__ID__ In order to use, study, modify, or copy '__PROJECTNAME__', you must read and agree to all the licensing terms below. If you do not agree with or do not understand *ANYTHING* you see in this document, you are NOT granted a license to use, study, modify, or copy '__PROJECTNAME__'. By using, studying, modifying, or copying '__PROJECTNAME__', you are agreeing to all the terms of the '__PROJECTNAME__' LICENSE below in their entirety. '__PROJECTNAME__' LICENSE AGREEMENT 1) DEFINITIONS Throughout this Agreement, the term '__PROJECTNAME__' is used to mean: Anything included in the '__PROJECTNAME__' software distribution package from __VENDORNAME__ This includes scripts, programs, documentation, license text and all other files provided in that original software distribution package. Throughout this Agreement the term "User" is used to mean any person who is enagaged in any of the following activities: a) Uses any files found in the '__PROJECTNAME__' software distribution in any way. b) Reads the '__PROJECTNAME__' documentation. c) Reads or studies the '__PROJECTNAME__' program source code or supporting files. d) Makes use of any part of the '__PROJECTNAME__' software distribution for any purpose. e) Duplicates and/or distributes the '__PROJECTNAME__' software distribution. 2) OWNERSHIP '__PROJECTNAME__' Is __COPYRIGHT__ All Rights Reserved. 3) TERMS Permission is hereby granted to the User for the duplication and use of '__PROJECTNAME__' so long as ALL the following conditions are met: a) There is no license fee for PERSONAL NON-COMMERCIAL use of '__PROJECTNAME__'. This means use by an individual for personal applications only, with no remuneration of any kind, direct or indirect, from the use of '__PROJECTNAME__'. Voluntary donations from such users are accepted and encouraged. A donation of $__COST__ US per user is recommended. Information on how to contribute can be obtained by contacting: __EMAILSUPPORT__ Use of '__PROJECTNAME__' in ANY OTHER SITUATION, including for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and government organizations, requires payment of a licensing fee. For current pricing information, contact: __EMAILSUPPORT__ b) The User of '__PROJECTNAME__' understands and agrees that this is EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE which is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties expressed or implied by __VENDORNAME__ c) The User acknowledges '__PROJECTNAME__' has NOT been tested for: i) Correct operation ii) Freedom from unintended consequences iii) Any operation or condition which might cause damage, compromise, or disruption to the User's or other: hardware, software, networks, or data, or which might cause any breach of system security of such systems, software, and networks. d) By using '__PROJECTNAME__' in any way, the User does so at their own risk and agrees to hold __VENDORNAME__ harmless for any damage, direct or indirect, that this software may or does cause to the User's computational environment, including, but not limited to, the User's or others' hardware, software, network, or data. THE USER FURTHER AGREES TO HOLD __VENDORNAME__ INC. HARMLESS FOR ANY ECONOMIC DAMAGE OR ANY OTHER ADVERSE CONSEQUENCE, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, CAUSED BY THE USE OF '__PROJECTNAME__'. e) If duplicated and/or distributed, no fee beyond reasonable duplication charges may be charged for '__PROJECTNAME__'. No commercial use of '__PROJECTNAME__' which involves any remuneration beyond these duplication charges is permitted. f) Any distributed copies of '__PROJECTNAME__' must include all the originally provided software, documentation, and licensing information in their original distribution format and packaging without any modifications. By using any part or all of '__PROJECTNAME__', you are agreeing to be bound by this license. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, OR CANNOT ABIDE BY ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS, DO NOT USE '__PROJECTNAME__'.