twander / .twander
@tundra tundra on 28 Jan 2005 15 KB Added TOGLENGTH.
  1. # 'twander' Configuration File Example
  2. # $Id: .twander,v 1.61 2005/01/28 10:55:31 tundra Exp $
  3. #
  4. # Contains list of all possible variables (and defaults, if any) for:
  5. #
  6. # Program Options
  7. # Key Bindings
  8. # Directory Shortcuts
  9. #
  10. # This file ends with an example configuration file containing:
  11. #
  12. # Variable Definitions
  13. # Directory Shortcuts
  14. # Wildcards
  15. # Command Definitions
  16. # Conditional Expressions
  17. #
  25. ##############################################################################
  27. #####
  28. # Program Option Statements
  29. #####
  31. # ACTUALLENGTH = False # Display actual file lengths
  32. # ADAPTREFRESH = True # Enable adaptive refreshing
  33. # AFTERCLEAR = True # Clear selection after forced refresh
  34. # AFTERWAIT = 1 # Wait time (sec) after forced refresh
  35. # AUTOREFRESH = True # Automatically reread current directory periodically
  36. # BCOLOR = black # Main window background color
  37. # CMDSHELL = # Command to use when spawning shell commands
  38. # DEBUGLEVEL = 0 # Level of debug output desired
  39. # DEFAULTSEP = ===> # Default separator string in PROMPT and YESNO constructs
  40. # FCOLOR = green # Main window foreground color
  41. # FNAME = Courier # Main window font name
  42. # FORCEUNIXPATH = False # Force Unix-Style paths when doing built-in substitutions
  43. # FSZ = 12 # Main window font size
  44. # FWT = bold # Main window font width
  45. # HBCOLOR = lightgreen # Help background color
  46. # HEIGHT = 600 # Initial window height (pixels)
  47. # HFCOLOR = black # Help foreground color
  48. # HFNAME = Courier # Help font name
  49. # HFSZ = 10 # Help font size
  50. # HFWT = italic # Help font weight
  51. # MAXMENU = 32 # Maximum number of displayed menu items
  52. # MAXMENUBUF = 250 # Maximum number of (internally) tracked menu items
  53. # MAXNESTING = 32 # Maximum depth of variable definition nesting
  54. # MBARCOL = beige # Menu bar color
  55. # MBCOLOR = beige # Menu bar background color
  56. # MFCOLOR = black # Menu bar foreground color
  57. # MFNAME = Courier # Menu bar font name
  58. # MFSZ = 12 # Menu bar font size
  59. # MFWT = bold # Menu bar font weight
  60. # NODETAILS = False # Suppress display of file details
  61. # NONAVIGATE = False # Prevent navigation out of start directory
  62. # QUOTECHAR = " # Character to use when quoting built-in variables
  63. # REFRESHINT = 3000 # Interval (ms) at which to re-read current directory
  64. # SORTBYFIELD = Name # Field to use as sort key
  65. # SORTREVERSE = False # Reverse sort order
  66. # SORTSEPARATE = True # Separate directories and files in display
  67. # STARTDIR = ... # Defaults to directory in which program started
  68. # STARTX = 0 # Main window starting X coordinate
  69. # STARTY = 0 # Main window starting Y coordinate
  70. # SYMDIR = True # Sort symbolic links pointing to directories as directories
  71. # USETHREADS = True # Use threads to launch commands
  72. # USEWIN32ALL = True # Use Win32All extensions on Win32 (if present)
  73. # WARN = True # Enable warnings
  74. # WIDTH = 800 # Initial window width (pixels)
  77. ##############################################################################
  80. #####
  81. # Key Binding Statements
  82. #####
  84. # The default key bindings are shown in the comments below. To
  85. # change a binding from its default value, conform to the following
  86. # rules:
  87. #
  88. # 1) Only change the right side of the assignment. The left side
  89. # is a variable name which is significant to twander and may
  90. # not be changed.
  91. #
  92. # 2) Follow the Tkinter conventions for key naming. This should
  93. # be pretty easy to do - just use the defaults below as a guide.
  94. # Do *not* quote the key names. Just use the <...> naming
  95. # convention as you see it below.
  96. #
  97. # 3) It is best if keyboard commands are all Control or Function keys.
  98. # If you assign anything to a simple key it may conflict with a user-
  99. # defined command. If you assign anything to a keypad/special
  100. # key it may conflict with that key's normal GUI behavior.
  101. #
  102. # 4) The Program Function Names (the left side of the assignments)
  103. # are RESERVED and may not be used as names for your own user-
  104. # defined variables elsewhere in the configuration file.
