mailfmt / mailfmt.1
@tundra tundra on 9 Oct 2002 2 KB Minor cosmetic/grammar changes.
.TH mailfmt 1 TundraWare
mailfmt \- Reformat mail/news to wrap lines and remove quotation characters
mailfmt [-ahiorv] [-c char] [-w num]
\'mailfmt\' is a Unix and Win32 tool for reformatting news and mail
messages.  It removes leading quotations strings (most often the \'>\'
character, but this is user selectable from the command line) and
wraps lines to a user specified width.  This allows news or mail 
messages which have been extensively forwarded and/or quoted to
be easily reformatted for ease of reading.

On Unix systems, \'mailfmt\' reads from stdin and writes to

On Win32 systems, \'mailfmt\' reads from the clipboard and
then writes the results to the clipboard.  This is really
handly if your are running a GUI mail client.  You cut
the desired text (thereby placing it on the clipboard).  Then
you run \'mailfmt\' - this is best done with a keyboard
shortcut - Then paste back to your mail client and,
voila!, your text has been reformatted.

On Win32 systems, the input and output can be reassigned to stdin and
stdout respectively, using the -i and -o options.

Normally, errors on a Win32 system will appear as GUI Message
Boxes.  If, however, you choose to output to stdout via the
-o option, all errors will be written there instead.

.B -a
Do not remove leading quotation characters. (Default: Remove 
leading quotation characters.)

.B -c character
Change the quotation character to \'char\'.  (Default: \'>\')

.B -h
Display help information.

.B -i
Get input from stdin.  On Unix systems, this is the only possible
option for input and need not be specified.  However, on Win32
systems, input to defaults to the clipboard.  This option overrides
that default allowing Win32 systems to read from stdin.

.B -o
Send output to stdout.  On Unix systems, this is the only possible
option for output and need not be specified.  However, on Win32
systems, output defaults to the clipboard.  This option overrides
that default allowing Win32 systems to write to stdout.

.B -r
Do not wrap lines to specified width. (Default: Wrap lines)

.B -v
Display detailed version information.

.B -w val
Set line wrapping width to \'val\'.  (Default: 75)

You must have a reasonably current copy of 'python' installed for \'mailfmt\'
to operate.

None known as of this release.  This is not beautiful code.  It is very
hackish in places. 

\'mailfmt\' is Copyright(c) 2002 TundraWare Inc.  For terms of use, see
the mailfmt-License.txt file in the program distribution.  If you
install \'mailfmt\' on a FreeBSD system using the 'ports' mechanism, you
will also find this file in /usr/local/share/doc/mailfmt.

Tim Daneliuk