History for tren / tren.py
Cleaned up Usage() copyright info and added homepage information.
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Minor edit to copyright message.
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Fixed problem when user specified -I without a space before the filename following as in -Ifile.
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Minor cosmetic change to Usage() output.
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Added program version info to DumpState() output. ...
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Fixed minor typo in Usage(). ...
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Catch os.stat() attempts on nonexistent files. ...
tundra committed on 30 Jan 2010
Further slight restructuring of renaming request code.
tundra committed on 29 Jan 2010
Factored out a common routine, DumpList(), for dumping any list, using any output handler. ...
tundra committed on 29 Jan 2010
Added deletion of unneeded objects at the end of RenameTargets.__init__()
tundra committed on 29 Jan 2010
Added remainder of os.stat() info to RenameTargets for potential sequence renaming token use. ...
tundra committed on 29 Jan 2010
More factoring of RenameTargets sequence generations. ...
tundra committed on 28 Jan 2010
Factored and cleaned up sequence building logic in RenameTargets. ...
tundra committed on 28 Jan 2010
Added code to sort entries alphabetically if more than one has same ctime or size. ...
tundra committed on 28 Jan 2010
Fixed sequence list construction to preserve all files that share idential ctimes/sizes. ...
tundra committed on 27 Jan 2010
Added logic to dump sequence information from rename objects.
tundra committed on 27 Jan 2010
Added logic to more cleanly handle long error and debug messages.
tundra committed on 27 Jan 2010
Began constructing the renaming targets object and associated debug support.
tundra committed on 26 Jan 2010
Got rid of superfluous DumpState() at end of option parsing.
tundra committed on 25 Jan 2010
Reintroduced ability to get debug dump as often as we like with multiple command line '-d's. ...
tundra committed on 25 Jan 2010
Cleanup of debug structure and logic.
tundra committed on 25 Jan 2010
Added logic to subdivide command line into "opts... targets..." pairs.
tundra committed on 25 Jan 2010
Provided more detailed reporting of command line getopt errors. ...
tundra committed on 22 Jan 2010
Added code to handle comments in include files.
tundra committed on 22 Jan 2010
Limited number of includes to 50 to catch circular references.
tundra committed on 22 Jan 2010
Changed -F to -I. ...
tundra committed on 22 Jan 2010
Added -d to getopts list. ...
tundra committed on 21 Jan 2010
Added state variables/toggles. ...
tundra committed on 21 Jan 2010
Fixed minor bugs from template used to create skeleton code. ...
tundra committed on 14 Jan 2010
Initial Version
tundra committed on 14 Jan 2010