  105. #
  106. # 5) When you're done with your changes make sure to uncomment
  107. # them so twander can read them it and override its defaults.
  108. # Then either restart the program or reload the configuration
  109. # file to assign the new bindings.
  110. #
  111. # 6) Note that you CANNOT change the bindings for Mouse Buttons.
  112. # They are documented below for completeness sake, but any
  113. # attempt to change them will cause \'twander\' to present
  114. # a warning message and ignore that line. If you attempt
  115. # to even just uncomment them below, you will get an error
  116. # because 'twander' thinks you are trying to redefine them.
  119. # General Program Commands
  120. #
  121. # CLRHIST = <Control-y> # Clear Command History
  122. # FONTDECR = <Control-bracketleft> # Decrease Font Size
  123. # FONTINCR = <Control-bracketright> # Increase Font Size
  124. # MOUSECTX = <ButtonRelease-3> # Invoke context menu
  125. # MOUSEDIR = <Shift-ButtonRelease-3> # Display the directory menu
  126. # MOUSEHIST = <Shift-Control-ButtonRelease-3> # Pop-up History Menu
  127. # MOUSESC = <Control-ButtonRelease-3> # Pop-up Shortcut Menu
  128. # MOUSESORT = <Alt-Shift-ButtonRelease-3> # Pop-up Sorting Menu
  129. # QUITPROG = <Control-q> # Quit the program
  130. # READCONF = <Control-r> # Re-read the configuration file
  131. # REFRESH = <Control-l> # Refresh screen
  132. # TOGAUTO = <Control-o> # Toggle Autorefreshing
  133. # TOGDETAIL = <Control-t> # Toggle detail view
  134. # TOGLENGTH = <Control-0> # Toggle length display between actual and normalized
  135. # TOGWIN32ALL = <Control-w> # Toggle win32all Features, If Available
  136. #
  137. # Directory Navigation
  138. #
  139. # CHANGEDIR = <Control-x> # Enter a new path
  140. # DIRHOME = <Control-h> # Goto $HOME
  141. # DIRBACK = <Control-b> # Goto previous directory
  142. # DIRROOT = <Control-j> # Goto root directory
  143. # DIRSTART = <Control-s> # Goto starting directory
  144. # DIRUP = <Control-u> # Go up one directory level
  145. # DRIVELIST = <Control-k> # On Win32, display Drive List View if possible
  146. # MOUSEBACK = <Control-Double-ButtonRelease-1> # Go back one directory with mouse
  147. # MOUSEUP = <Control-Double-ButtonRelease-3> # Go up one directory with mouse
  148. #
  149. # Selection Keys
  150. #
  151. # SELALL = <Control-comma> # Select all items
  152. # SELINV = <Control-i> # Select all items
  153. # SELNONE = <Control-period> # Unselect all items
  154. # SELNEXT = <Control-n> # Select next item
  155. # SELPREV = <Control-p> # Select previous item
  156. # SELEND = <Control-e> # Select bottom item
  157. # SELTOP = <Control-a> # Select top item
  158. #
  159. # Scrolling Commands
  160. #
  161. # PGDN = <Control-v> # Move page down
  162. # PGUP = <Control-c> # Move page up
  163. # PGRT = <Control-g> # Move page right
  164. # PGLFT = <Control-f> # Move page left
  165. #
  166. # Execute Commands
  167. #
  168. # RUNCMD = <Control-z> # Run arbitrary user command
  169. # SELKEY = <Return> # Select item w/keyboard
  170. # MOUSESEL = <Double-ButtonRelease-1> # Select item w/mouse
  172. # Directory Shortcuts
  174. # KDIRSC1 = <F1> # Go To Specified Directory
  175. # KDIRSC2 = <F2>
  176. # KDIRSC3 = <F3>
  177. # KDIRSC4 = <F4>
  178. # KDIRSC5 = <F5>
  179. # KDIRSC6 = <F6>
  180. # KDIRSC7 = <F7>
  181. # KDIRSC8 = <F8>
  182. # KDIRSC9 = <F9>
  183. # KDIRSC10 = <F10>
  184. # KDIRSC11 = <F11>
  185. # KDIRSC12 = <F12>
  188. # Program Memories
  190. # MEMCLR1 = <Control-F1> # Clear Individual Program Memory
  191. # MEMCLR2 = <Control-F2>
  192. # MEMCLR3 = <Control-F3>
  193. # MEMCLR4 = <Control-F4>
  194. # MEMCLR5 = <Control-F5>
  195. # MEMCLR6 = <Control-F6>
