WHATSNEW For 'tren' 1.239 (Wed Nov 17 13:53:10 CST 2010) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXED: Backups weren't being improperly named. FIXED: Changed TREN envvar processing to properly parse quoting. FIXED: Each renaming target must either be something that exists or a wildcard that expands to something that exists. Formerly, nonexistent renaming targets were silently ignored. NEW: Debug now shows the incremental change to each file name as each renaming request is applied right-to-left. Use -q to see this more clearly. NEW: The environment variable TRENINCL is now supported. This allows you to specify a path to search when looking for include files. NEW: Implemented /NAMESOFAR/ renaming token. NEW: Added -e type case conversion option - new kind of renaming request. c - Capitalize l - Lower s - Swap case t - Title -> Char's followiing non-alpha are capitalized u - Upper NEW: Added -T option to allow user to "target" a substring of the full filename for renaming OTHER: Documentation additions and updates including clarification of old features, description of new features, and improved table-of-contents for PDF and PS document formats. WHATSNEW For 'tren' 1.217 (Fri Apr 23 13:43:44 CDT 2010) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First public release.