tperimeter / WHATSNEW.txt
WHATSNEW For 'tperimeter' 1.113    (Sat Jun  9 16:39:57 CDT 2012)

Changed the wrapper file rebuild logic to delete outstanding access
requests independently of how often the script is run (either by cron,
or manually).  This means that the 'cron' frequency now deterimines
the average waiting time before a user's request is fulfilled.  The
'${DURATION}' variable in '' sets how long
access will be permitted (The default value is 10 minutes).

Minor documentation updates, typo fixes, and housekeeping.

WHATSNEW For 'tperimeter' 1.112    (Thu Nov 18 21:12:37 CST 2010)

Removed licensing restrictions - there are no fees for use of
the program by anyone, commercial, government, institution, or

WHATSNEW For 'tperimeter' 1.111    (Thu Nov 18 10:22:43 CST 2010)

Added ability for user to just hit Enter at the UI input screen.  The
program will then automatically generate a request for ssh access from
the IP address found in the http header.

WHATSNEW For 'tperimeter' 1.110    (Mon Sep 25 14:58:44 CDT 2006)

First full public release.

WHATSNEW For 'tperimeter' 1.109RC1    (Mon Sep 25 03:26:35 CDT 2006)

First Release Candidate.
Probably needs documentation edits.