  196. # MEMCLR7 = <Control-F7>
  197. # MEMCLR8 = <Control-F8>
  198. # MEMCLR9 = <Control-F9>
  199. # MEMCLR10 = <Control-F10>
  200. # MEMCLR11 = <Control-F11>
  201. # MEMCLR12 = <Control-F12>
  203. # MEMCLRALL = <Control-m> # Clear All Program Memories
  205. # MEMSET1 = <Alt-F1> # Set Individual Program Memory
  206. # MEMSET2 = <Alt-F2>
  207. # MEMSET3 = <Alt-F3>
  208. # MEMSET4 = <Alt-F4>
  209. # MEMSET5 = <Alt-F5>
  210. # MEMSET6 = <Alt-F6>
  211. # MEMSET7 = <Alt-F7>
  212. # MEMSET8 = <Alt-F8>
  213. # MEMSET9 = <Alt-F9>
  214. # MEMSET10 = <Alt-F10>
  215. # MEMSET11 = <Alt-F11>
  216. # MEMSET12 = <Alt-F12>
  219. # Sorting Keys
  221. # SORTBYNONE = <Shift-F10> # Select sorting parameters
  222. # SORTBYPERMS = <Shift-F1>
  223. # SORTBYLINKS = <Shift-F2>
  224. # SORTBYOWNER = <Shift-F3>
  225. # SORTBYGROUP = <Shift-F4>
  226. # SORTBYLENGTH = <Shift-F5>
  227. # SORTBYTIME = <Shift-F6>
  228. # SORTBYNAME = <Shift-F7>
  229. # SORTREV = <Shift-F11>
  230. # SORTSEP = <Shift-F12>
  232. # Wildcard Features
  234. # MOUSEWILD = <Alt-Control-ButtonRelease-3> # Pop-up Wildcard Menu
  235. # FILTERWILD = <Control-equal> # Filter file list with wildcard
  236. # SELWILD = <Control-backslash> # Select using wildcards
  240. ##############################################################################
  243. #####
  244. # Directory Shortcut Statements
  245. #
  246. # Enter Any Valid Path To The Right Of The Equals Sign
  247. # To Associate A Function Key With That Directory Path
  248. #
  249. #####
  251. # DIRSC1 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  252. # DIRSC2 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  253. # DIRSC3 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  254. # DIRSC4 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  255. # DIRSC5 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  256. # DIRSC6 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  257. # DIRSC7 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  258. # DIRSC8 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  259. # DIRSC9 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  260. # DIRSC10 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  261. # DIRSC11 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  262. # DIRSC12 = /path/to/a/directory/or/drive
  265. ##############################################################################
  268. #####
  269. # Example 'twander' Configuration File
  270. #####
  272. # To easily enable this example configuration, globally
  273. # replace the string: "#-# " with a null or blank string.
  275. #-# # Special variable(s) used below to trigger conditional logic
  276. #-#
  277. #-# # If you comment out or remove the following statement, the command
  278. #-# # associated with the = key (dd) disappears.
  279. #-#
  280. #-# POWERUSER = Anything-You-Want
  281. #-#
  282. #-#
  283. #-# # Override the default colors
  284. #-#
  285. #-# BCOLOR = beige
  286. #-# FCOLOR = black
  287. #-#
  288. #-# # We can set system options in a user-specific way
  289. #-# # by combining conditionals with environment variables
  290. #-#
  291. #-# .if [$USER] == root
  292. #-#
  293. #-# BCOLOR = red
  294. #-# FCOLOR = yellow
  295. #-#
  296. #-# .endif
  297. #-#
  298. #-# # We can also test for inequality in conditionals
  299. #-# # In this case, if we're not running as root,
  300. #-# # we'll override the help menu background color
  301. #-#
  302. #-#
  303. #-# .if [$USER]!= root
  304. #-# HBCOLOR = gray
  305. #-# .endif
  306. #-#
  307. #-# # User-defined variables make maintenance easier.
  308. #-# # Remember, that the variable name is case-sensitive.
