WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Sat Jun 2 00:09:43 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 2 Jun 2012
Minor typo fix.
tundra committed on 2 Jun 2012
WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Fri Jun 1 17:48:18 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Fixed typo.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Fri Jun 1 17:39:56 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Gave substitution tokens their own section.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Fri Jun 1 17:36:37 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Updated token description.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Fri Jun 1 17:32:14 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Added some space before the token table to force a page break.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Fri Jun 1 17:27:46 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Tightened up token table so it fits better on a page.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Fri Jun 1 17:19:25 CDT 2012)
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Added token table. ...
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
First complete version of the documentation.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Removed currency symbol from the cost sentence.
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Initialize revision number
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012
Initial revision
tundra committed on 1 Jun 2012