Changed licensing terms.
1 parent 9375950 commit 217251bbc4cf361ac040eaaa28dcae2167139134
@root root authored on 6 Apr 2005
Showing 1 changed file
$Id: mkapachepw-license.txt,v 1.100 2005/03/31 23:12:16 tundra Exp $
$Id: mkapachepw-license.txt,v 1.101 2005/04/06 08:12:31 root Exp $
In order to use, study, modify, or copy 'mkapachepw', you must read
and agree to all the licensing terms below. If you do not agree with
or do not understand *ANYTHING* you see in this document, you are NOT
Permission is hereby granted to the User for the duplication and use
of 'mkapachepw' so long as ALL the following conditions are met:
a) There is no license fee for NON-COMMERCIAL use of
a) There is no license fee for NON-COMMERCIAL PERSONAL use of
'mkapachepw'. This means that the program may be used at no
cost in personal applications, legally recognized non-profit
organizations, legally recognized educational institutions,
and government organizations. Voluntary donations from such
users are accepted and encouraged. A donation of $25 US per
user is recommended and information on how to contribute can
be obtained by contacting
cost in personal applications only, and only if there is no
remuneration of any kind involved for its use, directly or
indirectly. Voluntary donations from such users are accepted
and encouraged. A donation of $25 US per user is recommended
and information on how to contribute can be obtained by
Use of 'mkapachepw' in FOR-PROFIT organizations, including
government contractors, requires a payment of $25 US per user.
For information on how to submit payment, please contact
Use of 'mkapachepw' for ANY OTHER PURPOSE requires the
purchase of a license. Contact for
current license and maintenance terms.
b) The User of 'mkapachepw' understands and agrees that this is
EXPERIMENTAL SOFTWARE which is provided "AS-IS" with no