pic-keypad / CHANGELOG

RCS file: RCS/keypad.asm,v
Working file: keypad.asm
head: 1.34
locks: strict
	tundra: 1.34
access list:
symbolic names:
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 11;	selected revisions: 11
PIC Based Keypad Decoding System
revision 1.34	locked by: tundra;
date: 2002/06/18 16:44:33;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -3
Fixed bug in serial output bit count setup.
revision 1.33
date: 2002/06/05 15:07:58;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -3
Changed keypad scan delay to a nominal 125ms.
revision 1.32
date: 2002/06/05 14:12:54;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +17 -2
Added a nominal 333ms delay between keyboard scans.  This is needed
to limit the keystroke repeat rate.
revision 1.31
date: 2002/05/29 17:22:02;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -3
Changed DEBOUNCE_TIME to maintain 5ms interval between debounce
read attempts.
revision 1.30
date: 2002/05/29 17:20:06;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -5
Changed basic TMR0 interval to 480us.
revision 1.24
date: 2002/05/28 19:06:36;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -2
Fixed bug in serial clocking to reset clock at the end of clocking
revision 1.23
date: 2002/05/28 19:03:00;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +41 -18
Added serial output logic.
revision 1.22
date: 2002/05/28 18:35:36;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +86 -29
Added logic to select serial or parallel output at init time.
Completed parallel output routine. Wrote skeleton of serial output
revision 1.21
date: 2002/05/28 15:47:18;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +11 -9
Cleaned up and added explanatory comments.
revision 1.2
date: 2002/05/28 15:18:33;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;  lines: +48 -13
Changed basic TMR0 interrupt interval to 1ms (previously 10ms).
Split key read into separate debounce and translate routines.
Debounce is now defined to be DEBOUNCE_COUNT consecutive reads
with no change on the keyboard.  A wait of DEBOUNCE_TIME TMR0
interrupt ticks is inserted between each keyboard read attempt.
revision 1.1
date: 2002/05/22 13:24:46;  author: tundra;  state: Exp;
Initial revision