WHAT'S NEW twander 3.x: - Fixed a problem which caused User-Defined Commands to be processed with the CMDSHELL option when such commands were re-invoked via the Command History. The program now properly applies CMDSHELL processing (if enabled) *only* to manually entered commands. - Previous version allowed FONTDECR to set font sizes to 0 or even negative values. Feature is now checked to make sure a font size is never decremented below 1. - It is now possible to select items using a user-specified wildcard with the SELWILD feature. (default: Control-\) This feature makes the full power of Python regular expressions available for selecting the items desired. - The "escape" character to defeat CMDSHELL processing has been changed from '\' to '#'. This was done for two reasons. First, the backslash character may occasionally be necessary to escape the first letter of a command string. More importantly, the '#' is used to escape SELWILD processing. CMDSHELL was thus changed so both features which permit "escapes" would use the same character for consistency. - The Right-Hand Side (RHS) of all User-Settable options can now be blank. A blank RHS has the effect of "undefining" any change and the option in question just reverts to its default value. This makes option syntax consistent with other features such as Directory Shortcuts which use a blank RHS to "undefine" the entry. - Because the RHS of a String Option can now be blank, the "" construct is no longer necessary to disable CMDSHELL. An entry in the form 'CMDSHELL = ' will do. VERY IMPORTANT: if for some reason you have a line like 'CMDSHELL = ""' in your Configuration File, remove it! Otherwise a pair of double-quotes will be prepended to every RUNCMD you issue - almost certainly not what you want. - Removed the Numeric Options: MAXDIR, MAXDIRBUF, MAXHIST, and MAXHISTBUF. Replaced with a set of parameters common to all dynamic menus: MAXMENU and MAXMENUBUF. twander 3.0: - The licensing terms have been clarified. Non-Commercial use of the program is free with a $20 US per user donation recommended. This fee is mandatory for commercial users. - A Quick Start introduction to 'twander' is now included in the distribution. See 'READ-1ST.txt'. - *MANY* bug fixes and code cleanup including a nasty one with RH linux that prevented 'twander' from opening the user's home directory. - Most program features and options are now settable in the configuration file AND you can set your default twander command line arguments in an environment variable called TWANDER. The priority of options processing, from lowest to highest is: 1) Defaults coded into program 2) Options set in configuration file 3) Options set in environment variable 4) Options set on command line. - The -b, -f, -n, -w, -s, -x, -y command line options have been removed because these options are not settable as options in the configuration file. - Width/Height now default to 800 and 600 pixels respectively. Previous versions did not really count pixels correctly. You can also specify the starting position on screen in pixels. - You can now include references to any of the variable types in a manually entered command line. Syntax is the same as for command definitions in the configuration file. - Various help menus have been added. - Command History has been implemented and is available via a new menu. - There are now accelerator key and mouse shortcuts for each of the menus. - A new "Directory Shortcuts" feature has been added. You can specify up to 12 directories which will be preloaded into the Directory Menu (as if you'd already visited them) AND you can move to each of them via one of the Function keys. - twander debug facilities have been vastly improved. The -d command line argument now takes a mandatory "debug level" as an argument. This is a bitfield (which can be expressed in either decimal or hex) in which each bit indicates a kind of degbug output you'd like. - There is a new Built-In variable called [YESNO:some text]. It allows you to put a Yes/No popup during command execution. If the user presses "No", the command is aborted. - Since Win32 file/directory names are case-insensitive, twander now sorts them as such. Previously, 'ZEBRA' would appear before 'echo' in a twander display. - Most previous error conditions have been changed to warnings so that the program is more forgiving and will keep running after such a condition. - The various interactive popup dialogs allow intra-line editing with both the local conventions as well as emacs-style key editing. This was true previously, but was not documented. - If you are running on Win32 and have Mark Hammond's 'win32all' extensions installed, a number of Win32-specific features are enabled: a) You can now navigate ".." from root or use the Ctrl-k key to get a Drive List View of all available Win32 drives. b) The file/directory mode will be displayed showing Win32 attributes. c) The Win32 user/group names will appear for each displayed item, instead of "win32user" and "win32group". - You can now resize fonts while running 'twander' without having to change the respective configuration file parameters. Two new key assignments have been defined to increment or decrement font size. - You can use the CMDSHELL option to define a string that will be prepended to each manually entered command. The feature is off by default. If enabled, it can be suppressed by entering "\" as the first character in the manually entered command. This makes it easy to create a default visual/GUI context for each command you enter manually. - A new "Program Memory" feature is implemented which allows 'twander' to maintain up to 12 separate, simultaneous clipboard- like memories. These memories are used to compile names of files and directories which you would like to subsequently processs. There are 12 new corresponding Built-In Variables ([MEM1]-[MEM12]) which allow command definitions to access the contents of the memories - TundraWare Inc. is now running a 'twander-users' mailing list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ twander 2.34: Initial public release of program