$Id: tconfpy-spec.txt,v 1.106 2004/03/21 12:44:57 tundra Exp $ tconfpy SPECIFICATION ===================== API === tconfpy.ParseConfig(FileName, InitialSymTbl, Debug=False, LiteralVars=False) ---> [SymTable, ErrorMsgs, WarningMsgs, DebugMsgs, LiteralLines] where, FileName ---> String InitialSymbolTbl ---> Dictionary in {varname:tconfpy.VarDescriptor, ...} format Debug ---> Turn on debug output. LiteralVars ---> Replace variable references in Literal Lines RETURN VALUES ------------- SymTable ---> {varname:tconfpy.VarDescriptor, ...} ErrorMsgs ---> List of Error Messages WarningMsgs ---> List of Warning Messages DebugMsgs ---> List of Debug Messages (empty if Debug=False) LiteralLines ---> Lines processed literally - w/vars replaced if LiteralVars=True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLE DESCRIPTOR =================== class VarDescriptor: # Default variable type is a writeable string with no constraints def __init__(self): self.Value = "" self.Writeable = True self.Type = TYPE_STRING self.Default = "" self.LegalVals = None self.Min = None self.Max = None Possible Types: TYPE_BOOL = type(True) TYPE_COMPLEX = type(1-1j) TYPE_FLOAT = type(3.14) TYPE_INT = type(1) TYPE_STRING = type('s')