diff --git a/tmkproject.rst b/tmkproject.rst
index 036407e..939bec3 100644
--- a/tmkproject.rst
+++ b/tmkproject.rst
@@ -1,64 +1,272 @@
-% generated by Docutils
-\usepackage{fixltx2e} % LaTeX patches, \textsubscript
-\usepackage{cmap} % fix search and cut-and-paste in Acrobat
-%%% Custom LaTeX preamble
-% PDF Standard Fonts
-\usepackage{mathptmx} % Times
-%%% User specified packages and stylesheets
-%%% Fallback definitions for Docutils-specific commands
-% hyperlinks:
- \usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
- \urlstyle{same} % normal text font (alternatives: tt, rm, sf)
+**tmkproject** - Rapid Project Templating
-%%% Body
-\# \$Id: tmkproject.rst,v 1.126 2012/09/05 17:22:00 tundra Exp $
-\# Author: David Goodger <\href{mailto:goodger@python.org}{goodger@python.org}>
-\# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+ tmkproject.sh name type 'description'
-A minimal front end to the Docutils Publisher, producing LaTeX.
-\item[{try:}] \leavevmode
-import locale
-locale.setlocale(locale.LC\_ALL, '')
+ where,
-\item[{except:}] \leavevmode
+ name Name of the project
+ type Programmnig language (pl, py, sh ...)
+ 'description' A brief description of the project
+ Must be passed as a single argument
+ tmkproject.sh -v
-from docutils.core import publish\_cmdline
-\item[{description = ('Generates LaTeX documents from standalone reStructuredText '}] \leavevmode
-'sources. '
-'Reads from (default is stdin) and writes to '
-' (default is stdout). See '
-'<\url{http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/latex.html}> for '
-'the full reference.')
+ Displays program version and exits
-publish\_cmdline(writer\_name='latex', description=description)
+``tmkproject`` is a way to quickly produce the code and documentation
+skeletons for a new project and to put these under ``CVS`` version
+control. It allows you to "brand" them with your own company and
+copyright information, as well specifying a standard license and
+pricing (if any).
+The package comes with example templates for ``perl``, ``python``, and
+``shell scripts``. These contain some of the standard code you may
+want to use with every project.
+Also included is an example standard for writing documentation using
+the ``Restructured Text`` markdown language.
+Finally, a ``makefile`` is included to produce documentation and
+release packaging for your project. Documentation is automatically
+produced in a wide variety of formats including ``html``,
+``PostScript``, ``pdf``, ``man``, and plain text.
+The package comes with a default ``Makefile`` that is useful when
+creating a ``FreeBSD`` port of your project.
+Because everything is template-driven, it is simple to customize the
+"standard" program and documentation templates to suit your needs. It
+is also quite straightforward to add support for additional languages.
+For example, you almost certainly will want to change the licensing
+terms contained in ``./common/license.txt``. Once you've edited
+that file, every project you create with ``tmkproject`` will have
+YOUR licensing terms in it.
+``tmkproject`` requires certain tools to be properly installed and
+configured in order to operate properly. The majority of these have
+to do with producing documentation in various output formats from a
+Restructured Text source document:
+ - ``CVS`` (You must have this properly configured for checkin, checkout.)
+ - ``Python``
+ - ``TeX/LaTex`` (A full implementation w/utilities like TeX Live.)
+ - ``docutils``
+ - ``enscript``
+You also need a modern version of ``make``, like the one from the GNU
+project. Old BSD type ``make`` utilities will not work.
+The ``python`` skeleton includes code to parse a configuration file
+using the TundraWare Inc. ``tconfpy`` parser. ``tconfpy`` is not
+included in the ``tmkproject`` package distribution, hence
+configuration file handling is commented out in the ``python`` code
+skeleton. If you wish to use ``tconfpy``, it is freely available at:
+ http://www.tundraware.com/Software/tconfpy
+Each time you run ``tmkproject.sh``, it looks in its own directory for
+a file called ``.tmkproject``. This file contains site-specific
+items you may wish to customize. These are things like the vendor
+name, program author's name, the editor to use, and so on. The
+information found in this file is applied to each new project you
+Each user can also maintain their own copy of the ``.tmkproject``
+file. By default, after ``tmkproject.sh`` reads the "master" copy in
+its own directory, it looks for a copy in the user's home directory.
+That way, each user can override the site-wide defaults to suit
+themselves. You can change where ``tmkproject.sh`` looks for the
+user's copy by changing the ``USERCONFIGDIR`` variable in the master
+copy of ``.tmkproject``.
