twander / twander.1
@tundra tundra on 30 Oct 2002 3 KB Minor correction.
.TH twander 1 "TundraWare Inc."
.SH twander
twander \- Short Description
twander [-c filename] [-hv]
Long description

.B -c path/name of configuration file
specify the location and name of the configuration
file you wish to use. (default is ~/.twanderrc)

.B -h
print this help information

.B -v
print detailed version information.


.B requires
a startup configuration file in order to run.  It
is the only way the program knows what features you wish to enable
and what commands are required to implement each feature.

By default, the program expects to find configuration information in
.B ~/.twanderrc
but you can override this with the
.B -c 
command line option.

\'twander\' configuration files consist of freeform lines of
text.  Whitespace is ignored, and a comment may be inserted
anywhere.  Comments must  begin with the
.B #

Each line of configuration information consists of two parts,
.B Command Name
and the
.B Command String.

The Command Name is nothing more than your name for a given
command.  The Command String tells \'twander\' what to do
when you issue the command in question.

Within the Command Name you can specify a single letter
to be the
.B Command Key
by placing the 
.B &
character before letter you wish to use.

Within the Command String you can specify three different
kinds of information: literal text which \'twander\'
will not touch, words beginning with the
.B $
symbol, which are interpreted as environment variables,
and the special symbol
.B [NAME].
When you decide to run a command, \'twander\' will replace
[NAME] with the currently selected file or directory name.

Here is an example .twanderrc:

# 'twander' configuration file example

&edit $EDITOR [NAME]
vie&w $PAGER [NAME]
ls    /bin/ls -al [NAME] | $PAGER


The first line is a comment and is completely ignored.  The
second line is blank (all whitespace) and is also ignored.

Line 3 means this: Invoke the \'edit\' command using \'e\' as the
command key.  Use the $EDITOR environment variable to determine which
program to use for editing and place the current directory/file name
immediately after the program name to invoke the editing session.

Similarly, Line 4 means: Use the program defined in he $PAGER
environment variable when invoking the \'view\' command via
the \'w\' key.  Pass the currently selected directory or
file name to that program as its only argument.

Line 5 is similar except for one thing: There is no Command Key
shortcut defined for that command.  \'twander\' will permit this, but
it will warn you about it when the program starts.

You must also have \'python\' 2.2 or later installed.  You must
also have \'anygui\' installed - see:

None known as of this release.

\'twander\' is Copyright(c) 2002 TundraWare Inc.  For terms of use, see
the twander-license.txt file in the program distribution.  If you
install \'twander\' on a FreeBSD system using the 'ports' mechanism, you
will also find this file in /usr/local/share/doc/twander.

Tim Daneliuk