  309. #-#
  310. #-# # We define some things in an OS-specific manner
  311. #-#
  312. #-#
  313. #-# # Definitions for Unix-like systems
  314. #-#
  315. #-#
  316. #-# .if [.OS] ==posix
  317. #-#
  318. #-# DELCMD = rm -i
  319. #-# DIRCMD = ls -al
  320. #-# EDITOR = [$EDITOR]
  321. #-# PAGER = [$PAGER]
  322. #-# QUOTE = '
  323. #-# SHELL = bash -c
  324. #-# TERMINAL = xterm -fn 10x20 -l -fb black -bg lightgreen
  325. #-# VSHELL = [XTERM] [SHELL]
  326. #-# XTERM = [TERMINAL] -e
  327. #-#
  328. #-# # We can nest conditionals too, for example ...
  329. #-#
  330. #-# GUI-Editor = Nope # Assume our editor is not GUI-aware
  331. #-#
  332. #-# .if [$EDITOR]== /usr/local/bin/emacs # But emacs is
  333. #-# GUI-Editor = Yup
  334. #-# .endif
  335. #-#
  336. #-# # Assign shortcuts for common Unix directories
  337. #-#
  338. #-# DIRSC1 = /etc
  339. #-# DIRSC10 = /usr/local/bin
  340. #-#
  341. #-# # Unix Wildcards
  342. #-#
  343. #-# WILDCARD = \.gz # Items containing the string: .gz
  344. #-# WILDCARD = rwx # Items containing the string: rwx
  345. #-#
  346. #-# # We can also have conditions which depend on whether a
  347. #-# # variable is defined or not - we don't care about its value
  348. #-#
  349. #-# .if [POWERUSER]
  350. #-# DD = [VSHELL] 'dd if={PROMPT:In File?} of={PROMPT:Out File?==>OutFile} | [$PAGER]'
  351. #-# .endif
  352. #-#
  353. #-# .endif
  354. #-#
  355. #-#
  356. #-# # Definitions for Win32 systems
  357. #-#
  358. #-# .if [.OS]==nt
  359. #-#
  360. #-# DELCMD = del /p
  361. #-# DIRCMD = dir
  362. #-# EDITOR = write
  363. #-# GUI-Editor = Yup
  364. #-# PAGER = more
  365. #-# SHELL =
  366. #-# QUOTE =
  367. #-# TERMINAL = cmd
  368. #-# VSHELL =
  369. #-# XTERM =
  370. #-#
  371. #-# # Assign shortcuts for common Win32 directories
  372. #-#
  373. #-# DIRSC1 = C:\Documents and Settings
  374. #-# DIRSC10 = C:\Program Files
  375. #-#
  376. #-# # Win32 Wildcards
  377. #-#
  378. #-# WILDCARD = \.txt # Items containing the string: .txt
  379. #-# WILDCARD = \.exe # Items containing the string: .exe
  380. #-# WILDCARD = SYSTEM # Items containing the string: SYSTEM
  381. #-#
  382. #-# .endif
  383. #-#
  384. #-#
  385. #-#
  386. #-# # Command definitions are in the general format:
  387. #-# #
  388. #-# # command-key command-name command-string
  389. #-# #
  390. #-# # command-keys are case sensitive. Any single
  391. #-# # character which can be typed from the keyboard can
  392. #-# # be used as a command key, *except* the '#' character
  393. #-# # (which is always seen as a comment delimiter) and
  394. #-#
  395. #-#
  396. #-# # Some commands run anywhere
  397. #-#
  398. #-# a anycmd [VSHELL] {PROMPT:Enter Command:}
  399. #-# d delete [XTERM] [DELCMD] [SELECTIONS]
  400. #-# l dir-list [VSHELL] [QUOTE] [DIRCMD] | [$PAGER] [QUOTE]
  401. #-# T new-terminal [TERMINAL]
  402. #-# V view [XTERM] [PAGER] [DSELECTIONS]
  403. #-#
  404. #-# # Finally, some commands are only defined under some conditions
  405. #-# # In the following example, variable DD is only defined
  406. #-# # for posix systems AND if the POWERUSER variable has
  407. #-# # been set - this is all defined in the posix-specific
  408. #-# # section above.
  409. #-#
  410. #-# .if [DD]
  411. #-#
  412. #-# = dd [DD]
  413. #-#
  414. #-# .endif
  415. #-#
  416. #-#
  417. #-#
  418. #-# # Some commands are condition-specific
  419. #-#
  420. #-# .if [GUI-Editor]== Yup
  421. #-# e edit [EDITOR] [SELECTIONS]
  422. #-# .endif
  423. #-#
  424. #-#
  425. #-# .if [GUI-Editor] !=Yup
  426. #-# e edit [XTERM] [EDITOR] [DSELECTIONS]
  427. #-# .endif
  428. #-#
  429. #-#
  430. #-# # End of sample twander configuration