RCS file: RCS/leddrvr.asm,v Working file: leddrvr.asm head: 1.13 branch: locks: strict tundra: 1.13 access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 13; selected revisions: 13 description: Driver code for homemade 7-segment display board. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 locked by: tundra; date: 2002/03/25 16:55:26; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +16 -10 Added code to keep TMR0 counting going during the TMR0 ISR. This keeps the timing much more accurate - i.e., 1ms/interrupt. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2002/03/25 15:42:18; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +71 -82 Restructured the LED display code to only compute the segments needed for the currently displayed LED. This eliminated the need for a 'bin2seg' subroutine and for the'digit0' array, but added a new 'temp' variable. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2002/03/23 02:56:28; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +135 -135 Reformated back to 8-wide tabs. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2002/03/20 18:57:34; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +163 -194 Changed some of the timing constants slightly. Cosmetic & formatting changes to use 4 wide tab stops. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2002/03/20 13:26:17; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +25 -17 Rewrote waiting routine to use TMR0 interrupt interval for timing. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2002/03/20 12:51:14; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +45 -6 Setup TMR0 for 1ms interrupts. Separated counting and binary-to-7segment conversion into two separate subroutines. Added code to prime TMR0 during initialization. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2002/03/19 17:47:26; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +46 -18 Changed display code to properly preserve state of unused bits of 'led_sel' port. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2002/03/18 19:29:12; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +39 -18 Broke wait logic into separate subroutine using a nested loop with counters is 'W' and 'wait_count'. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2002/03/18 17:35:41; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +42 -9 Enabled TMR0-driven interrupt servicing of the display. Added wait after count increment (to slow down display change) using 'loopcount' register variable. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2002/03/17 03:59:13; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +50 -73 Consolidated all initialization logic into a single subroutine. Cleaned up comments. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2002/03/17 03:45:23; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +57 -43 Rewrote display routine to display one digit per invocation, rotating from MSD to LSD. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2002/03/15 17:40:04; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +96 -40 Restructured code slighly to more cleanly separate counting from display. Changed counting routine to increment by one and return. Added scaffolding for interrupt handler yet to be finished. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2002/03/15 01:19:11; author: tundra; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================