+Once you've edited ``.tmkproject``, you are ready to create a new
+project. Recall that you do this::
+ tmkproject.sh name type 'description`
+This will generate a project under the ``PROJECTSDIR`` directory
+defined in ``.tmkproject``, and check them in to ``CVS``.
+For example::
+ tmkproject.sh MyFineProject py 'A Free Program That Does Nothing`
+Would create the directory ``${PROJECTSDIR}/MyFineProject``. This
+directory would contain all the program, documentation, and licensing
+files needed to start the project, along with a ``makefile`` to
+support document creation and project packaging.
+The various program and documentation files would have the description
+"A Free Program That Does Nothing" embedded appropriately.
+Projects created by ``tmkproject`` are controlled by a ``makefile``
+that allows you to do everything from produce documentation
+to package everything for release. The ``makefile`` supports
+the following major targets::
+ docs Produce project documentation is a wide variety of formats
+ including html, PostScript, pdf, man format, and plain text.
+ release Create a release tarball in the project's ./Releases
+ directory. The tarball will contain both the name
+ and version number of the project.
+ clean Remove the intermediate files created during
+ the documentation production process.
+ scrub Remove (almost) everything, except for the makefile itself
+ and the support/release directories.
+ init Scrub the working directory and checkout the last
+ committed copies from the CVS repository.
+ version Display the current version of the project.
+You can add new language support pretty trivially:
+- Edit ``tmkproject.sh`` and add a stanza to the ``case`` statement
+ near the top to define the ``INTERPRETER`` and ``LANGUAGE``
+ variables appropriately for the new language.
+- Create a new directory named after the language type - usually it is
+ the suffix used to name source files in that language. Under this
+ directory, place any files or templates you want as defaults for
+ every project of that type. At a minimum, you *must* include a file
+ named ``program.typesuffix``. This should be your default skeleton
+ code for that language. Do *not* include the initial header block -
+ ``tmkproject`` will insert it for you.
+- In ``common/makefile`` add an ``enscript`` (or other pretty printer
+ program) stanza to pretty print your program code.
+When writing your own skeleton code and documentation files, there are
+a number of tokens you can use which ``tmkproject`` will fill in when
+it creates a new project. You can see examples of how these are used
+in the example skeletons provided with ``tmkproject``.
+The major tokens of interst are::
+ Token Replaced By
+ ----- -----------
+ __AUTHOR__ Program author's name (.tmkproject)
+ __COPYOWNER__ Copyright string (.tmkproject)
+ __COPYRIGHT__ Full copyright string (internal)
+ __DESCRIPTION__ Project description (command line argument)
+ __EDITOR__ Name of editor (.tmkproject)
+ __EDITARGS__ Editor arguments (.tmkproject)
+ __EMAILSUPPORT__ Email support address (.tmkproject)
+ __FULLNAME__ The full name of the program w/type suffix
+ __ID__ CVS version string, ``$Id`` (internal)
+ __INTERPRETER__ "Hash bang" string for the selected language.
+ __LANGUAGE__ Name of the language (internal)
+ __LICENSE__ Full name of the license file (internal)
+ __PROJECTNAME__ Name of the project (command line argument)
+ __RESERVED__ "All Rights Reserved ..." string (internal)
+ __TYPE__ Program type (command line argument)
+ __UPDATES__ Reference to the update website (internal)
+ __VENDORNAME__ Name of the project vendor (.tmkproject)
+ __WEBSITE__ Website where updates can be found (.tmkproject)
+You can also define additional substitution tokens of your own by
+editing the ``tokens`` file provided with the program distribution.
+This file is read every time you generate a new project. The
+left-hand column is the name of the substitution token and the
+right-hand column is the substitution text.
+The right-hand entry can be any combination of variable references
+(assuming they are defined) and literal text. *Bear in mind that this
+has to make sense to* ``sed`` *which is used to do the actual
+substitutions!* For example, you will see ``$`` and ``/`` escaped so
+that ``sed`` does the right thing. This escaping has to be done
+appropriately in both the ``tokens`` file and anywhere a variable is
+defined that is referenced in a substitution token definition. For
+example, ``__WEBSITE__`` refers to ``${WEBSITE}`` which actually gets
+defined in ``.tmkproject``. If you look there, you will see that all
+the forward slashes have been escaped in anticipation of the fact that
+we're going to feed the string to ``sed``.
+None known as of this release.
+**tmkproject** is Copyright (c) 2012 TundraWare Inc., Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA
+For terms of use, see the ``tmkproject-license.txt`` file in the
+program distribution.
+ Tim Daneliuk
+ tmkproject@tundraware.com
+ $Id: tmkproject.rst,v 1.127 2012/09/05 17:23:07 tundra Exp $
+You can find the latest version of this program at:
+ http://www.tundraware.com/Software/tmkproject