waccess / waccess.1
@tundra tundra on 30 Aug 2002 2 KB Corrected copyright.
.TH waccess 1 TundraWare
waccess \- Quick And Dirty Web Log Analysis
waccess [-rs] string string ...

\'waccess\' is a quick way to check a web access log for particular
"hits" or accesses.  \'waccess\' will search the log looking for,
displaying, and counting all the accesses which contain any of the
strings you name on the command line.

\'waccess\' is not a replacement for a serious web log analysis tool,
but is useful for "quickie" lookups.

.B -f logfile
Allows you to specify the name of the access log to process, thereby
overriding the default (/var/log/httpd-access.log).

.B -r
Try to determine the hostname of each access by doing a reverse lookup
on the IP address. This forces the program to display each record as
it is discovered (the opposite of the -s option).

.B -s
Suppress display of the individual matching records and only show the
totals.  This forces the suppression of reverse lookups since they
wouldn't be displayed anyway (the opposite of the -r option).


You typically do not want your own addresses to appear in a web log
analysis.  \'waccess\' has some limited ability to ignore records
containing any one of a set of addresses (partial or complete IP
quads) you specify.  You do this by editing the \'IGNORED\' table in
the program.  Any address found in this table will be ignored by
'\waccess\' and never appear in the output. (However, records
containing one of these addresses do count toward the total records
processed count.)  By default, \'waccess\' ignores addresses in the
127.0.*.* and 192.168.0.* address spaces.


.B waccess myreport.pdf

Searches the web access log displaying all access records containing the
string \'myreport.pdf\'.  When log search is finished, \'waccess\' displays
the total number of records examined and how many matching entries were found.

.B waccess -r myreport.pdf

Searches the web access log displaying all access records containing the
string \'myreport.pdf\'.  This time, for each matching record, \'waccess\'
will try to figure out (and display) the hostname of the accessing machine 
via a reverse IP lookup.

.B waccess -s myreport.pdf

Look for and count records in the web access log containing \'myreport.pdf\',
but do not display them.  Only display the totals when the analysis is complete.

You must have a reasonably current copy of 'python' installed for \'waccess\'
to operate.

None known as of this release.

waccess is Copyright(c) 2001, 2002, TundraWare Inc.
For terms of use, see the waccess-license.txt file in the program distribution.
If you install waccess on a FreeBSD system using the 'ports' mechanism, you will
also find this file in /usr/local/share/doc/waccess.
Tim Daneliuk