WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.114 (Thu Jun 7 22:38:01 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug that prevented the command line description from being passed properly. WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.113 (Thu Jun 7 22:25:05 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Changed how 'python' skeleton handles command line argument errors for compatibility with older releases of the language. - Changed default license to be no-fee for any type of use. - Removed 'cost' command line argument from 'tmkproject.sh'. Removed references to '__COST__' from 'tokens' and the license skeleton. - Removd references to cost in the documentation. WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.112 (Thu Jun 7 12:05:54 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed dependency of having 'tren' renaming tool installed. - Simplified how the 'makefile' figures out whether or not the 'rst2*' tools have the '.py' extension. - Commented out config file parsing in the python skeleton. Documented the requirement to install 'tconfpy' if user wants to use this parse logic. - Both python and shell skeltons now have a more consistent and simpler help banner. - Added handlers for the X, Y, and Z demo options in the shell skeleton. WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.111 (Wed Jun 6 12:40:01 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Moved detection of whether or not the 'rst2*' tools use the '.py' suffix from project creation to the 'makefile'. Thus, it will be checked on every 'make' run. This is necessary for document production to work properly after the project is initially created but checked out on different platforms. WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.110 (Tue Jun 5 21:35:45 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated shell skeleton to 'tpromptuser' 1.113. - Minor cosmetic updates. WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.109 (Tue Jun 5 21:01:59 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - The configuration file(s) have been renamed from '.tmkprojectrc' to '.tmkproject'. - 'tmkproject.sh' now has a '-v' option that displays the program version and exits. WHATSNEW For 'tmkproject' 1.107 (Tue Jun 5 18:50:40 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Project has been renamed from 'mkproject' to 'tmkproject'. WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.106 (Tue Jun 5 18:30:17 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Integrated latest version of 'tpromptuser' into shell script skeleton. - Significant cleanup and reformatting of the shell script skelton including a move away from 'echo' to 'printf'. - Made note of fact that this depends on the TundraWare Inc. 'tren' tool. WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.105 (Tue Jun 5 12:20:40 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added ability for the user to easily define their own substitution tokens. WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.104 (Mon Jun 4 15:09:01 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Some platforms use the ".py" suffix on the Restructured Text "rst2*" tools, and some don't. Added logic to handle this when generating a new project's 'makefile'. - 'WHATSNEW.txt' is now only updated when doing a release. Previously it was made with the 'docs' make target which was unnecessary and annoying. WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.103 (Mon Jun 4 11:47:18 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed typo that caused project files to litter the current directory. - Moved the TMPDIR definition into .mkprojectrc so user can set it. - Project destination directory is now created if it does not already exist. - Removed dependency on 'flip'. Text files are no longer EOL converted. WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.101 (Sat Jun 2 13:46:44 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added ability for individual users to maintain a local copy of .mkprojectrc file thereby allowing user-specific configurations. WHATSNEW For 'mkproject' 1.100 (Sat Jun 2 09:46:26 CDT 2012) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial public release.