintStdout(msg, trailing="\n"):
    sys.stdout.write(msg + trailing)

# End of 'PrintStdout'

# Print Usage Information

def Usage():
    for line in uTable:

# End of 'Usage()'

#                    Program Entry Point                   #

# Command line processing - Process any options set in the
# environment first, and then those given on the command line

OPTIONS = sys.argv[1:]
envopt = os.getenv(PROGENV)
if envopt:
    OPTIONS = envopt.split() + OPTIONS

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(OPTIONS, OPTIONSLIST)

except getopt.GetoptError, (errmsg, badarg):

    ErrorMsg(eBADARG % errmsg)

for opt, val in opts:

    if opt == "-f":

    if opt == "-h":

    if opt == "-v":
        print CVSID

# Processing of the configuration file below requires installation of
# the freely available TundraWare Inc. 'tconfpy' parser and then
# uncommenting the code below.  The parser can be found at:
# Process the configuration file
#retval = tconfpy.ParseConfig(CFGFILE, CallingProgram="%s %s " % (PROGNAME, VERSION))
# Print any errors or warning generated by the parse
# for x in (retval.ErrMsgs, retval.WarnMsgs):
#    for y in x:
#        print y
# If there were any errors, we're done
#if retval.ErrMsgs:
#    sys.exit(0)