RCS file: RCS/leddrvr2.asm,v Working file: leddrvr2.asm head: 2.4 branch: locks: strict tundra: 2.4 access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 8; selected revisions: 8 description: 2nd Generation driver for homemade 7-segment LED display board. ---------------------------- revision 2.4 locked by: tundra; date: 2002/05/02 19:25:21; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +17 -6 Reduced counting delay interval to 5ms. Cleaned up the initialization code to properly zero the count storage registers. ---------------------------- revision 2.3 date: 2002/04/02 16:29:32; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 Extended code to fully support 8 LEDs. ---------------------------- revision 2.2 date: 2002/04/02 15:20:27; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +18 -27 First working version of CD4094-based shift register implementation. ---------------------------- revision 2.1 date: 2002/03/29 15:37:07; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +90 -45 First cut of dual CD4094 hardware driver. ---------------------------- revision 2.0 date: 2002/03/28 18:21:37; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +1 -10 New branch introduced for CD4094 Shift-Register based hardware. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2002/03/28 18:00:57; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 Made changes to drive hybrid hardware using a 74164 serial shift register. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2002/03/28 12:04:28; author: tundra; state: Exp; lines: +28 -9 First implementation using shift-register for LED selection. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2002/03/27 10:03:27; author: tundra; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================