- 'twander' QUICKSTART
- ====================
- Everyone seems to hate reading documentation, so this is a fast-track
- to getting started with 'twander'. However, a lot of time and
- skull-sweat went into writing THE DOCS and you really should take the
- time to read them if you want to truly understand this program and
- what it can do for you:
- - NOTE: 'twander' is a tool for experienced Power Users and
- Programmers. You need to understand the command shell and scripting
- on your system in order to effectively use the program. If you do
- not, you will become quickly frustrated with 'twander', so spare
- yourself the aggravation.
- - Unpack the distribution tarball someplace safe.
- - Installation is *manual*. The only exception is on FreeBSD where
- there is (or soon will be) a port for this program. The 'Makefile'
- in the distribution archive is only for the FreeBSD port and should
- not be used elsewhere. THE DOCS have a nice short section on
- installation on various OSs.
- - The example '.twander' configuration file has everything commented
- out. If you start the program with this configuration, *you will
- have no commands defined*. Several simple Command Definition
- examples can be found in this file, so you can get started quickly
- by uncommenting one or more of them. THE DOCS have a nice long
- section on writing command definitions.
- - There are a great many defaults for Key Bindings and Program Options
- which can be overriden in the Configuration File. The example
- '.twander' file provided in the distribution tarball lists every one
- of them (and their default value, if any) as a comment. The
- simplest way to change a default is to copy the relevant entry,
- uncomment, and edit that copy. That way you always have
- documentation about the default in your configuration. Details
- about each of these options can be found in THE DOCS.
- - This is a very powerful program with a nifty little macro language.
- You have to READ THE DOCS to really understand and exploit what's
- going on here.
- - You would be well served to join the 'twander-users' mailing list as
- documented in THE DOCS.