twander / .twander
# 'twander' configuration file example
# $Id: .twander,v 1.32 2002/12/11 23:12:46 tundra Exp $

# Example 'twander' Configuration For Unix

# User-defined variables make maintenance easier.
# Remember, that the variable name is case-sensitive.

SHELL       = bash -c
XTERM       = xterm -fn 9x15 -l -e

# Command definitions are in the general format:
#  command-key command-name command-string
# command-keys are case sensitive.  Any single
# character which can be typed from the keyboard can
# be used as a command key, *except* the '#' character
# which is always seen as a comment delimiter.

V   view         [XTERM] [$PAGER] [DSELECTIONS] &
a   any-command  [VSHELL] '[PROMPT:Enter Command] [PROMPT:Enter Command Arguments] | [$PAGER]'&
d   delete       [XTERM] rm -i [PROMPT:What File(s) Would You Like To Delete?] &
e   edit         [$EDITOR] [DSELECTIONS] &
l   ls           [VSHELL] '/bin/ls -al ./ | [$PAGER]' &
p   print        lpr [DSELECTIONS] &
s   showselected [XTERM] bash -c 'echo [DIR] "--->" [DSELECTION] "--->" [DSELECTIONS] "--->" [SELECTION] "--->" [SELECTIONS] | [$PAGER] ' &
t   xterm        xterm -fn 10x20 -l -fb black -bg lightgreen &


# Example 'twander' Configuration For Win32


#a  anycmd [PROMPT:Enter Command:]
#d  del   del /p    [DSELECTIONS]
#e  edit  [EDT] [DSELECTIONS] &
#V  view  [$PAGER] [DSELECTIONS] &
#l  ls    dir [DIR] | [$PAGER]