#!/bin/sh # cvscreate.sh - Create And Checkin A New CVS Project # Copyright (c) 2012 TundraWare Inc,, Des Plaines, IL USA # $Id: cvscreate.sh,v 1.107 2012/06/09 01:55:04 tundra Exp $ ##### # Constants And Literals ##### # Organization Name ORGNAME="TundraWare" # Assumes that the containing directory name is the name # of the project PROJNAME=`basename $PWD` ##### # Process Command Line ##### if [ $# != 1 ] then echo "usage: cvscreate.sh 'Description of project'" exit 1 fi ##### # Create The Project ##### cvs import -m "$1" $PROJNAME $ORGNAME start ##### # Initialize The Revision Number ##### cvs co $PROJNAME cd $PROJNAME cvs commit -r1.100 -m 'Initial CVS checkin to initialize version number' ##### # Get Rid Of Sticky Tags ##### for f in `find ./ -type file | grep -v CVS` do cvs update -A $f done